Code the Road Europe Recap: Our first stop in Tel Aviv

We had a fantastic start to our ‘Code the Road’ Europe tour at the Google Tel Aviv Campus. We were thrilled to have so many enthusiastic developers to help kick off our first event.

It was great to be in Tel Aviv to feel the excitement and energy of their thriving startup community and to see how these talented developers were using location and Google Maps APIs in their applications.

There we brought a Maps Dive gaming experience to the campus area as well as a full-size copy our Code the Road 1970s Volkswagen Tour bus. (The actual bus and the trailer were waiting for us in Berlin for our next stop on the 12th of November)

For our first talk, Ed Parsons, Geospatial Technologist, Google Maps, gave a talk titled "Everything, everywhere: The evolving world of ambient location.” Next up was, Enoch Lau, Technical Lead, Javascript Maps API, who gave some tricks and tips to make Google Maps APIs run even smoother.

We also welcomed Lidor Dvir, Head of Development from Gett who shared a talk titled "Using Google Maps API to build a multi-million user product". Lidor presented on how Gett uses multiple Google Maps APIs on multiple platforms to help both users and businesses get where they need to go and get the things they need. He described how the Google Maps Places API, Directions API and Roads APIs helps users easily find the places they need to go and the best way to get there. They also use heat maps, marker clustering, customize markers and animations to layer information on the map in beautiful visualizations.

We spent the afternoon with a packed house for Codelab were we built a ‘Munro bagging’ Android app on Google Maps and Google Cloud Platform. We had a great time working with the developers helping them with the app.

Tel Aviv was just the start of our journey. The next stop was Berlin!

Posted by Tobias Espig, Head of Global Field Marketing, Google Maps APIs