Announcing the new ads PHP client library

Hello ads PHP developers! Today we're pleased to announce the stable release of the new ads PHP client library. This has been in beta for a while now, is a huge overhaul of the library, and offers the following improvements:

  • Uses namespaces and conforms to PSR-4 autoloading.
  • Conforms to PSR-3 for logging.
  • Supports installation via Composer.
  • Uses the Google PHP auth library for OAuth2, offering more features, flexibility, and service account support.
  • Uses Guzzle for non-SOAP HTTP calls, conforming to PSR-7.
  • Contains better object-oriented library design and stub interfaces, including builders to configure settings.
  • Contains upgraded and easier to use utilities for AdWords reporting, AdWords batch jobs, and DFP reporting.
  • Enables SSL by default for SOAP API calls and non-SOAP HTTP API calls.

This library has been pushed to the master branch on GitHub. The old library is now deprecated and moved to a deprecated branch with reduced support until it reaches end of life (EOL) on July 31, 2017. Reduced support details can be found in issue #193. To help you upgrade, we've written an upgrading guide.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on the AdWords or DFP API forums, or the Ads Developer Google+ page.