Committing to the YouTube Data API v3

Since the YouTube Data API v3 launch in 2012, many of you have used the v3 API to create integrations like Next Big Sound and Interesante.

The YouTube Data API v3 is now on the list of APIs identified in our deprecation policy, which means we will notify developers a year in advance before deprecating v3. Note, however, that some specific v3 features are excluded from this notice requirement. You can find the list here. As a reminder, v3 gives you the ability to get information about Freebase topics associated with the videos, more search features, improved client libraries support and much more.

To focus on improving v3, it’s time to say goodbye to our old friend, v2. In keeping with deprecation policy, most API functionality will remain available for use until April 20, 2015, so you have more than a year to move to the new API. See the deprecation policy in the Terms of Service for more details.

While v3 offers the majority of v2 functionality, there are currently a couple of tasks that can only be done with the older API. Specifically, applications that manage captions or that work with video comments still need to use the v2 API until modern equivalents are available. Our goal is to provide similar functionality well before the April 2015 shut-off date—please subscribe to this blog, the YouTube Data API v3 revision history page, or follow +YouTubeDev on Google+ to keep up-to-date.

If you’re a v2 developer who’s looking for help migrating to v3, the best place to start is with our documentation and FAQs. We've also made several videos that explain v3 concepts, such as registering for API access and handling authorization with OAuth 2.0.
