Evolution of TV: Reaching audiences across screens

This post is part of the Evolution of TV series. In this series we identify the risks and opportunities around 7 dynamics transforming the advertising landscape as TV programming shifts to delivery over the Internet.

The lines between TV and the web are blurring, as people increasingly watch TV online on all their devices and watch online video on their TV’s.

In part 1 of our Evolution of TV series, 7 Dynamics Transforming TV (articlePDF of whitepaper), we introduced the increasing shift of TV to delivery over the internet.

Here, in Part 2, we dig into the first dynamic — reaching fragmented audiences spread across hundreds of screens and devices — and explore how scalemeasurementtechnology and brand safety come together to address the challenges and create huge opportunities for broadcasters, distributors and advertisers to grow their audiences and increase brand engagement.

Anish Kattukaran
Product Marketing, DoubleClick Video & Brand Measurement