Announcing v0_3 of the Google Ads API

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_3. With minor versions like this one, you’ll continue to point to v0 as your endpoint, but you will need to update your client libraries to use the new features. Here are the highlights:

  • Campaigns. We’re expanding beyond Search campaigns with keyword targeting to include:
    • Display campaigns
    • Campaign groups
    • Ad schedules
    • Campaign shared sets
    • Shared sets for keyword criteria
    • Campaign bid modifiers for interaction types.
    • Ad group bid modifiers.
  • Queries. provides the ability to filter by resource name.
  • Creatives. For ad disapproval error handling, PolicyFindingDetails replaces PolicyViolationDetails for expanded text ads.
  • Hotel Ads. Hotel ads, first introduced in v0_1, is a whitelisted feature with an ad type that is created automatically by the system based on your provided hotel listings and prices. To learn more about the hotel ads migration and what’s next, check out our recent webinar:
  • Recommendations. Recommendations provide customized suggestions to help increase your campaigns' performance. In the v0_3 release, we’ve added new recommendation types to the API and a new “dismissed” field.
    • Five new recommendation types are available in the API:
      • Bidding with Maximize conversions
      • Bidding with Enhanced CPC
      • Bidding with Maximize clicks
      • Expand your reach with Google Search partners
      • Use optimized ad rotation
    • Added “Dismissed” field to search, retrieve, or apply dismissed recommendations.
  • Shopping. Smart Shopping Campaigns combine standard Shopping and Display remarketing campaigns, and use automated bidding and ad placement to promote your products and business across networks.
  • This release of Google Ads API supports the creation of Smart Shopping Campaigns, which can be used with Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategies. Product offers can be subdivided into groups using the ListingGroupInfo criterion, which currently supports the following dimension types: Product Condition, Product Type, Listing Brand, Custom Attribute (L0-4).
  • Access to Smart Shopping campaigns is currently only available to whitelisted developers.
  • Python client library. We’ve now also released a Python client library. In the v0 and v0_2 releases, we released Java, C#, Ruby, and PHP client libraries. 
To get started with the API, our team has put together these resources:

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.

Nadine Sundquist, on behalf of the Google Ads API Team