Announcing v9 of the Google Ads API

Today, we’re announcing the v9 release of the Google Ads API. To use some of the v9 features, you need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week.
Here are the highlights:
  • Added support for Performance Max campaigns, a new campaign type that provides a unified buying service to virtually all Google Ads inventory. Performance Max also provides a superset of Smart Shopping Campaign functionality.
  • Added support for conversion goals to help you organize your conversion actions so that you can more easily optimize toward your advertising objectives.
  • Smart campaigns is in open beta and is now available for all users. We also added a new, more robust suggestion method, which leverages your company’s business details to suggest keyword themes for your Smart campaign.
  • Added support for an App campaign for pre-registration and the pre-registration ads which helps to gauge interest before an app or a game is available to install.
  • Migrated Video ads from using MediaFile to represent videos and images to using assets: AdVideoAsset and AdImageAsset. This includes the companion_banner and video fields of Video ads-related objects.
  • To comply with ATT, ConversionUploadService now supports conversion uploads with BRAID identifiers (ClickConversion.gbraid and ClickConversion.wbraid) in place of GCLID. BRAID identifiers are used for clicks associated with conversions from iOS14 devices. This feature is currently only available to allowlisted customers.
  • The Google Ads API now distinguishes between conversions with SKAdNetwork conversion value 0 and conversions with no conversion value present in the postback from Apple. Note that this feature is only available for SKAdNetwork conversions received after September 20th, 2021.
  • Added support for asset sets, which are a collection of assets. They will eventually replace the FeedService.
  • Added support for ad customizers for Responsive Search Ads.
  • Added support for warnings for OfflineUserDataJobService as AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest.enable_warnings. When set to true, any non-blocking errors pertaining to operation failures will be returned as AddOfflineUserDataJobResponse.warning.
  • ad_group_ad_asset_view reporting is now available for App engagement ads and responsive search ads.
  • Added support for retrieving hotel_reconciliation resources, which contain booking information to reconcile bookings from commission campaigns.
  • Added support for customer match rate range with CreateOfflineUserDataJobRequest.enable_match_rate_range_preview. The customer match rate range is the efficacy of your Customer Match uploads, which is the number of matched user data rows divided by the total number of Customer Match uploaded rows.
  • Added UserAttribute.shopping_loyalty to allow for sending loyalty-related data with UserAttribute.
  • Added the following types of assets, which will be available in all accounts by the end of 2021
    • Price assets
    • Hotel Callout assets
    • Mobile App assets
    • Call assets
    • Call to action assets
Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.