Equipping teachers with the knowledge, resources and support to teach computer science (CS) has never been more important. Google continues to support CS education in Australia and New Zealand with the 2019 Educator Professional Development Grants.
Past awardees have reached over 15,000 teachers throughout Australia and New Zealand, which in turn impacts over 390,000 students.
When Mountain Creek State High School in Queensland received their first Google funded professional development (PD) grant 4 years ago, there were no PD opportunities in the Sunshine Coast region. Since then, more than 1,100 local teachers have received quality training in areas such as robotics, computational thinking and skills development through these workshops.
Last year, 120 teachers from the region attended the school’s workshop, focused on introducing robotics and computational thinking for primary and secondary schools.
Workshop organiser and teacher Graeme Breen said these workshops are a launchpad for teachers to further engage with technology: “The participation by these schools in robotics comps such as Sumo and FIRST LEGO League is really strong evidence that teachers and schools are keen, but perhaps just need some assistance getting started, which Google funding of this event provides.”
These workshops have been pivotal not only for the teachers that attend but also for the growth of opportunities for their schools, and the attendees were "excited to see what it will look like for students across the region".
We’re excited to announce the 2019 CS Educator Grants Awardees, who will continue to motivate and inspire educators.
2019 CS Educator Grants Funding Recipients Australia:
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Data Science Education Institute
- Coding and Innovation Hub
- Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria
- Dowerin District High School
- Emanuel School
- Goodna State School
- James Cook University
- John Monash Science School
- Joondalup Education Support Centre
- Macquarie University
- Murray Bridge High School
- Nazareth Catholic College
- NSW Department of Education (SISP)
- Our Lady of Mercy Catholic College
- Port Macquarie Adventist School
- Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education
- Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education Far North Queensland
- RDA Hunter
- The University of Adelaide
- The University of Newcastle
- SMART Program (University of Newcastle)
- The University of Western Australia
Congratulations to this year's awardees - we can't wait to see how you make an impact!