Announcing v201608 of the DFP API

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere like I am, then you’re probably also experiencing the sweltering heatwave we’re enjoying this summer. You know what’s a great way to beat the heat? Stay inside and upgrade your DFP API version to the other hotness: v201608. If the prospect of air-conditioning isn’t enough to draw you away from the allure of melting outside, consider the following additional enhancements!

Programmatic & Sales Manager

One of the biggest features we’re adding to the DFP API is the support for programmatic guaranteed deals. This allows you to perform the end-to-end work of defining your inventory, negotiating with buyers, and trafficking to DFP all using the same great API you know and love (ours). To see how to create and use programmatic objects, see our API guide.

In addition to programmatic guaranteed, we’ve further enhanced the ProposalLineItem object by now providing information on whether the pricing model is Gross or Net via the ProposalLineItem.rateCardPricingModel field.


On the trafficking front, we’ve added the ability to delineate whether or not a creative isSafeFrameCompatible for applicable creative types such as CustomCreative. We’ve also added viewability tracking event types which can now be found on the ConversionEvent object. And finally, the one you’ve all been waiting for - there’s now support for the popular Html5Creative type.


It’s not December, but it sure feels like the holiday season. If you’ve ever wanted to run a query you had saved in the UI, the ReportService has got your back. We’ve added ReportService.getSavedQueriesByStatement, which allows you to retrieve reports you’ve created in the UI. You can then run these using ReportService.runReportJob.

Of course, since this is an action-packed release, we can’t possibly list out everything we’ve changed in a blog post, so take a peek at the full release notes.

As a reminder, with each new release comes a new deprecation (this one’s special, it’s a double deprecation!). If you're using v201511 or earlier, it's time to look into upgrading to v201608. If you have any questions about upgrading, let us know on the developer forum.