Changes to issue reporting in the Content API for Shopping

What's changed?
There are two major changes to the resource returned by Productstatuses:
  • a new format for product-level issues
  • changes to the destination-specific statuses for each product
A new format for product-level issues
We've added a new itemLevelIssues field to the productStatus resource. This field contains a sequence of issue entries, similar to the dataQualityIssues field, but each entry contains different information. For now, the Content API returns both fields (see the "What do I need to do?" section for more details).

Here is an example of the same issue in the old format and the new format:

"id": "validation/missing_required",
"severity": "critical",
"location": "title",
"detail": "Invalid or missing required attribute: title"

"code": "item_missing_required_attribute",
"servability": "disapproved",
"resolution": "merchant_action",
"attributeName": "title",
"destination": "Shopping"

As shown above, each entry in the itemLevelIssues field contains the following information:
  • code: The issue ID

    Note: This ID may differ from the ID provided for the same issue in the dataQualityIssues field, as in the example above.
  • servability: The serving status of the product based on this issue. May be one of the following string values:
    • "disapproved": This issue has caused the associated product to be disapproved.
    • "unaffected": This issue has not affected the servability of the associated product.
  • resolution: Whether or not the issue requires the merchant to take action. May be one of the following string values:
    • "merchant_action": This issue requires action on the part of the merchant to resolve.
    • "pending_processing": This issue requires further processing from Google to resolve this issue, and you do not need to do anything.
  • attributeName: The name of the product attribute that caused this issue, if applicable. For the "item_missing_required_attribute" issue example above, this field contains the value "title" since the product data triggering this issue did not include a title.
  • destination: The destination to which this issue applies. For example, a given issue may affect the servability of the product for Shopping campaigns (the "Shopping" destination), but not the servability for Display Ads (the "DisplayAds" destination).

    Note: If an issue applies to multiple destinations, then there will be separate issue entries for each destination.
To summarize, the new issue format makes explicit whether a given issue affects the servability of the product and whether or not merchant action is required to resolve the issue.

Note: Currently, an entry in itemLevelIssues does not contain human-readable descriptions of the issue (e.g., the detail field in dataQualityIssues entries). This work is ongoing, and new fields that contain this information will be added in the near future. We will post another blog entry describing those fields when they are available.

Changes to destination-specific product statuses
We have also added a new approvalPending field to the destinationStatuses field. If set to true, then the approvalStatus of the entry may change due to further processing. This corresponds to the pending status of products when viewed in the Merchant Center. The approvalPending field is true only if there are no issues for that product that require action by the merchant.

Here's a concrete example of a destinationStatuses entry for a product that has "Shopping" as an intended destination with approval pending on further processing:

"destination": "Shopping",
"intention": "required",
"approvalStatus": "disapproved",
"approvalPending": true
In addition, the destinationStatuses field contains only entries for intended destinations. That is, this field will no longer contain statuses for excluded destinations. Due to this, the intention field of these entries will now always contain the value "required".

What do I need to do?
Currently, no action is needed. We do not expect you to transition to the new issue format yet as it is not on par with the old issue format. For now, we are describing the new issue format so that you get a head start on understanding it and to allow you to transition ahead of time if you do not need the currently missing information.

However, note that we plan to drop support for the old dataQualityIssues field on Aug 1, 2018. Once the new issue format has reached parity with the old issue format, we will update the blog with information about the new changes, and you should transition to the new issue format at that time.

If you have any questions or feedback about this change or any other questions about the Content API for Shopping, please let us know on the forum.