As of early October 2023, Google no longer supports Store Sales Direct (SSD) as a standalone product, and therefore SSD conversion upload requests to the Google Ads API are also no longer supported.
Users who were previously allowlisted for this feature will now receive a NOT_ON_ALLOWLIST_FOR_STORE_SALES_DIRECT error when attempting to upload SSD conversions. Existing SSD conversions will continue to be available in reports.
The removal of SSD is part of a simplification of the overall Store Sales product. Users who previously relied on SSD should review the Store Sales onboarding guide to understand if they are eligible for ongoing store sales measurement. If eligible, work with your Google Ads account team to update the feature. Please reference our Upload Store Sales Conversions guide, which has been updated to reflect these changes.
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact us through the forum or at [email protected] for additional help.