Testing on the Toilet: Only Verify Relevant Method Arguments

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Dillon Bly

What makes this test fragile?
@Test public void displayGreeting_showSpecialGreetingOnNewYearsDay() {
fakeUser.setName("Fake User”);
// The test will fail if userGreeter.displayGreeting() didn’t call
// mockUserPrompter.updatePrompt() with these exact arguments.
"Hi Fake User! Happy New Year!", TitleBar.of("2018-01-01"), PromptStyle.NORMAL);


The test specifies exact values for all arguments to mockUserPrompter. These arguments may need to be updated when the code under test is changed, even if the changes are unrelated to the behavior being tested. For example, if additional text is added to TitleBar, every test in the codebase that specifies this argument will need to be updated.

In addition, verifying too many arguments makes it difficult to understand what behavior is being tested since it’s not obvious which arguments are important to the test and which are irrelevant.

Instead, only verify arguments that affect the correctness of the specific behavior being tested. You can use argument matchers (e.g., any() and contains() in Mockito) to ignore arguments that don't need to be verified:
@Test public void displayGreeting_showSpecialGreetingOnNewYearsDay() {
verify(mockUserPrompter).updatePrompt(contains("Happy New Year!"), any(), any()));

Arguments ignored in one test can be verified in other tests. Following this pattern allows us to verify only one behavior per test, which makes tests more readable and more resilient to change. For example, here is a separate test that we might write:
@Test public void displayGreeting_renderUserName() {
fakeUser.setName(“Fake User”);
// Focus on the argument relevant to showing the user's name.
verify(mockUserPrompter).updatePrompt(contains("Hi Fake User!"), any(), any());