Today we’re announcing the release of AdWords API v201603. This is the second release that follows the new release schedule announced in January 2016. Here are the highlights:
As with every new version of the AdWords API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201603 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published shortly. With this release, we’ve also updated the Required Minimum Functionality document to include some of the newly added features.
If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.
- Campaign drafts and experiments. A new suite of services in v201603 gives you more options and control over experimenting with your Search Network and Search Network with Display Select campaign experiments. Check out the new Campaign Drafts and Experiments guide for all the exciting details! If you're currently using ExperimentService to manage your experiments, we recommend migrating to the new suite of services so you can make the most of your experiments.
- More flexibility with Target CPA and Target Spend. Following the revamped workflow for automated bidding announcement last month, the TARGET_CPA and TARGET_SPEND (Maximize clicks) bidding strategies can be created either as portfolio strategies (to share across multiple campaigns) or as standard strategies (to use with only one campaign). In addition, portfolio
bidding strategies now support different CPA targets for individual ad groups. - Top content bid modifiers. The new PreferredContent criteria type allows you to set a bid modifier for top content on YouTube or the Google Display Network, and the new TOP_CONTENT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT lets you monitor your ad group's performance relative to those bid modifiers.
- Campaign mobile bid modifier simulations. DataService has new getCampaignCriterionBidLandscape and queryCampaignCriterionBidLandscape methods that will return bid simulations for campaign-level HighEndMobile Platform (ID 30001) bid modifiers.
- Universal app campaigns in reports. Reports now include data for Universal App Campaigns. You can identify these campaigns by looking for AdvertisingChannelType
or AdvertisingChannelSubTypeUNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN
. - Batch processing. BatchJobService now supports job cancellation in all versions of the API. MutateJobService has been removed in v201603, so be sure to check out the migration information if you have not yet transitioned to
. - Targeting extensions. Extension setting services now support setting campaign, ad group, keyword, and location targeting for each ExtensionFeedItem, as shown in the updated code examples.
- Reporting improvements. Ad group bid modifiers are now available via the new AdGroupMobileBidModifier field in the ADGROUP_PERFORMANCE_REPORT report. Null values will appear as two dashes (--) for String fields in all reports.
As with every new version of the AdWords API, we encourage you to carefully review all changes in the release notes and the v201603 migration guide. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published shortly. With this release, we’ve also updated the Required Minimum Functionality document to include some of the newly added features.
If you have any questions or need help with migration, please post on the forum or the Ads Developers Plus Page.