Code Health: Eliminate YAGNI Smells

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Marc Eaddy

The majority of software development costs are due to maintenance. One way to reduce maintenance costs is to implement something only when you actually need it, a.k.a. the “You Aren't Gonna Need It” (YAGNI) design principle. How do you spot unnecessary code? Follow your nose!

A code smell is a code pattern that usually indicates a design flaw. For example, creating a base class or interface with only one subclass may indicate a speculation that more subclasses will be needed in the future. Instead, practice incremental development and design: don't add the second subclass until it is actually needed.

The following C++ code has many YAGNI smells:
class Mammal { ...
virtual Status Sleep(bool hibernate) = 0;
class Human : public Mammal { ...
virtual Status Sleep(bool hibernate) {
age += hibernate ? kSevenMonths : kSevenHours;
return OK;

Maintainers are burdened with understanding, documenting, and testing both classes when only one is really needed. Code must handle the case when hibernate is true, even though all callers pass false, as well as the case when Sleep returns an error, even though that never happens. This results in unnecessary code that never executes. Eliminating those smells simplifies the code:

class Human { ...
void Sleep() { age += kSevenHours; }

Here are some other YAGNI smells:
  • Code that has never been executed other than by tests (a.k.a. code that is dead on arrival)
  • Classes designed to be subclassed (have virtual methods and/or protected members) that are not actually subclassed
  • Public or protected methods or fields that could be private
  • Parameters, variables, or flags that always have the same value
Thankfully, YAGNI smells, and code smells in general, are often easy to spot by looking for simple patterns and are easy to eliminate using simple refactorings.

Are you thinking of adding code that won't be used today? Trust me, you aren't gonna need it!