Even More Safe Browsing on Android!

During Google I/O in June, we told everyone that we were going to make a device-local Safe Browsing API available to all Android developers later in the year. That time has come!

Starting with Google Play Services version 9.4, all Android developers can use our privacy-preserving, and highly network as well as power-efficient on-device Safe Browsing infrastructure to protect all of their apps’ users. Even better, the API is simple and straightforward to use.

Since we introduced client-side Safe Browsing on Android, updated our documentation for Safe Browsing Protocol Version 4 (pver4), and also released our reference pver4 implementation in Go, we’ve been able to see how much protection this new technology provides to all our users. Since our initial launch we’ve shown hundreds of millions of warnings, actively warning many millions of mobile users about badness before they’re exposed to it.

We look forward to all Android developers extending this same protection to their users, too.