Announcing v201911 of the Google Ad Manager API

We're happy to announce that v201911 of the Google Ad Manager API is available starting today. This version brings new reporting and video features, unlocking new possibilities for automation in your Ad Manager network.

  • We’re improving our reporting error messages so that you can better understand what went wrong in a number of situations, including when a report has an invalid date range.
  • You can now break down reports by CMS Metadata, which was added as a targeting option in v201902 of the Ad Manager API.
  • On video line items, you can now read and write customVastExtension, which provides access to XML extensions that are part of the VAST specification (both v3 and v4).
  • For further configurability of Dynamic Ad Insertion, you can now set the mediaPlaylistOriginForwardingType and mediaPlaylistOriginPathPrefix fields on CdnConfigurations.

If you’re on an older version of the Ad Manager API, now is a great time to upgrade to take advantage of these and other recent features like the TargetingPresetService, which was added in v201905. The release notes contain the full list of API changes for v201911 and all other active API versions.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forum with any API-related questions.