Tag Archives: ad_manager_api

Announcing v202411 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202411 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, November 21, 2024. This release brings support for INVENTORY_FORMAT reporting dimensions and removes GOOGLE as a GrpProvider.

In the PublisherQueryLanguageService Line_Item table, the field EndDateTime has been renamed to ServingEndTime. In both v202411 and earlier versions, the value is inclusive of any grace period. The new name differentiates the PQL field from the LineItem.endDateTime field which is exclusive of any grace period.

Version Service End time including grace period End time excluding grace period
v202411 PublisherQueryLanguageService ServingEndTime Not available
LineItemService endDateTime + autoExtensionDays endDateTime
v202408 PublisherQueryLanguageService EndDateTime Not available
LineItemService endDateTime + autoExtensionDays endDateTime

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

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Announcing v202408 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202408 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, August 21, 2024. This release brings support for setting contextual targeting with ContentLabelTargeting and VerticalTargeting. It also adds AdsTxtService for reading MCM supply chain diagnostics.

In reporting, the VIDEO_PLACEMENT_NAME dimension has been replaced by the VIDEO_PLCMT_NAME dimension which reflects the updated IAB definition.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Announcing v202405 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202405 of the Google Ad Manager API is available today. This release brings support for contextual targeting.

It also includes a number of deprecations, such as the removal of the ActivityService, ActivityGroupService, and ACTIVITY reporting dimensions to support the Spotlight deprecation.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Feel free to contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Announcing v202402 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202402 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, February 13, 2024. This release brings support for gross revenue metrics in reporting as well as new error messages to support the Spotlight deprecation.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Feel free to contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Announcing v202311 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202311 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, November 8, 2023. This release brings support for marketplace ID on Proposals and consolidates MCM Child Network information in the Company object, removing the Network.childPublishers field.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Feel free to contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Announcing v202308 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202308 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, August 23, 2023. This release brings support for new ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings providers.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Feel free to contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Announcing v202305 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're pleased to announce that v202305 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today, May 23rd. This release brings support for new DAI ingestion statuses and removes deprecated SPM reporting dimensions.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Feel free to contact us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.

Removing support for PHP 7 in the Google Ad Manager SOAP API Client Library for PHP

In August 2023, the Google Ad Manager SOAP API Client Library for PHP will start requiring PHP version 8.0 or higher. The version of the client library that adds support for Google Ad Manager API v202305 will be the last version that supports PHP 7. We’ll still fix security issues for this client library version until Google Ad Manager API v202305 is sunset, but no new features will be added.

All PHP 7 versions reached their end of life in 2022. The PHP development team no longer provides security fixes for these versions, so we highly recommend migrating to newer versions as soon as possible.

Here are useful resources to help with the PHP migration:

If you have any questions regarding this change, feel free to comment directly on the GitHub issue.

Ad Manager API v202205 sunset and v202202 extension

On Wednesday, May 31, 2023, in accordance with the deprecation schedule, v202205 of the Ad Manager API will sunset. At that time, any requests made to this version will return errors.

Additionally, support for Ad Manager API v202202 is being extended until the same date, May 31, 2023. We've heard from a number of users that they need additional time to complete the Ad Exchange Historical report migration. Note that v202202 is the last version with support for Ad Exchange Historical reports.

When you’re ready to upgrade, check the full release notes to identify any breaking changes. Here are a few examples of changes that may impact your applications:

  • v202211
    • Replaced the string field thirdPartyImpressionTrackingUrl with the list field thirdPartyImpressionTrackingUrls for multiple creative types including ImageCreative. Currently only a single URL may be provided in the list.
    • Removed support for OPTIMIZATION reporting columns.

As always, feel free to contact us on the developer forum with any questions.