Whether your application is lift-and-shift or cloud-native, administrators and developers want to provide simple protected application access for only those corporate users that should have access to it.
At Google Cloud Next '17 last month, we launched Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP), which controls access to cloud applications running on Google Cloud Platform by verifying a user’s identity and determining whether that user is allowed to access the application.
Cloud IAP acts as the internet front end for your application, and you gain the benefits of group-based access control to your application and TLS termination and DoS protections from Google Cloud Load Balancer, which underlies Cloud IAP. Users and developers access the application as a public internet URL — no VPN clients to start up or manage.
With Cloud IAP, your developers can focus on writing custom code for their applications and deploy it to the internet with more protection from unauthorized access simply by selecting the application and adding users and groups to an access list. Google takes care of the rest.
How Cloud IAP works
As an administrator, you enable Cloud IAP protections by synchronizing your end-users’ identities to Google’s Cloud Identity Solution. You then define simple access policies for HTTPs web applications by selecting the users and groups who should be able to access them. Your developers, meanwhile, write and deploy HTTPs web applications to the internet behind Cloud Load Balancer, which passes incoming requests to Cloud IAP to perform identity checks and apply access policies. If the user is not yet signed-in, they're prompted to do so before the policy is applied.Cloud IAP is ideal if you need a fast and reliable way to access your applications more securely. No more hiding behind walled gardens of VPNs. Take advantage of Cloud IAP and let developers do what they're good at, while giving security teams the peace of mind of increased protection of valuable enterprise data.
Cloud IAP is one of the suite of tools that enables you to implement the context-aware secure access described by Google’s BeyondCorp. You should also consider complementing Cloud IAP access control with phishing protection provided by our Security Key Management feature.