Today we're announcing the release of AdWords API v201705. Here are the highlights:
- Campaign groups and performance targets. Several new services have been added to allow you to define and monitor performance targets for groups of campaigns. The new performance targets guide can help you get started.
- Historical Quality Score. The new set of historical Quality Score fields in the KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORTallow you to see changes to Quality Score over time.
- Call bid adjustments. The AdWords API now supports bid adjustments for call interactions via the new CampaignBidModifierService. Check out the updated bidding guide for more information.
- Promotion extensions. Promotion extensions are now supported in extension setting services and feed services.
- Dynamic Search Ads. Page feeds in the AdWords API now allow you greater control over the web pages you are targeting in your Dynamic Search Ads campaigns, and validations based on the new
ad group type help ensure your Dynamic Search Ads campaigns are configured properly. In addition, the new ExpandedDynamicSearchAdprovides the benefits of ExpandedTextAdfor your DSAs. Check out the updated guide and the recent blog post on DSA validation rules for more details. - Campaign criteria report. The new CAMPAIGN_CRITERIA_REPORTprovides an efficient, lightweight mechanism for retrieving all campaign-level criteria in your account without issuing multiple CampaignCriterion
If you're using v201607 of the AdWords API, please note that it will be sunseton June 27, 2017. We encourage you to skip v201609 and v201702 and migrate straight to v201705. If you're using v201609, be aware it's now marked deprecated and will be sunset on October 2, 2017.
As with every new version of the AdWords API, please carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201705 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 48 hours.
If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.