Kubernetes has hit an important milestone — version 1.3 — and Google Container Engine, our managed version thereof, is moving along with it.
What does this latest version mean for Kubernetes users and GKE shops? Google Developer Advocate Carter Morgan takes a stab at laying it all out in this deck.
Meanwhile, the Kubernetes community is busy building out a collection of resources that show users how to use Kubernetes effectively. Just getting started? Arun Gupta of Couchbase has a tutorial to help you get started. You might also want to take a step back and read the paper on Kubernetes design patterns that Google’s Brendan Burns presented at Usenix last month.
For shops that are already all-in with Kubernetes, Google’s Kelsey Hightower presents on using Kubernetes to manage Redis, Java developer Eduard Kaiser digs deep into the Kubernetes Ingress Controller and Sandeep Dinesh tells us about how to get the new Docker Swarm up and running on GKE.
With this kind of momentum, it’s no surprise that the number of companies running on top of Kubernetes is starting to pile up. Check out the conversation on HackerNews about the good stuff that Kubernetes does for IT operations. Or The New Stack’s write-up about WePay, a PCI-certified credit card processing provider that has adopted containers and Kubernetes as it moves to microservices. And online gaming provider Rayark, whose smash-hit VOEZ runs almost entirely out of GKE (its Redis database runs in VMs on Google Compute Engine).
But we’re not done yet. Close your eyes and imagine a world where Kubernetes is running on Microsoft Azure. Now, open them and check out Kelsey Hightower’s demo of Kubernetes 1.4 running on Microsoft Azure. And be sure to sign up for our upcoming GKE usability study! Why stand by idly and watch, when you can shape the future directly?