New intelligent search box in Google Drive

We’re improving how search works in Google Drive. When you click in the search box, you’ll now see a range of options. Click on an option to quickly perform a search with a relevant filter applied. You may see:

  • Your top collaborators. Click on a person to search for files that you’ve collaborated with them on. 
  • Suggested search queries. Click on a term to search for it. 
  • File types, edit history, priority items, and more. Click to show files that match the highlighted criteria. 

Quicker searches powered by machine learning 

These filters can help you find files more quickly without having to remember a specific title or keyword. Each category of suggested filter uses multi-variant machine learning to predict what you’re most likely to use, and the filters will improve over time. We hope that these suggestions help you find and filter content more efficiently in Drive.

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming on August 8, 2018

Available to G Suite Enterprise edition only

Rollout pace: 
Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

Launch release calendar
Launch detail categories
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