CCTZ v2.0 — now with more civil time

Last September we announced an open source project called CCTZ, a C++ library that enables computing with arbitrary time zones. Today we're announcing CCTZ v2.0 which introduces a new civil time library. Civil time is a legally recognized representation of time used by humans (i.e., year, month, day, hour, minute and second). The most common example of a civil time is a time zone independent date. In version 2.0, CCTZ's time zone and new civil time libraries cooperate with the standard C++ <chrono> library to give programmers a complete (and simple!) framework in which to reason about and solve even the most complicated time programming problems.

To learn more, please check out the project page on GitHub. Pay particular attention to the fundamental concepts section which establishes a simple, cross-platform and language agnostic mental model that will help you reason about time programming challenges with ease and confidence. And don't forget to subscribe to the new CCTZ mailing list to ask questions and learn about future announcements.

by Greg Miller and Bradley White, Google Engineering