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OSV and the Vulnerability Life Cycle

It is an interesting time for everyone concerned with open source vulnerabilities. The U.S. Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity requirements for vulnerability disclosure programs and assurances for software used by the US government will go into effect later this year. Finding and fixing security vulnerabilities has never been more important, yet with increasing interest in the area, the vulnerability management space has become fragmented—there are a lot of new tools and competing standards.

In 2021, we announced the launch of OSV, a database of open source vulnerabilities built partially from vulnerabilities found through Google’s OSS-Fuzz program. OSV has grown since then and now includes a widely adopted OpenSSF schema and a vulnerability scanner. In this blog post, we’ll cover how these tools help maintainers track vulnerabilities from discovery to remediation, and how to use OSV together with other SBOM and VEX standards.

Vulnerability Databases

The lifecycle of a known vulnerability begins when it is discovered. To reach developers, the vulnerability needs to be added to a database. CVEs are the industry standard for describing vulnerabilities across all software, but there was a lack of an open source centric database. As a result, several independent vulnerability databases exist across different ecosystems.

To address this, we announced the OSV Schema to unify open source vulnerability databases. The schema is machine readable, and is designed so dependencies can be easily matched to vulnerabilities using automation. The OSV Schema remains the only widely adopted schema that treats open source as a first class citizen. Since becoming a part of OpenSSF, the OSV Schema has seen adoption from services like GitHub, ecosystems such as Rust and Python, and Linux distributions such as Rocky Linux.

Thanks to such wide community adoption of the OSV Schema, is able to provide a distributed vulnerability database and service that pulls from language specific authoritative sources. In total, the database now includes 43,302 vulnerabilities from 16 ecosystems as of March 2023. Users can check OSV for a comprehensive view of all known vulnerabilities in open source.

Every vulnerability in contains package manager versions and git commit hashes, so open source users can easily determine if their packages are impacted because of the familiar style of versioning. Maintainers are also familiar with OSV’s community driven and distributed collaboration on the development of OSV’s database, tools, and schema.


The next step in managing vulnerabilities is to determine project dependencies and their associated vulnerabilities. Last December we released OSV-Scanner, a free, open source tool which scans software projects’ lockfiles, SBOMs, or git repositories to identify vulnerabilities found in the database. When a project is scanned, the user gets a list of all known vulnerabilities in the project.

In the two months since launch, OSV-Scanner has seen positive reception from the community, including over 4,600 stars and 130 PRs from 29 contributors. Thank you to the community, which has been incredibly helpful in identifying bugs, supporting new lockfile formats, and helping us prioritize new features for the tool.


Once a vulnerability has been identified, it needs to be remediated. Removing a vulnerability through upgrading the package is often not as simple as it seems. Sometimes an upgrade will break your project or cause another dependency to not function correctly. These complex dependency graph constraints can be difficult to resolve. We’re currently working on building features in OSV-Scanner to improve this process by suggesting minimal upgrade paths.

Sometimes, it isn’t even necessary to upgrade a package. A vulnerable component may be present in a project, but that doesn’t mean it is exploitable–and VEX statements provide this information to help in prioritization of vulnerability remediation. For example, it may not be necessary to update a vulnerable component if it is never called. In cases like this, a VEX (Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange) statement can provide this justification.

Manually generating VEX statements is time intensive and complex, requiring deep expertise in the project’s codebase and libraries included in its dependency tree. These costs are barriers to VEX adoption at scale, so we’re working on the ability to auto-generate high quality VEX statements based on static analysis and manual ignore files. The format for this will likely be one or more of the current emerging VEX standards.


Not only are there multiple emerging VEX standards (such as OpenVEX, CycloneDX, and CSAF), there are also multiple advisory formats (CVE, CSAF) and SBOM formats (CycloneDX, SPDX). Compatibility is a concern for project maintainers and open source users throughout the process of identifying and fixing project vulnerabilities. A developer may be obligated to use another standard and wonder if OSV can be used alongside it.

Fortunately, the answer is generally yes! OSV provides a focused, first-class experience for describing open source vulnerabilities, while providing an easy bridge to other standards.

CVE 5.0

The OSV team has directly worked with the CVE Quality Working Group on a key new feature of the latest CVE 5.0 standard: a new versioning schema that closely resembles OSV’s own versioning schema. This will enable easy conversion from OSV to CVE 5.0, and vice versa. It also enables OSV to contribute high quality metadata directly back to CVE, and drive better machine readability and data quality across the open source ecosystem.

Other emerging standards

Not all standards will convert as effortlessly as CVE to OSV. Emerging standards like CSAF are comparatively complicated because they support broader use cases. These standards often need to encode affected proprietary software, and CSAF includes rich mechanisms to express complicated nested product trees that are unnecessary for open source. As a result, the spec is roughly six times the size of OSV and difficult to use directly for open source.

OSV Schema's strong adoption shows that the open source community prefers a lightweight standard, tailored for open source. However, the OSV Schema maintains compatibility with CSAF for identification of packages through the Package URL and vers standards. CSAF records that use these mechanisms can be directly converted to OSV, and all OSV entries can be converted to CSAF.

SBOM and VEX standards

Similarly, all emerging SBOM and VEX standards maintain compatibility with OSV through the Package URL specification. OSV-Scanner today also already provides scanning support for the SPDX and CycloneDX SBOM standards.

OSV in 2023

OSV already provides straightforward compatibility with established standards such as CVE, SPDX, and CycloneDX. While it’s not clear yet which other emerging SBOM and VEX formats will become the standard, OSV has a clear path to supporting all of them. Open source developers and ecosystems will likely find OSV to be convenient for recording and consuming vulnerability information given OSV’s focused, minimal design.

OSV is not just built for open source, it is an open source project. We desire to build tools that will easily fit into your workflow and will help you identify and fix vulnerabilities in your projects. Your input, through contributions, questions, and feedback, is very valuable to us as we work towards that goal. Questions can be asked by opening an issue and all of our projects (, OSV-Scanner, OSV-Schema) welcome contributors.

Want to keep up with the latest OSV developments? We’ve just launched a project blog! Check out our first major post, all about how VEX could work at scale.

The US Government says companies should take more responsibility for cyberattacks. We agree.

Should companies be responsible for cyberattacks? The U.S. government thinks so – and frankly, we agree.

Jen Easterly and Eric Goldstein of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security planted a flag in the sand:

“The incentives for developing and selling technology have eclipsed customer safety in importance. […] Americans…have unwittingly come to accept that it is normal for new software and devices to be indefensible by design. They accept products that are released to market with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of defects. They accept that the cybersecurity burden falls disproportionately on consumers and small organizations, which are often least aware of the threat and least capable of protecting themselves.”

We think they’re right. It’s time for companies to step up on their own and work with governments to help fix a flawed ecosystem. Just look at the growing threat of ransomware, where bad actors lock up organizations’ systems and demand payment or ransom to restore access. Ransomware affects every industry, in every corner of the globe – and it thrives on pre-existing vulnerabilities: insecure software, indefensible architectures, and inadequate security investment.

Remember that sophisticated ransomware operators have bosses and budgets too. They increase their return on investment by exploiting outdated and insecure technology systems that are too hard to defend. Alarmingly, the most significant source of compromise is through exploitation of known vulnerabilities, holes sometimes left unpatched for years. While law enforcement works to bring ransomware operators to justice, this merely treats the symptoms of the problem.

Treating the root causes will require addressing the underlying sources of digital vulnerabilities. As Easterly and Goldstein rightly point out, “secure by default” and “secure by design” should be table stakes.

The bottom line: People deserve products that are secure by default and systems that are built to withstand the growing onslaught from attackers. Safety should be fundamental: built-in, enabled out of the box, and not added on as an afterthought. In other words, we need secure products, not security products. That’s why Google has worked to build security in – often making it invisible – to our users. Many of our most significant security features, including innovations like SafeBrowsing, do their best work behind the scenes for our core consumer products.

There’s come to be an unfortunate belief that security features are cumbersome and hurt user experience. That can be true – but it doesn’t need to be. We can make the safe path the easiest, most helpful path for people using our products. Our approach to multi-factor authentication – one of the most important controls to defend against phishing attacks – provides a great example. Since 2021, we’ve turned on 2-Step Verification (2SV) by default for hundreds of millions of people to add an additional layer of security across their online accounts. If we had simply announced 2SV as an available option for people to enroll in, it would have failed like so many other security add-ons. Instead, we pioneered an approach using in-app notifications that was so seamless and integrated, many of the millions of people we auto-enrolled never noticed they adopted 2SV. We’ve taken this approach even further by building the “second factor” right into phones – giving people the strongest form of account security as soon as they have their device.

As for secure by design: We all have to shift our focus from reactive incident response to upstream software development. That will demand a completely new approach to how companies build products and services. We’ve learned a lot in the past decade about reengineering security architectures, and actively apply those learnings to keep people safe online every day. Ensuring technology is secure by design should be like balancing budgets — a part of business as usual. However, it isn’t easy to cut-and-paste solutions here: developers need to think deeply about the threats their products will face, and design them from the ground up to withstand those attacks. And the same principles are true for securing the development process as they are for users: the secure engineering choice must also be the easiest and most helpful one.

Building security into every stage of the software development process takes work, but recent innovations, like our SLSA framework for secure software supply chains, and new general purpose memory-safe languages, are making it easier. Perhaps most significantly, adopting modern cloud architectures makes it easier to define and enforce secure software development policies.

Persistent collaboration between private and public sector partners is essential. No company can solve the cybersecurity challenge on its own. It’s a collective action problem that demands a collective solution, including international coordination and collaboration. Many public and private initiatives — threat sharing, incident response, law enforcement cooperation — are valuable, but address only symptoms, not root causes. We can do better than just holding attackers to account after the fact.

As Easterly and Goldstein write, “Americans need a new model, one they can trust to ensure the safety and integrity of the technology that they use every hour of every day.” Again, we agree, but in this case we’d take it a step further. Building this model and ensuring it can scale calls for close cooperation between tech companies, standards bodies, and government agencies. But since technologies and companies cross borders, we also need to take a global view: Cybersecurity is a team sport, and international coordination is essential to avoid conflicting requirements that unintentionally make it harder to secure software. Broad regulatory cooperation on cybersecurity will promote secure-by-default principles for everyone. This approach holds enormous promise, and not just for technologically advanced nations. Raising the security benchmark for basic consumer and enterprise technologies that all nations rely on offers far more bang for the buck. A far wider range of countries and companies can take these simple steps than can employ advanced cyber initiatives like detailed threat sharing and close operational collaboration. Given the interdependent nature of the ecosystem, we are only as strong as our weakest link. That means raising cyber standards globally will improve American resilience as well.

Of course, raising the security baseline won’t stop all bad actors, and software will likely always have flaws – but we can start by covering the basics, fixing the most egregious security risks, and coming up with new approaches that eliminate entire classes of threats. Google has made investments in the past two decades, but contributing resources is just a piece of the puzzle. It's work for all of us, but it's the responsible thing to do: The safety and security of our increasingly digitized world depends on it.

Taking the next step: OSS-Fuzz in 2023

Since launching in 2016, Google's free OSS-Fuzz code testing service has helped get over 8800 vulnerabilities and 28,000 bugs fixed across 850 projects. Today, we’re happy to announce an expansion of our OSS-Fuzz Rewards Program, plus new features in OSS-Fuzz and our involvement in supporting academic fuzzing research.

Refreshed OSS-Fuzz rewards

The OSS-Fuzz project's purpose is to support the open source community in adopting fuzz testing, or fuzzing — an automated code testing technique for uncovering bugs in software. In addition to the OSS-Fuzz service, which provides a free platform for continuous fuzzing to critical open source projects, we established an OSS-Fuzz Reward Program in 2017 as part of our wider Patch Rewards Program.

We’ve operated this successfully for the past 5 years, and to date, the OSS-Fuzz Reward Program has awarded over $600,000 to over 65 different contributors for their help integrating new projects into OSS-Fuzz.

Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded the scope of the OSS-Fuzz Reward Program considerably, introducing many new types of rewards!

These new reward types cover contributions such as:

  • Project fuzzing coverage increases
  • Notable FuzzBench fuzzer integrations
  • Integrating a new sanitizer (example) that finds two new vulnerabilities

These changes boost the total rewards possible per project integration from a maximum of $20,000 to $30,000 (depending on the criticality of the project). In addition, we’ve also established two new reward categories that reward wider improvements across all OSS-Fuzz projects, with up to $11,337 available per category.

For more details, see the fully updated rules for our dedicated OSS-Fuzz Reward Program.

OSS-Fuzz improvements

We’ve continuously made improvements to OSS-Fuzz’s infrastructure over the years and expanded our language offerings to cover C/C++, Go, Rust, Java, Python, and Swift, and have introduced support for new frameworks such as FuzzTest. Additionally, as part of an ongoing collaboration with Code Intelligence, we’ll soon have support for JavaScript fuzzing through Jazzer.js.

FuzzIntrospector support

Last year, we launched the OpenSSF FuzzIntrospector tool and integrated it into OSS-Fuzz.

We’ve continued to build on this by adding new language support and better analysis, and now C/C++, Python, and Java projects integrated into OSS-Fuzz have detailed insights on how the coverage and fuzzing effectiveness for a project can be improved.

The FuzzIntrospector tool provides these insights by identifying complex code blocks that are blocked during fuzzing at runtime, as well as suggesting new fuzz targets that can be added. We’ve seen users successfully use this tool to improve the coverage of jsonnet, file, xpdf and bzip2, among others.

Anyone can use this tool to increase the coverage of a project and in turn be rewarded as part of the refreshed OSS-Fuzz rewards. See the full list of all OSS-Fuzz FuzzIntrospector reports to get started.

Fuzzing research and competition

The OSS-Fuzz team maintains FuzzBench, a service that enables security researchers in academia to test fuzzing improvements against real-world open source projects. Approaching its third anniversary in serving free benchmarking, FuzzBench is cited by over 100 papers and has been used as a platform for academic fuzzing workshops such as NDSS’22.

This year, FuzzBench has been invited to participate in the SBFT'23 workshop in ICSE, a premier research conference in the field, which for the first time is hosting a fuzzing competition. During this competition, the FuzzBench platform will be used to evaluate state-of-the-art fuzzers submitted by researchers from around the globe on both code coverage and bug-finding metrics.

Get involved!

We believe these initiatives will help scale security testing efforts across the broader open source ecosystem. We hope to accelerate the integration of critical open source projects into OSS-Fuzz by providing stronger incentives to security researchers and open source maintainers. Combined with our involvement in fuzzing research, these efforts are making OSS-Fuzz an even more powerful tool, enabling users to find more bugs, and, more critically, find them before the bad guys do!

Announcing OSV-Scanner: Vulnerability Scanner for Open Source

Today, we’re launching the OSV-Scanner, a free tool that gives open source developers easy access to vulnerability information relevant to their project.

Last year, we undertook an effort to improve vulnerability triage for developers and consumers of open source software. This involved publishing the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) schema and launching the service, the first distributed open source vulnerability database. OSV allows all the different open source ecosystems and vulnerability databases to publish and consume information in one simple, precise, and machine readable format.

The OSV-Scanner is the next step in this effort, providing an officially supported frontend to the OSV database that connects a project’s list of dependencies with the vulnerabilities that affect them.


Software projects are commonly built on top of a mountain of dependencies—external software libraries you incorporate into a project to add functionalities without developing them from scratch. Each dependency potentially contains existing known vulnerabilities or new vulnerabilities that could be discovered at any time. There are simply too many dependencies and versions to keep track of manually, so automation is required.

Scanners provide this automated capability by matching your code and dependencies against lists of known vulnerabilities and notifying you if patches or updates are needed. Scanners bring incredible benefits to project security, which is why the 2021 U.S. Executive Order for Cybersecurity included this type of automation as a requirement for national standards on secure software development.

The OSV-Scanner generates reliable, high-quality vulnerability information that closes the gap between a developer’s list of packages and the information in vulnerability databases. Since the database is open source and distributed, it has several benefits in comparison with closed source advisory databases and scanners:

  • Each advisory comes from an open and authoritative source (e.g. the RustSec Advisory Database)
  • Anyone can suggest improvements to advisories, resulting in a very high quality database
  • The OSV format unambiguously stores information about affected versions in a machine-readable format that precisely maps onto a developer’s list of packages
  • The above all results in fewer, more actionable vulnerability notifications, which reduces the time needed to resolve them

Running OSV-Scanner on your project will first find all the transitive dependencies that are being used by analyzing manifests, SBOMs, and commit hashes. The scanner then connects this information with the OSV database and displays the vulnerabilities relevant to your project.

OSV-Scanner is also integrated into the OpenSSF Scorecard’s Vulnerabilities check, which will extend the analysis from a project’s direct vulnerabilities to also include vulnerabilities in all its dependencies. This means that the 1.2M projects regularly evaluated by Scorecard will have a more comprehensive measure of their project security.

What else is new for OSV?

The OSV project has made lots of progress since our last post in June last year. The OSV schema has seen significant adoption from vulnerability databases such as GitHub Security Advisories and Android Security Bulletins. Altogether now supports 16 ecosystems, including all major language ecosystems, Linux distributions (Debian and Alpine), as well as Android, Linux Kernel, and OSS-Fuzz. This means the database is now the biggest open source vulnerability database of its kind, with a total of over 38,000 advisories from 15,000 advisories a year ago.

The website also had a complete overhaul, and now has a better UI and provides more information on each vulnerability. Prominent open source projects have also started to rely on, such as DependencyTrack and Flutter.

What’s next?

There’s still a lot to do! Our plan for OSV-Scanner is not just to build a simple vulnerability scanner; we want to build the best vulnerability management tool—something that will also minimize the burden of remediating known vulnerabilities. Here are some of our ideas for achieving this:

  • The first step is further integrating with developer workflows by offering standalone CI actions, allowing for easy setup and scheduling to keep track of new vulnerabilities.
  • Improve C/C++ vulnerability support: One of the toughest ecosystems for vulnerability management is C/C++, due to the lack of a canonical package manager to identify C/C++ software. OSV is filling this gap by building a high quality database of C/C++ vulnerabilities by adding precise commit level metadata to CVEs.
  • We are also looking to add unique features to OSV-Scanner, like the ability to utilize specific function level vulnerability information by doing call graph analysis, and to be able to automatically remediate vulnerabilities by suggesting minimal version bumps that provide the maximal impact.
  • VEX support: Automatically generating VEX statements using, for example, call graph analysis.

Try out OSV-Scanner today!

You can download and try out OSV-Scanner on your projects by following instructions on our new website Or alternatively, to automatically run OSV-Scanner on your GitHub project, try Scorecard. Please feel free to let us know what you think! You can give us feedback either by opening an issue on our Github, or through the OSV mailing list.

Announcing GUAC, a great pairing with SLSA (and SBOM)!

Supply chain security is at the fore of the industry’s collective consciousness. We’ve recently seen a significant rise in software supply chain attacks, a Log4j vulnerability of catastrophic severity and breadth, and even an Executive Order on Cybersecurity.

It is against this background that Google is seeking contributors to a new open source project called GUAC (pronounced like the dip). GUAC, or Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition, is in the early stages yet is poised to change how the industry understands software supply chains. GUAC addresses a need created by the burgeoning efforts across the ecosystem to generate software build, security, and dependency metadata. True to Google’s mission to organize and make the world’s information universally accessible and useful, GUAC is meant to democratize the availability of this security information by making it freely accessible and useful for every organization, not just those with enterprise-scale security and IT funding.

Thanks to community collaboration in groups such as OpenSSF, SLSA, SPDX, CycloneDX, and others, organizations increasingly have ready access to:

These data are useful on their own, but it’s difficult to combine and synthesize the information for a more comprehensive view. The documents are scattered across different databases and producers, are attached to different ecosystem entities, and cannot be easily aggregated to answer higher-level questions about an organization’s software assets.

To help address this issue we’ve teamed up with Kusari, Purdue University, and Citi to create GUAC, a free tool to bring together many different sources of software security metadata. We’re excited to share the project’s proof of concept, which lets you query a small dataset of software metadata including SLSA provenance, SBOMs, and OpenSSF Scorecards.

What is GUAC

Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC) aggregates software security metadata into a high fidelity graph database—normalizing entity identities and mapping standard relationships between them. Querying this graph can drive higher-level organizational outcomes such as audit, policy, risk management, and even developer assistance.

Conceptually, GUAC occupies the “aggregation and synthesis” layer of the software supply chain transparency logical model:

GUAC has four major areas of functionality:

  1. Collection
    GUAC can be configured to connect to a variety of sources of software security metadata. Some sources may be open and public (e.g., OSV); some may be first-party (e.g., an organization’s internal repositories); some may be proprietary third-party (e.g., from data vendors).
  2. Ingestion
    From its upstream data sources GUAC imports data on artifacts, projects, resources, vulnerabilities, repositories, and even developers.
  3. Collation
    Having ingested raw metadata from disparate upstream sources, GUAC assembles it into a coherent graph by normalizing entity identifiers, traversing the dependency tree, and reifying implicit entity relationships, e.g., project → developer; vulnerability → software version; artifact → source repo, and so on.
  4. Query
    Against an assembled graph one may query for metadata attached to, or related to, entities within the graph. Querying for a given artifact may return its SBOM, provenance, build chain, project scorecard, vulnerabilities, and recent lifecycle events — and those for its transitive dependencies.

    A CISO or compliance officer in an organization wants to be able to reason about the risk of their organization. An open source organization like the Open Source Security Foundation wants to identify critical libraries to maintain and secure. Developers need richer and more trustworthy intelligence about the dependencies in their projects.

    The good news is, increasingly one finds the upstream supply chain already enriched with attestations and metadata to power higher-level reasoning and insights. The bad news is that it is difficult or impossible today for software consumers, operators, and administrators to gather this data into a unified view across their software assets.

    To understand something complex like the blast radius of a vulnerability, one needs to trace the relationship between a component and everything else in the portfolio—a task that could span thousands of metadata documents across hundreds of sources. In the open source ecosystem, the number of documents could reach into the millions.

    GUAC aggregates and synthesizes software security metadata at scale and makes it meaningful and actionable. With GUAC in hand, we will be able to answer questions at three important stages of software supply chain security:

    • Proactive, e.g.,
      • What are the most used critical components in my software supply chain ecosystem?
      • Where are the weak points in my overall security posture?
      • How do I prevent supply chain compromises before they happen?
      • Where am I exposed to risky dependencies?
    • Operational, e.g.,
      • Is there evidence that the application I’m about to deploy meets organization policy?
      • Do all binaries in production trace back to a securely managed repository?
    • Reactive, e.g.,
      • Which parts of my organization’s inventory is affected by new vulnerability X?
      • A suspicious project lifecycle event has occurred. Where is risk introduced to my organization?
      • An open source project is being deprecated. How am I affected?

Get Involved

GUAC is an Open Source project on Github, and we are excited to get more folks involved and contributing (read the contributor guide to get started)! The project is still in its early stages, with a proof of concept that can ingest SLSA, SBOM, and Scorecard documents and support simple queries and exploration of software metadata. The next efforts will focus on scaling the current capabilities and adding new document types for ingestion. We welcome help and contributions of code or documentation.

Since the project will be consuming documents from many different sources and formats, we have put together a group of “Technical Advisory Members'' to help advise the project. These members include representation from companies and groups such as SPDX, CycloneDX Anchore, Aquasec, IBM, Intel, and many more. If you’re interested in participating as a contributor or advisor representing end users’ needs—or the sources of metadata GUAC consumes—you can register your interest in the relevant GitHub issue.

The GUAC team will be showcasing the project at Kubecon NA 2022 next week. Come by our session if you’ll be there and have a chat with us—we’d be happy to talk in person or virtually!

Fuzzing beyond memory corruption: Finding broader classes of vulnerabilities automatically

Recently, OSS-Fuzz—our community fuzzing service that regularly checks 700 critical open source projects for bugs—detected a serious vulnerability (CVE-2022-3008): a bug in the TinyGLTF project that could have allowed attackers to execute malicious code in projects using TinyGLTF as a dependency.

The bug was soon patched, but the wider significance remains: OSS-Fuzz caught a trivially exploitable command injection vulnerability. This discovery shows that fuzzing, a type of testing once primarily known for detecting memory corruption vulnerabilities in C/C++ code, has considerable untapped potential to find broader classes of vulnerabilities. Though the TinyGLTF library is written in C++, this vulnerability is easily applicable to all programming languages and confirms that fuzzing is a beneficial and necessary testing method for all software projects.

Fuzzing as a public service

OSS-Fuzz was launched in 2016 in response to the Heartbleed vulnerability, discovered in one of the most popular open source projects for encrypting web traffic. The vulnerability had the potential to affect almost every internet user, yet was caused by a relatively simple memory buffer overflow bug that could have been detected by fuzzing—that is, by running the code on randomized inputs to intentionally cause unexpected behaviors or crashes that signal bugs. At the time, though, fuzzing was not widely used and was cumbersome for developers, requiring extensive manual effort.

Google created OSS-Fuzz to fill this gap: it's a free service that runs fuzzers for open source projects and privately alerts developers to the bugs detected. Since its launch, OSS-Fuzz has become a critical service for the open source community, helping get more than 8,000 security vulnerabilities and more than 26,000 other bugs in open source projects fixed. With time, OSS-Fuzz has grown beyond C/C++ to detect problems in memory-safe languages such as Go, Rust, and Python.

Google Cloud’s Assured Open Source Software Service, which provides organizations a secure and curated set of open source dependencies, relies on OSS-Fuzz as a foundational layer of security scanning. OSS-Fuzz is also the basis for free fuzzing tools for the community, such as ClusterFuzzLite, which gives developers a streamlined way to fuzz both open source and proprietary code before committing changes to their projects. All of these efforts are part of Google’s $10B commitment to improving cybersecurity and continued work to make open source software more secure for everyone.

New classes of vulnerabilities

Last December, OSS-Fuzz announced an effort to improve our bug detectors (known as sanitizers) to find more classes of vulnerabilities, by first showing that fuzzing can find Log4Shell. The TinyGLTF bug was found using one of those new sanitizers, SystemSan, which was developed specifically to find bugs that can be exploited to execute arbitrary commands in any programming language. This vulnerability shows that it was possible to inject backticks into the input glTF file format and allow commands to be executed during parsing.

# Craft an input that exploits the vulnerability to insert a string to poc
$ echo '{"images":[{"uri":"a`echo iamhere > poc`"}], "asset":{"version":""}}' > payload.gltf
# Execute the vulnerable program with the input
$ ./loader_exampler payload.gltf
# The string was inserted to poc, proving the vulnerability was successfully exploited
$ cat poc

A proof of exploit in TinyGLTF, extended from the input found by OSS-Fuzz with SystemSan. The culprit was the use of the “wordexp” function to expand file paths.

SystemSan uses ptrace, and is built in a language-independent and highly extensible way to allow new bug detectors to be added easily. For example, we’ve built proofs of concept to detect issues in JavaScript and Python libraries, and an external contributor recently added support for detecting arbitrary file access (e.g. through path traversal).

OSS-Fuzz has also continued to work with Code Intelligence to improve Java fuzzing by integrating over 50 additional Java projects into OSS-Fuzz and developing sanitizers for detecting Java-specific issues such as deserialization and LDAP injection vulnerabilities. A number of these types of vulnerabilities have been found already and are pending disclosure.

Rewards for getting involved

Want to get involved with making fuzzing more widely used and get rewarded? There are two ways:

  1. Integrate a new sanitizer into OSS-Fuzz (or fuzzing engines like Jazzer) to detect more classes of bugs. We will pay $11,337 for integrations that find at least 2 new vulnerabilities in OSS-Fuzz projects.
  2. Integrate a new project into OSS-Fuzz. We currently support projects written in C/C++, Rust, Go, Swift, Python, and JVM-based languages; Javascript is coming soon. This is part of our existing OSS-Fuzz integration rewards.

To apply for these rewards, see the OSS-Fuzz integration reward program.

Fuzzing still has a lot of unexplored potential in discovering more classes of vulnerabilities. Through our combined efforts we hope to take this effective testing method to the next level and enable more of the open source community to enjoy the benefits of fuzzing.

Retrofitting Temporal Memory Safety on C++

Memory safety in Chrome is an ever-ongoing effort to protect our users. We are constantly experimenting with different technologies to stay ahead of malicious actors. In this spirit, this post is about our journey of using heap scanning technologies to improve memory safety of C++.

Let’s start at the beginning though. Throughout the lifetime of an application its state is generally represented in memory. Temporal memory safety refers to the problem of guaranteeing that memory is always accessed with the most up to date information of its structure, its type. C++ unfortunately does not provide such guarantees. While there is appetite for different languages than C++ with stronger memory safety guarantees, large codebases such as Chromium will use C++ for the foreseeable future.

auto* foo = new Foo();

delete foo;

// The memory location pointed to by foo is not representing

// a Foo object anymore, as the object has been deleted (freed).


In the example above, foo is used after its memory has been returned to the underlying system. The out-of-date pointer is called a dangling pointer and any access through it results in a use-after-free (UAF) access. In the best case such errors result in well-defined crashes, in the worst case they cause subtle breakage that can be exploited by malicious actors. 

UAFs are often hard to spot in larger codebases where ownership of objects is transferred between various components. The general problem is so widespread that to this date both industry and academia regularly come up with mitigation strategies. The examples are endless: C++ smart pointers of all kinds are used to better define and manage ownership on application level; static analysis in compilers is used to avoid compiling problematic code in the first place; where static analysis fails, dynamic tools such as C++ sanitizers can intercept accesses and catch problems on specific executions.

Chrome’s use of C++ is sadly no different here and the majority of high-severity security bugs are UAF issues. In order to catch issues before they reach production, all of the aforementioned techniques are used. In addition to regular tests, fuzzers ensure that there’s always new input to work with for dynamic tools. Chrome even goes further and employs a C++ garbage collector called Oilpan which deviates from regular C++ semantics but provides temporal memory safety where used. Where such deviation is unreasonable, a new kind of smart pointer called MiraclePtr was introduced recently to deterministically crash on accesses to dangling pointers when used. Oilpan, MiraclePtr, and smart-pointer-based solutions require significant adoptions of the application code.

Over the last years, another approach has seen some success: memory quarantine. The basic idea is to put explicitly freed memory into quarantine and only make it available when a certain safety condition is reached. In the Linux kernel a probabilistic approach was used where memory was eventually just recycled. A more elaborate approach uses heap scanning to avoid reusing memory that is still reachable from the application. This is similar to a garbage collected system in that it provides temporal memory safety by prohibiting reuse of memory that is still reachable. The rest of this article summarizes our journey of experimenting with quarantines and heap scanning in Chrome.

(At this point, one may ask where pointer authentication fits into this picture – keep on reading!)

Quarantining and Heap Scanning, the Basics

The main idea behind assuring temporal safety with quarantining and heap scanning is to avoid reusing memory until it has been proven that there are no more (dangling) pointers referring to it. To avoid changing C++ user code or its semantics, the memory allocator providing new and delete is intercepted.

Upon invoking delete, the memory is actually put in a quarantine, where it is unavailable for being reused for subsequent new calls by the application. At some point a heap scan is triggered which scans the whole heap, much like a garbage collector, to find references to quarantined memory blocks. Blocks that have no incoming references from the regular application memory are transferred back to the allocator where they can be reused for subsequent allocations.

There are various hardening options which come with a performance cost:

  • Overwrite the quarantined memory with special values (e.g. zero);

  • Stop all application threads when the scan is running or scan the heap concurrently;

  • Intercept memory writes (e.g. by page protection) to catch pointer updates;

  • Scan memory word by word for possible pointers (conservative handling) or provide descriptors for objects (precise handling);

  • Segregation of application memory in safe and unsafe partitions to opt-out certain objects which are either performance sensitive or can be statically proven as being safe to skip;

  • Scan the execution stack in addition to just scanning heap memory;

We call the collection of different versions of these algorithms StarScan [stɑː skæn], or *Scan for short.

Reality Check

We apply *Scan to the unmanaged parts of the renderer process and use Speedometer2 to evaluate the performance impact. 

We have experimented with different versions of *Scan. To minimize performance overhead as much as possible though, we evaluate a configuration that uses a separate thread to scan the heap and avoids clearing of quarantined memory eagerly on delete but rather clears quarantined memory when running *Scan. We opt in all memory allocated with new and don’t discriminate between allocation sites and types for simplicity in the first implementation.

Note that the proposed version of *Scan is not complete. Concretely, a malicious actor may exploit a race condition with the scanning thread by moving a dangling pointer from an unscanned to an already scanned memory region. Fixing this race condition requires keeping track of writes into blocks of already scanned memory, by e.g. using memory protection mechanisms to intercept those accesses, or stopping all application threads in safepoints from mutating the object graph altogether. Either way, solving this issue comes at a performance cost and exhibits an interesting performance and security trade-off. Note that this kind of attack is not generic and does not work for all UAF. Problems such as depicted in the introduction would not be prone to such attacks as the dangling pointer is not copied around.

Since the security benefits really depend on the granularity of such safepoints and we want to experiment with the fastest possible version, we disabled safepoints altogether.

Running our basic version on Speedometer2 regresses the total score by 8%. Bummer…

Where does all this overhead come from? Unsurprisingly, heap scanning is memory bound and quite expensive as the entire user memory must be walked and examined for references by the scanning thread.

To reduce the regression we implemented various optimizations that improve the raw scanning speed. Naturally, the fastest way to scan memory is to not scan it at all and so we partitioned the heap into two classes: memory that can contain pointers and memory that we can statically prove to not contain pointers, e.g. strings. We avoid scanning memory that cannot contain any pointers. Note that such memory is still part of the quarantine, it is just not scanned.

We extended this mechanism to also cover allocations that serve as backing memory for other allocators, e.g., zone memory that is managed by V8 for the optimizing JavaScript compiler. Such zones are always discarded at once (c.f. region-based memory management) and temporal safety is established through other means in V8.

On top, we applied several micro optimizations to speed up and eliminate computations: we use helper tables for pointer filtering; rely on SIMD for the memory-bound scanning loop; and minimize the number of fetches and lock-prefixed instructions.

We also improve upon the initial scheduling algorithm that just starts a heap scan when reaching a certain limit by adjusting how much time we spent in scanning compared to actually executing the application code (c.f. mutator utilization in garbage collection literature).

In the end, the algorithm is still memory bound and scanning remains a noticeably expensive procedure. The optimizations helped to reduce the Speedometer2 regression from 8% down to 2%.

While we improved raw scanning time, the fact that memory sits in a quarantine increases the overall working set of a process. To further quantify this overhead, we use a selected set of Chrome’s real-world browsing benchmarks to measure memory consumption. *Scan in the renderer process regresses memory consumption by about 12%. It’s this increase of the working set that leads to more memory being paged in which is noticeable on application fast paths.

Hardware Memory Tagging to the Rescue

MTE (Memory Tagging Extension) is a new extension on the ARM v8.5A architecture that helps with detecting errors in software memory use. These errors can be spatial errors (e.g. out-of-bounds accesses) or temporal errors (use-after-free). The extension works as follows. Every 16 bytes of memory are assigned a 4-bit tag. Pointers are also assigned a 4-bit tag. The allocator is responsible for returning a pointer with the same tag as the allocated memory. The load and store instructions verify that the pointer and memory tags match. In case the tags of the memory location and the pointer do not match a hardware exception is raised.

MTE doesn't offer a deterministic protection against use-after-free. Since the number of tag bits is finite there is a chance that the tag of the memory and the pointer match due to overflow. With 4 bits, only 16 reallocations are enough to have the tags match. A malicious actor may exploit the tag bit overflow to get a use-after-free by just waiting until the tag of a dangling pointer matches (again) the memory it is pointing to.

*Scan can be used to fix this problematic corner case. On each delete call the tag for the underlying memory block gets incremented by the MTE mechanism. Most of the time the block will be available for reallocation as the tag can be incremented within the 4-bit range. Stale pointers would refer to the old tag and thus reliably crash on dereference. Upon overflowing the tag, the object is then put into quarantine and processed by *Scan. Once the scan verifies that there are no more dangling pointers to this block of memory, it is returned back to the allocator. This reduces the number of scans and their accompanying cost by ~16x.

The following picture depicts this mechanism. The pointer to foo initially has a tag of 0x0E which allows it to be incremented once again for allocating bar. Upon invoking delete for bar the tag overflows and the memory is actually put into quarantine of *Scan.

We got our hands on some actual hardware supporting MTE and redid the experiments in the renderer process. The results are promising as the regression on Speedometer was within noise and we only regressed memory footprint by around 1% on Chrome’s real-world browsing stories.

Is this some actual free lunch? Turns out that MTE comes with some cost which has already been paid for. Specifically, PartitionAlloc, which is Chrome’s underlying allocator, already performs the tag management operations for all MTE-enabled devices by default. Also, for security reasons, memory should really be zeroed eagerly. To quantify these costs, we ran experiments on an early hardware prototype that supports MTE in several configurations:

  1. MTE disabled and without zeroing memory;

  2. MTE disabled but with zeroing memory;

  3. MTE enabled without *Scan;

  4. MTE enabled with *Scan;

(We are also aware that there’s synchronous and asynchronous MTE which also affects determinism and performance. For the sake of this experiment we kept using the asynchronous mode.) 

The results show that MTE and memory zeroing come with some cost which is around 2% on Speedometer2. Note that neither PartitionAlloc, nor hardware has been optimized for these scenarios yet. The experiment also shows that adding *Scan on top of MTE comes without measurable cost. 


C++ allows for writing high-performance applications but this comes at a price, security. Hardware memory tagging may fix some security pitfalls of C++, while still allowing high performance. We are looking forward to see a more broad adoption of hardware memory tagging in the future and suggest using *Scan on top of hardware memory tagging to fix temporary memory safety for C++. Both the used MTE hardware and the implementation of *Scan are prototypes and we expect that there is still room for performance optimizations.

I/O 2022: Android 13 security and privacy (and more!)

Every year at I/O we share the latest on privacy and security features on Android. But we know some users like to go a level deeper in understanding how we’re making the latest release safer, and more private, while continuing to offer a seamless experience. So let’s dig into the tools we’re building to better secure your data, enhance your privacy and increase trust in the apps and experiences on your devices.

Low latency, frictionless security

Regardless of whether a smartphone is used for consumer or enterprise purposes, attestation is a key underpinning to ensure the integrity of the device and apps running on the device. Fundamentally, key attestation lets a developer bind a secret or designate data to a device. This is a strong assertion: "same user, same device" as long as the key is available, a cryptographic assertion of integrity can be made.

With Android 13 we have migrated to a new model for the provisioning of attestation keys to Android devices which is known as Remote Key Provisioning (RKP). This new approach will strengthen device security by eliminating factory provisioning errors and providing key vulnerability recovery by moving to an architecture where Google takes more responsibility in the certificate management lifecycle for these attestation keys. You can learn more about RKP here.

We’re also making even more modules updatable directly through Google Play System Updates so we can automatically upgrade more system components and fix bugs, seamlessly, without you having to worry about it. We now have more than 30 components in Android that can be automatically updated through Google Play, including new modules in Android 13 for Bluetooth and ultra-wideband (UWB).

Last year we talked about how the majority of vulnerabilities in major operating systems are caused by undefined behavior in programming languages like C/C++. Rust is an alternative language that provides the efficiency and flexibility required in advanced systems programming (OS, networking) but Rust comes with the added boost of memory safety. We are happy to report that Rust is being adopted in security critical parts of Android, such as our key management components and networking stacks.

Hardening the platform doesn’t just stop with continual improvements with memory safety and expansion of anti-exploitation techniques. It also includes hardening our API surfaces to provide a more secure experience to our end users.

In Android 13 we implemented numerous enhancements to help mitigate potential vulnerabilities that app developers may inadvertently introduce. This includes making runtime receivers safer by allowing developers to specify whether a particular broadcast receiver in their app should be exported and visible to other apps on the device. On top of this, intent filters block non-matching intents which further hardens the app and its components.

For enterprise customers who need to meet certain security certification requirements, we’ve updated our security logging reporting to add more coverage and consolidate security logs in one location. This is helpful for companies that need to meet standards like Common Criteria and is useful for partners such as management solutions providers who can review all security-related logs in one place.

Privacy on your terms

Android 13 brings developers more ways to build privacy-centric apps. Apps can now implement a new Photo picker that allows the user to select the exact photos or videos they want to share without having to give another app access to their media library.

With Android 13, we’re also reducing the number of apps that require your location to function using the nearby devices permission introduced last year. For example, you won’t have to turn on location to enable Wi-fi for certain apps and situations. We’ve also changed how storage works, requiring developers to ask for separate permissions to access audio, image and video files.

Previously, we’ve limited apps from accessing your clipboard in the background and alerted you when an app accessed it. With Android 13, we’re automatically deleting your clipboard history after a short period so apps are blocked from seeing old copied information.

In Android 11, we began automatically resetting permissions for apps you haven’t used for an extended period of time, and have since expanded the feature to devices running Android 6 and above. Since then, we’ve automatically reset over 5 billion permissions.

In Android 13, app makers can go above and beyond in removing permissions even more proactively on behalf of their users. Developers will be able to provide even more privacy by reducing the time their apps have access to unneeded permissions.

Finally, we know notifications are critical for many apps but are not always of equal importance to users. In Android 13, you’ll have more control over which apps you would like to get alerts from, as new apps on your device are required to ask you for permission by default before they can send you notifications.

Apps you can trust

Most app developers build their apps using a variety of software development kits (SDKs) that bundle in pre-packaged functionality. While SDKs provide amazing functionality, app developers typically have little visibility or control over the SDK code or insight into their performance.

We’re working with developers to make their apps more secure with a new Google Play SDK Index that helps them see SDK safety and reliability signals before they build the code into their apps. This ensures we're helping everyone build a more secure and private app ecosystem.

Last month, we also started rolling out a new Data safety section in Google Play to help you understand how apps plan to collect, share, and protect your data, before you install it. To instill even more trust in Play apps, we're enabling developers to have their apps independently validated against OWASP’s MASVS, a globally recognized standard for mobile app security.

We’re working with a small group of developers and authorized lab partners to evolve the program. Developers who have completed this independent validation can showcase this on their Data safety section.

Additional mobile security and safety

Just like our anti-malware protection Google Play, which now scans 125 billion apps a day, we believe spam and phishing detection should be built in. We’re proud to announce that in a recent analyst report, Messages was the highest rated built-in messaging app for anti-phishing and scams protection.

Messages is now also helping to protect you against 1.5 billion spam messages per month, so you can avoid both annoying texts and attempts to access your data. These phishing attempts are increasingly how bad actors are trying to get your information, by getting you to click on a link or download an app, so we are always looking for ways to offer another line of defense.

Last year, we introduced end-to-end encryption in Messages to provide more security for your mobile conversations. Later this year, we’ll launch end-to-end encryption group conversations in beta to ensure your personal messages get even more protection.

As with a lot of features we build, we try to do it in an open and transparent way. In Android 11 we announced a new platform feature that was backed by an ISO standard to enable the use of digital IDs on a smartphone in a privacy-preserving way. When you hand over your plastic license (or other credential) to someone for verification it’s all or nothing which means they have access to your full name, date of birth, address, and other personally identifiable information (PII). The mobile version of this allows for much more fine-grained control where the end user and/or app can select exactly what to share with the verifier. In addition, the verifier must declare whether they intend to retain the data returned. In addition, you can present certain details of your credentials, such as age, without revealing your identity.

Over the last two Android releases we have been improving this API and making it easier for third-party organizations to leverage it for various digital identity use cases, such as driver’s licenses, student IDs, or corporate badges. We’re now announcing that Google Wallet uses Android Identity Credential to support digital IDs and driver’s licenses. We’re working with states in the US and governments around the world to bring digital IDs to Wallet later this year. You can learn more about all of the new enhancements in Google Wallet here.

Protected by Android

We don’t think your security and privacy should be hard to understand and control. Later this year, we’ll begin rolling out a new destination in settings on Android 13 devices that puts all your device security and data privacy front and center.

The new Security & Privacy settings page will give you a simple, color-coded way to understand your safety status and will offer clear and actionable guidance to improve it. The page will be anchored by new action cards that notify you of critical steps you should take to address any safety risks. In addition to notifications to warn you about issues, we’ll also provide timely recommendations on how to enhance your privacy.

We know that to feel safe and in control of your data, you need to have a secure foundation you can count on. Because if your device isn’t secure, it’s not private either. We’re working hard to make sure you’re always protected by Android. Learn more about these protections on our website.

How we fought bad apps and developers in 2021

Providing a safe experience to billions of users continues to be one of the highest priorities for Google Play. Last year we introduced multiple privacy focused features, enhanced our protections against bad apps and developers, and improved SDK data safety. In addition, Google Play Protect continues to scan billions of installed apps each day across billions of devices to keep people safe from malware and unwanted software.

We continue to enhance our machine learning systems and review processes, and in 2021 we blocked 1.2 million policy violating apps from being published on Google Play, preventing billions of harmful installations. We also continued in our efforts to combat malicious and spammy developers, banning 190k bad accounts in 2021. In addition, we have closed around 500k developer accounts that are inactive or abandoned.

In May we announced our new Data safety section for Google Play where developers will be required to give users deeper insight into the privacy and security practices of the apps they download, and provide transparency into the data the app may collect and why. The Data safety section launched this week, and developers are required to complete this section for their apps by July 20th.

We’ve also invested in making life easier for our developers. We added the Policy and Programs section to Google Play Console to help developers manage all their app compliance issues in one central location. This includes the ability to appeal a decision and track its status from this page.

In addition, we continued to partner with SDK developers to improve app safety, limit how user data is shared, and improve lines of communication with app developers. SDKs provide functionality for app developers, but it can sometimes be tricky to know when an SDK is safe to use. Last year, we engaged with SDK developers to build a safer Android and Google Play ecosystem. As a result of this work, SDK developers have improved the safety of SDKs used by hundreds of thousands of apps impacting billions of users. This remains a huge investment area for our team, and we will continue in our efforts to make SDKs safer across the ecosystem.

Limiting access

The best way to ensure users' data stays safe is to limit access to it in the first place.

As a result of new platform protections and policies, developer collaboration and education, 98% of apps migrating to Android 11 or higher have reduced their access to sensitive APIs and user data. We've also significantly reduced the unnecessary, dangerous, or disallowed use of Accessibility APIs in apps migrating to Android 12, while preserving the functionality of legitimate use cases.

We also continued in our commitment to make Android a great place for families. Last year we disallowed the collection of Advertising ID (AAID) and other device identifiers from all users in apps solely targeting children, and gave all users the ability to delete their Advertising ID entirely, regardless of the app.

Pixel enhancements

For Pixel users, we had even more great features to help keep you safe. Our new Security hub helps protect your phone, apps, Google Account, and passwords by giving you a central view of your device’s current configuration. Security hub also provides recommendations to improve your security, helping you decide what settings best meet your needs.

In addition, Pixels now use new machine learning models that improve the detection of malware in Google Play Protect. The detection runs on your Pixel, and uses a privacy preserving technology called federated analytics to discover bad apps.

Our global teams are dedicated to keeping our billions of users safe, and look forward to many exciting announcements in 2022.

What’s up with in-the-wild exploits? Plus, what we’re doing about it.

If you are a regular reader of our Chrome release blog, you may have noticed that phrases like 'exploit for CVE-1234-567 exists in the wild' have been appearing more often recently. In this post we'll explore why there seems to be such an increase in exploits, and clarify some misconceptions in the process. We'll then share how Chrome is continuing to make it harder for attackers to achieve their goals.

How things work today

While the increase may initially seem concerning, it’s important to understand the reason behind this trend. If it's because there are many more exploits in the wild, it could point to a worrying trend. On the other hand, if we’re simply gaining more visibility into exploitation by attackers, it's actually a good thing! It’s good because it means we can respond by providing bug fixes to our users faster, and we can learn more about how real attackers operate.

So, which is it? It’s likely a little of both.

Our colleagues at Project Zero publicly track all known in-the-wild “zero day” bugs. Here’s what they’ve reported for browsers:

First, we don’t believe there was no exploitation of Chromium based browsers between 2015 and 2018. We recognize that we don’t have full view into active exploitation, and just because we didn’t detect any zero-days during those years, doesn’t mean exploitation didn’t happen. Available exploitation data suffers from sampling bias.

Teams like Google’s Threat Analysis Group are also becoming increasingly sophisticated in their efforts to protect users by discovering zero-days and in-the-wild attacks. A good example is a bug in our Portals feature that we fixed last fall. This bug was discovered by a team member in Switzerland and reported to Chrome through our bug tracker. While Chrome normally keeps each web page locked away in a box called the “renderer sandbox,” this bug allowed the code to break out, potentially allowing attackers to steal information. Working across multiple time zones and teams, it took the team three days to come up with a fix and roll it out, as detailed in our video on the process:

Why so many exploits?

There are a number of factors at play, from changes in vendor and attacker behavior, to changes in the software itself. Here are four in particular that we've been discussing and exploring as a team.

First, we believe we’re seeing more bugs thanks to vendor transparency. Historically, many browser makers didn’t announce that a bug was being exploited in the wild, even if they knew it was happening. Today, most major browser makers have increased transparency via publishing details in release communications, and that may account for more publicly tracked “in the wild” exploitation. These efforts have been spearheaded by both browser security teams and dedicated research groups, such as Project Zero.

Second, we believe we’re seeing more exploits due to evolved attacker focus. There are two reasons to suspect attackers might be choosing to attack Chrome more than they did in the past.

  • Flash deprecation: In 2015 and 2016, Flash was a primary exploitation target. Chrome gradually made Flash a less attractive target for attackers (for instance requiring user clicks to activate Flash content) before finally removing it in Chrome 88 in January last year. As Flash is no longer available, attackers have had to switch to a harder target: the browser itself.
  • Chromium popularity: Attackers go for the most popular target. In early 2020, Edge switched to using the Chromium rendering engine. If attackers can find a bug in Chromium, they can now attack a greater percentage of users.

Third, some attacks that could previously be accomplished with a single bug now require multiple bugs. Before 2015, only a single in-the-wild bug was required to steal a user’s secrets from other websites, because multiple web pages lived together in a single renderer process. If an attacker could compromise the renderer process belonging to a malicious website that a user visited, they might have been able to access the credentials for some other more sensitive website.

With Chrome’s multiyear Site Isolation project largely complete, a single bug is almost never sufficient to do anything really bad. Attackers often need to chain at least two bugs: first, to compromise the renderer process, and second, to jump into the privileged Chrome browser process or directly into the device operating system. Sometimes multiple bugs are needed to achieve one or both of these steps.

So, to achieve the same result, an attacker generally now has to use more bugs than they previously did. For exactly the same level of attacker success, we’d see more in-the-wild bugs reported over time, as we add more layers of defense that the attacker needs to bypass.

Fourth, there’s simply the fact that software has bugs. Some fraction of those bugs are exploitable. Browsers increasingly mirror the complexity of operating systems — providing access to your peripherals, filesystem, 3D rendering, GPUs — and more complexity means more bugs.

Ultimately, we believe data is an important part of the story, but the absolute number of exploited bugs isn't a sufficient measure of security risk. Since some security bugs are inevitable, how a software vendor architects their software (so that the impact of any single bug is limited) and responds to critical security bugs is often much more important than the specifics of any single bug.

How Chrome is raising the bar

The Chrome team works hard to both detect and fix bugs before releases and get bug fixes out to users as quickly as possible. We’re proud of our record at fixing serious bugs quickly, and we are continually working to do better.

For example, one area of concern for us is the risk of n-day attacks: that is, exploitation of bugs we’ve already fixed, where the fixes are visible in our open-source code repositories. We have greatly reduced our “patch gap” from 35 days in Chrome 76 to an average of 18 days in subsequent milestones, and we expect this to reduce slightly further with Chrome’s faster release cycle.

Irrespective of how quickly bugs are fixed, any in-the-wild exploitation is bad. Chrome is working hard to make it expensive and difficult for attackers to achieve their goals.

Some examples of the projects ongoing:

  • We continue to strengthen Site Isolation, especially on Android.
  • The V8 heap sandbox will prevent attackers using JavaScript just-in-time (JIT) compilation bugs to compromise the renderer process. This will require attackers to add a third bug to these exploit chains, which means increased security, but could increase the amount of in-the-wild exploits reported.
  • The MiraclePtr and *Scan projects aim to prevent exploitability of many of our largest class of browser process bugs, called “use-after-free”. We will be applying similar systematic solutions to other classes of bugs over time.
  • Since “memory safety” bugs account for 70% of the exploitable security bugs, we aim to write new parts of Chrome in memory-safe languages.
  • We continue to work on post-exploitation mitigations such as CET and CFG.

We are well past the stage of having “easy wins” when it comes to raising the bar for security. All of these are long term projects with significant engineering challenges. But as we've shown with Site Isolation, Chrome isn't afraid of making long term investments in major security engineering projects. One of the major challenges is performance: all of these technologies (except memory safe languages) could risk slowing the browser. Expect a series of blog posts over the coming months as we explore performance vs. security trade-offs. These decisions are really hard: we do not want to make Chrome slower for billions of people, especially as this disproportionately hits users with slower devices – we strive to make Chrome secure for all our users, not just those with the high end systems.

How you can help

Above all: if Chrome is reminding you to update, please do!

If you’re an enterprise IT professional, keep your users up-to-date by keeping auto-update on, and familiarize yourself with the added enterprise policies and controls that you can apply to Chrome within your organization. We strongly advise not focusing on zero-days when making decisions about updates, but instead to assume any Chrome security bug is under exploitation as an n-day.

If you're a security researcher, you can report bugs you find to the Chrome Vulnerability Rewards Program — and thanks for helping us make Chrome safer for everyone!