Use the Google Assistant on Asus Hangouts Meet Hardware Kit with new beta

This announcement was made at Google Cloud Next ‘19 UK. Check out Next OnAir to tune into the livestream or watch session recordings following the event.

What’s changing

We’re launching a beta program to let you use the Google Assistant on the Asus Hangouts Meet Hardware Kit. This hardware can now respond to voice commands to join a meeting, exit a meeting, call a phone number, and turn on spoken feedback.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

Using the Google Assistant to control the Asus Hangouts Meet Hardware Kit can help:

  • Create a more seamless meeting experience with simple and quick voice commands
  • Increase accessibility by making it easier to activate spoken feedback

How to get started

  • Admins: Apply to be part of the beta program using this form.
  • End users: No action required.

Additional details

This beta currently only supports the Asus Hangouts Meet hardware kit. Configuration for use must include all of the following:
  • Chromebox CN62 or CN65 connected with a Hangouts Meet Hardware speaker mic and MIMO touchscreen
  • Chrome version set to 72 or later
  • Available in English only


G Suite editions
  • All G Suite editions are invited to apply to the beta program.
On/off by default?
  • These features will be OFF by default. Admins can apply to the beta program using this form.

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