Tag Archives: google_ads_api

Performance Max Guide Enhancements

Today, we are pleased to announce several guide enhancements to improve the experience of creating, managing and reporting on Performance Max campaigns with the Google Ads API.

Improving Performance Max integrations Blog Series

This article is part of a series that discusses new and upcoming features that you have been asking for. Keep an eye out for further updates and improvements on our developer blog, continue providing feedback on Performance Max integrations with the Google Ads API, and as always, contact our team if you need support.

Google Ads API v13 sunset reminder

Google Ads API v13 will sunset on January 31, 2024. After this date, all v13 API requests will begin to fail. Please migrate to a newer version prior to January 31, 2024 to ensure your API access is unaffected.

We've prepared various resources to help you with the migration: In addition, using the Google Cloud Console, you can view the list of methods and services to which your project recently submitted requests:
  1. Open the Dashboard page (found under APIs & Services) in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Click on Google Ads API in the table.
  3. On the METRICS subtab, you should see your recent requests plotted on each graph. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the Methods table, where you can see which methods you’ve sent requests to. The method name includes a Google Ads API version, a service, and a method name, e.g., google.ads.googleads.v13.services.GoogleAdsService.Mutate. In this way, you can see all versions that you’ve used recently.
  4. (Optional) Click on the time frame at the top right of the page if you need to change it.
If you have questions while you’re upgrading, please reach out to us on the forum or at [email protected].

Python Version Support in the Google Ads API Client Library

In June 2023, support for Python 3.7 was deprecated in the Google Ads API Client Library for Python. In Q1 2024, a major version of the library will be released that makes it incompatible with Python 3.7. Library changes related to compatibility with Python 3.7 will be limited to critical security or stability patches.

Google Ads API users who depend on Python 3.7 can continue using version 22.1.0 of the library, which includes API v15 support, until v15 of the is sunset in September 2024. All Python users should upgrade to Python 3.8 or higher as soon as possible.

In the future, Python users should expect that the library will become incompatible with unsupported versions of Python as soon as they reach end-of-life status. When Python 3.8 becomes unsupported in October 2024, a major version of the library will be released that is incompatible with Python 3.8. At least two months before a Python version deprecation, we will publish a blog post to help remind users of the change.

The below resources are available to help users plan ahead for future language support removal: If you have any questions about this change, please file an issue on the client library repository on GitHub.

Google Ads API 2024 release and sunset schedule

We’re announcing our tentative 2024 release and sunset schedule for upcoming versions of the Google Ads API to bring greater clarity to your planning cycle. Please keep in mind that these dates are only estimates and may be adjusted going forward. Additionally, releases may be added, removed, or switched between major and minor versions.
Version Planned Release
Projected launch* Projected sunset*
V16 Major January/February 2024 January 2025
V16.1 Minor April/May 2024 January 2025
V17 Major May/June 2024 May 2025
V17.1 Minor July/August 2024 May 2025
V18 Major September/October 2024 September 2025

*Estimated and subject to change

Where can I learn more? Check back for any updates as the blog is the best place to stay informed about developments in this space.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

Performance Max: Create Search Themes beta with the Google Ads API

What’s New

The recently announced search themes beta feature for Performance Max campaigns lets you provide Google AI with valuable inputs about your customers and business to further optimize Performance Max campaign serving and placement. Beginning in Google Ads API v15, you can create search themes for Performance Max campaigns with the API.

How It Works

  • Search themes beta lets you indicate queries that you know your customers are looking for. They are optional and are additive to what queries Performance Max would match by using your URLs, assets, and more.
  • You can add up to 25 search themes per asset group.
  • Search themes will respect brand exclusions in Performance Max and account-level negative keywords. You can configure brand exclusions through campaign criteria using the BRAND criterion type. Similarly, account-level negative keywords are configured at a customer level using CustomerNegativeCriterionService and the NegativeKeywordList criteria.
  • Results driven from search themes will bring your customers to the landing pages you’ve indicated with your Final URL expansion, page feeds, or URL settings. Final URL expansions can be enabled or disabled with url_expansion_opt_out.
  • Search themes will have the same prioritization as your phrase match and broad match keywords in your Search campaigns.
  • You’ll be able to see the search categories that your ads matched to, and associated conversion performance, in your search terms insights at both the campaign and account levels with the campaign_search_term_insight and customer_search_term_insight reports. You can also view search term insights for custom date ranges, download your data, and access it using the API.

Implementation Details

In the Google Ads API, a search theme is a type of AssetGroupSignal, which can be attached to Performance Max campaigns at the asset group level. You can add a search theme to an asset group by creating an AssetGroupSignal and populating the

AssetGroupSignal.search_theme with a SearchThemeInfo criterion containing a text string representing your search theme, for example, "activities for children". In addition, you must populate the AssetGroupSignal.asset_group with the resource name of an existing asset group you are targeting.

Here is a Java example for creating a search theme asset group signal:

// Creates a search theme asset group signal.
AssetGroupSignal assetGroupSignal =
            SearchThemeInfo.newBuilder().setText("activities for children").build())

You can add multiple asset group signals to a single asset group by creating multiple AssetGroupSignal objects targeting the same asset group. However, each AssetGroupSignal object can only represent a single search theme or audience signal.


You can use the asset_group_signal resource to get the search themes present in a Google Ads account. While performance metrics are currently available at the asset group level, they are not available at the asset group signal level.

Here is a GAQL example to retrieve search theme texts for a specific asset group:

FROM asset_group_signal
  asset_group.id = <Asset Group ID>

Policy Exemptions

In v15 of the Google Ads API, we also introduced two new fields to provide additional information about search_theme approval: asset_group_signal.approval_status and asset_group_signal.disapproval_reasons. Search theme text must be approved by Google. The asset_group_signal.approval_status field provides information about the approval status, and if the search theme text is not approved, the asset_group_signal.disapproval_reasons field lists the reasons why.

Here is a GAQL example to retrieve search theme texts with policy review information for a specific asset group:

FROM asset_group_signal 
  asset_group.id = <Asset Group ID>

If your search theme text is not approved, and you believe the usage adheres to Google’s policies, you can submit a policy exemption request for the search theme that triggered the policy violation.

For example, if your search theme contains medical terms, and you believe the usage of the terms adheres to Google Ads policies and warrants further review, you can use the AssetGroupSignalOperation.exempt_policy_violation_keys[] field to request a policy exemption.

Improving Performance Max integrations Blog Series

This article is part of a series that discusses new and upcoming features that you have been asking for. Keep an eye out for further updates and improvements on our developer blog, continue providing feedback on Performance Max integrations with the Google Ads API, and as always, contact our team if you need support.

If you are new to Performance Max Campaigns, you can learn more with our getting started guide. Check out our asset groups and asset group signals guides to learn more.

Store Sales Direct Uploads Not Supported in the Google Ads API

As of early October 2023, Google no longer supports Store Sales Direct (SSD) as a standalone product, and therefore SSD conversion upload requests to the Google Ads API are also no longer supported.

Users who were previously allowlisted for this feature will now receive a NOT_ON_ALLOWLIST_FOR_STORE_SALES_DIRECT error when attempting to upload SSD conversions. Existing SSD conversions will continue to be available in reports.

The removal of SSD is part of a simplification of the overall Store Sales product. Users who previously relied on SSD should review the Store Sales onboarding guide to understand if they are eligible for ongoing store sales measurement. If eligible, work with your Google Ads account team to update the feature. Please reference our Upload Store Sales Conversions guide, which has been updated to reflect these changes.

If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact us through the forum or at [email protected] for additional help.

Upcoming changes to YouTube Select (YTS) in Reach Plan Service

We are expanding support for YouTube Select forecasting in ReachPlanService to additional markets on November 14, 2023. We introduced two new error codes in v15 of the Google Ads API to support these new markets.

Error code Reason
ReachPlanError.NOT_FORECASTABLE_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY There isn’t enough inventory available for forecast.
ReachPlanError.NOT_FORECASTABLE_ACCOUNT_NOT_ENABLED The account isn’t enabled.

Note: earlier versions of the Google Ads API that do not contain these error codes will throw a ReachPlanError.UNKNOWN error.

If you use this feature, make sure you update your code to handle these additional error codes before November 14, 2023.

For more information regarding Reach Forecasting, visit the Reach Forecasting guide. If you have any questions, please contact us through our support page or on the forum.

Updates to Customer Match, Conversions, and Store Sales Uploads

Google announced in September that there would be upcoming changes to support the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Google is releasing changes to the Google Ads API and the Display & Video 360 API as quickly as possible so that our developers have time to make application changes before DMA starts being enforced, expected March 6, 2024. Review the EU user consent policy for a reminder on our consent requirements for users in the European Economic Area.

What should I change for the Google Ads API?

The Google Ads API v15 release introduced the Consent object for uploading consent with your data. This Consent is used across all uploads for call conversions, click conversions , Customer Match, and Store Sales. Here is where to set the Consent for each feature.

Feature Code change
Call Conversions Set Consent for each call conversion event at CallConversion.consent. See the guide for details.
Click Conversions Set Consent for each click conversion event at ClickConversion.consent. See the guide for details.
Customer Match Set Consent for each Customer Match job at CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.consent. See the guide for details.
Store Sales Set Consent for each Store Sales event at UserData.consent. See the guide for details.

What should I change for the Display & Video 360 API?

The Display & Video 360 API will be releasing similar changes in the following months announced via this blog. Check back in the release notes for updates to existing versions and the Customer Match feature guide for updated implementation instructions.

Where can I get support?

If you have questions, reach out to us [email protected] for the Google Ads API or the support form for the Display & Video 360 API.

Announcing v15 of the Google Ads API

Today, we’re announcing the v15 release of the Google Ads API. To use some of the v15 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week.

Here are the highlights: Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us through the forum.

Changes in dynamic ad targets reporting

Starting on September 20, 2023, we’ve started rolling out a backend improvement on Google Ads dynamic ad targets reporting to include criteria that were removed and then added back as negative.

Before this change, report queries for web page criteria (that is, queries against the webpage_view resource) requesting historical data did not include criteria that were removed and then added back as negative.

This resulted in unexpected values in reports for the time frame when these criteria were accruing metrics (that is, when they were targeted and had negative = false), because the metrics they accrued in this time period were not returned in report query results.

The change only affects cases where a positive criterion was removed and added back as negative: all other criteria will return the same values they did before this change.

After this change is released, criteria metrics will take into account removed criteria and criteria that were re-added as negative.

Required actions

You don’t need to change anything in your GAQL queries; however, be aware that you may notice differences in criteria reporting after this change due to the correct values being reported.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.