Tag Archives: query_language

Live Webinar: Intro to Reporting & the Google Ads Query Language

The Google Ads API Developer Relations team will be hosting a live webinar, Intro to Reporting & the Google Ads Query Language, on December 4 at 10 AM EST (3 PM GMT).

Mark your calendar

The webinar will cover the topics below and include code walkthroughs to demonstrate how to perform different actions with the Google Ads API client libraries. We will also host a live Q&A at the end.
  • Reporting in the Google Ads API vs. the AdWords API
  • Types of search requests you can perform with the Google Ads API
  • The syntax and structure of Google Ads Query Language queries
  • How to discover available fields to construct Google Ads Query Language queries
In order to get the most out of this webinar, we suggest you develop a basic understanding of the Google Ads API. To learn more, please visit our API Overview documentation or check out this Google Ads API Overview workshop from 2019. In addition, you may find this guide useful to learn about reporting with the Google Ads API, though much of this information will be covered in the webinar.

Feel free to add the event to your calendar. In addition, you can set a reminder for the event on YouTube by clicking the “Set reminder” button on the YouTube event page.

We look forward to sharing our knowledge of the Google Ads API with you and answering your questions. If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum or at [email protected].

Sunsetting the creation of target spend field for Maximize Clicks strategies in Google Ads API

On July 31st, 2019 we will begin to sunset the target spend field for Maximize Clicks bidding strategies in the API. This will affect all versions of both the AdWords API and Google Ads API. The following behaviors will be blocked:
  • Populating the target spend field on existing standard and portfolio strategies.
  • Attaching portfolio strategies that have the deprecated field set to campaigns.
Later this year, our systems will start ignoring the target spend field and instead use your daily budget to manage spend. In order to prepare for this change, you should start using your budgets to specify how much you’d like to spend for Maximize Clicks bidding strategies and migrate your campaigns off this field today.

Read on to see how this will affect your API usage.
Affected Target Spend Fields
Google Ads API campaign.target_spend.target_spend_micros
AdWords API Campaign.BiddingStrategyConfiguration.TargetSpendBiddingScheme.spendTarget

Change Description
Any mutate operations that set a target spend field for the first time will return an error. You will be able to update a target spend field that currently contain a value, but you cannot set previously empty fields to a new value. Additionally, any operation attaching a bidding strategy to a campaign, where that bidding strategy has a value set for a target spend field, will throw an error. To manage Target Spend on any new campaigns, we recommend using a campaign budget. In each of these disallowed cases an error will be thrown.

Performing any of the disallowed actions above will generate one of the following errors:
If you have any questions about this change or any other API feature, please contact us via the forum.

Introducing the Google Ads Query Builder tool

Today we are excited to announce that the Google Ads Query Builder tool is now available on the Google Ads API Developer Site.

The Google Ads API has a robust reporting system that utilizes our new Google Ads Query Language. The language’s syntax allows you to select from all the resources that are available for reporting, and also filter or sort the result set on the server before they are returned to your application.

This tool provides a friendly web interface for you to explore our API’s reporting capabilities, and generate queries that you can copy and paste right into your applications. You can visit the site and try out the tool today!

Example usage of the Google Ads Query Builder: A screenshot showing a sample usage of the Google Ads Query Builder UI, including both filtering and ordering. Happy reporting!