In AdWords you could choose to optimize your automated bidding on "Converted clicks" or "Conversions." AdWords recently announced that we're saying goodbye to "Converted clicks" in favor of “Conversions,” which offers much more flexibility and measurement options. As a result, we’re updating the API.
The conversionOptimizerMode attribute of the Customer.conversionTrackingSetting allowed you to set
Starting on September 21, 2016, all AdWords accounts will be automatically migrated to set
Prior to September 21, 2016, ensure your CustomerService mutate requests do not attempt to modify the value of conversionOptimizerMode. You can also migrate your accounts before the migration by setting
If you have any questions, please let us know on the forum.
The conversionOptimizerMode attribute of the Customer.conversionTrackingSetting allowed you to set
("Converted clicks") or MANY_PER_CLICK
("Conversions") at the account level.Starting on September 21, 2016, all AdWords accounts will be automatically migrated to set
, and new mutate operations to change this setting will fail with RequestError.INVALID_INPUT.Prior to September 21, 2016, ensure your CustomerService mutate requests do not attempt to modify the value of conversionOptimizerMode. You can also migrate your accounts before the migration by setting
.If you have any questions, please let us know on the forum.