Tag Archives: network

A New Library for Network Optimization

Networks are all around us from the electrical circuits inside our computers to the multitude of internet servers that route packets of data around the globe. Even the web itself is a network of pages connected to each other by a myriad of blue links.

A network of rubber bands on a wooden pegboard

A network's structure is referred to as its topology. Network topologies can be physical or logical, centralized or decentralized, and fully or partially connected. Given a network with n nodes, the number of possible topologies grows exponentially with n; even just a dozen nodes admit nearly a trillion trillion possible configurations!

The network-opt logo

We are pleased to announce the open source release of network-opt, a C++ library that supports the optimization of network topologies. Using sophisticated techniques for combinatorial search, this algorithm can efficiently construct instances from a family of so-called series-parallel networks that commonly arise in electrical and telecommunications applications. For example, given 15 1-Ω resistors and a target resistance of π Ω, our tool can produce a circuit that achieves six digits of precision:

A 15-element circuit composed of 1-ohm resistors

For more details, refer to our paper: "Search Strategies for Topological Network Optimization," appearing this month at the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22).

By Michael D. Moffitt, Core Enterprise Machine Learning

Updates on the Tsunami Security Scanning Engine

Several months ago, we open sourced the Tsunami security scanner: a false-positive-free infrastructure scanning engine focusing on high severity, actively exploited vulnerabilities. Today, we are releasing the first major update for Tsunami.

In the last few months, we have done a lot of work in the background to prepare Tsunami for the next step and focused on the following:
  • Vulnerability research: In order to keep Tsunami's detection capabilities up-to-date, we kicked-off various projects to research the exploitation of vulnerabilities in the wild. We will soon publish more information about our initiatives in this space—stay tuned.
  • New detection capabilities: Based on our research, we have added 15 new detector plugins to Tsunami for actively exploited vulnerabilities.
  • Continuous Integration pipeline for our open-source builds: We set up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically mirrors and tests changes between our internal version management system and the open source repository. This will enable us to easily merge internal and external contributions.
  • Test bed for end-to-end testing: This summer we hosted an intern (Yuxin Wu), who built and open-sourced a test bed for Tsunami. The test bed can automatically deploy arbitrary versions of off-the-shelf software based on docker images. We are using the test bed to automatically check whether a Tsunami detector is working for all vulnerable versions of a software and keeps functioning for future versions.
  • Web application fingerprinting: We added Web application fingerprinting capabilities to Tsunami. Tsunami, now detects popular off-the-shelve Web applications. This information can be used by Tsunami for more precise and less intrusive vulnerability verification. Furthermore, it enables security teams to build a software inventory based on Tsunami scans. We'll keep working on refining our fingerprinting approach and extending our fingerprinting database.

Today, we are releasing the new detectors and the fingerprinting capabilities. You can find the new detectors and the web fingerprinter in our plugin repository.

If you are adopting Tsunami within your organization and if you have questions or would like to contribute, feel free to contact us at any time at [email protected].

By Guoli Ma, Claudio Criscione & Sebastian Lekies, Vulnerability Management Team

Tsunami: An extensible network scanning engine for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence

We have released the Tsunami security scanning engine to the open source communities. We hope that the engine can help other organizations protect their users’ data. We also hope to foster collaboration, and encourage the security community to create and share new detectors on top of Tsunami.

When an attacker begins to exploit security vulnerabilities or security misconfigurations, such as weak passwords, an organization needs to react quickly in order to protect potentially vulnerable assets. With attackers increasingly investing in automation, the time window to react to a newly released, high severity vulnerability is usually measured in hours. This poses a significant challenge for large organizations with thousands or even millions of internet-connected systems. In such hyperscale environments, security vulnerabilities must be detected and, ideally, remediated in a fully automated fashion. To make this possible, information security teams need to be able to roll out detectors for novel security issues at scale in a very short amount of time. Furthermore, it is important that the detection quality is consistently very high. To handle these challenges, we created Tsunami: an extensible network scanning engine for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence.

Google leverages Google's Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to continuously scan and protect all of our externally facing systems with the Tsunami scanning engine. When scanning a system, Tsunami executes a two-step process:
  1. Reconnaissance: In the first step, Tsunami detects open ports; then subsequently identifies protocols, services, and other software running on the target host using a set of fingerprinting plugins. To avoid reinventing the wheel, Tsunami leverages existing tools such as nmap for some of these tasks.
  2. Vulnerability verification: Based on the information gathered through reconnaissance, Tsunami selects all vulnerability verification plugins matching the identified services. To confirm that a vulnerability indeed exists Tsunami executes a fully working, benign exploit.
In its initial version, Tsunami ships with detectors for the following security issues:
  • Exposed sensitive UIs: Applications such as Jenkins, Jupyter, and Hadoop Yarn ship with UIs that allow a user to schedule workloads or to execute system commands. If these systems are exposed to the internet without authentication, attackers can leverage the functionality of the application to execute malicious commands.
  • Weak credentials: Tsunami uses other open source tools such as ncrack to detect weak passwords used by protocols and tools including SSH, FTP, RDP, and MySQL.
In the coming months, we plan to release many more detectors for vulnerabilities similar to remote code execution (RCE). Furthermore, we are working on several other new features that will make the engine more powerful and easier to use and extend.

In order to make contributions easy, we split our codebase into two Github Repositories:
  1. A repository for the main scanning engine
  2. A repository for Tsunami scanning plugins
If you have any questions or if you would like to contribute, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

By Guoli Ma, Claudio Criscione & Sebastian Lekies, Vulnerability Management Team