Tag Archives: quota

Adding new project-level quota to Display & Video 360 API

On April 2, 2024, the Display & Video 360 API will institute a new project-level quota of 1500 total (read and write) requests per minute per project and 700 write requests per minute per project to help protect our infrastructure and improve the stability of the API for the overall community. All Display & Video 360 API requests that a project makes will count towards this new quota.

This new quota will replace the existing general request quota limits and be enforced along with existing advertiser-specific request quota limits.

Most existing projects don’t exceed the new quota limit, and thus don’t need adjustments. However, if your existing integration can make concurrent API requests to 5 or more advertisers, you are at risk of exceeding this new quota limit and should take the following actions:
  • Update the error handling of your Display & Video 360 API integration to reduce request frequency when receiving 429 error responses.
  • Consider using the Display & Video 360 API BigQuery connector to retrieve Display & Video 360 resource configuration settings in bulk.
See our quota optimization guide for more suggestions on how to further optimize your current integration.

If you have questions about this new quota, please contact us using our support contact form.

Changes coming to Display & Video 360 API in May and June 2023

Throughout May and June 2023, we will be making four changes in the Display & Video 360 API that may impact your integration. These changes and relevant dates are as follows, with links to further details:

With the announcement of these deprecations, we are launching a new Announced Deprecations page listing all announced deprecations and sunsets. This includes version deprecations and API-wide feature deprecations.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please contact us using our support contact form.