Now live: Online practice exam for Cloud Architect certification

You’ve heard that old joke, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”

Practice, practice, practice. 

In that spirit, we’ve launched an online practice exam to help you determine your readiness for our professional-level Cloud Architect certification exam. Even if you have years of industry experience and taken all the right training courses, you now have a quick way to gauge whether you’re ready to be certified as a Cloud Architect.

The practice exam gives you 20 multiple-choice questions similar to those you might find on the actual exam. Once you complete it, we tell you which questions you answered correctly and incorrectly, so you can get a sense of how much more you need to prepare.

Here’s a sample question. The diagram below shows a typical CI/CD pipeline. Which GCP services should you use in boxes 1, 2, and 3?

That was a snap, right? Want to try some more? The practice exam is on our website and it’s available at no charge. Unlike an actual exam, there is no time limit; however, we do recommend you check yourself at 45 minutes to simulate exam conditions. Keep in mind that the actual Cloud Architect certification exam has more questions and lasts up to 120 minutes.

And no, the practice exam questions do not appear on the certification exam, although they are closely aligned.

So go ahead and take the Cloud Architect certification practice exam. You’ll be one step closer to Carnegie Hall.