Announcing the Google Cloud Platform Podcast

The Google Cloud Platform team is constantly updating and releasing new products, and sometimes there isn’t enough time in the day to sit down in front of a screen and read through everything.

We’re fixing that with the Google Cloud Platform Podcast  where you can listen to all the new and exciting things that are happening on Google Cloud during your commute, at the gym, mowing the lawn, cooking dinner, or whenever you feel the desire to learn something new about our platform.
Google Cloud Platform Developer Advocates (left to right) Mark Mandel and Francesc Campoy

This weekly production is hosted by myself, Mark Mandel and my partner in crime Francesc Campoy. We are two members of the Google Cloud Platform Developer Advocacy team.

The show includes a weekly news roundup and community contributed questions, deep dives into interesting technical topics, such as Big Data, Kubernetes and HTTP/2, interviews with Google Cloud product managers  most recently Ram Ramanathan for the Cloud Vision API and Chris Sells for Developer Experience  and conversations with customers such as Shine Technologies to see how they're using Cloud Platform in the wild.

You can subscribe to the podcast to listen to all the episodes already published as well as those to come via RSS and iTunes.

We’ve got big plans for more upcoming episodes, so stay tuned!

- Posted by Mark Mandel, Developer Advocate and Francesc Campoy Flores, Developer Advocate