Announcing v0_6 of the Google Ads API

Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Ads API v0_6. This release brings you the features listed in Required Minimum Functionality (RMF). Now that the core functionality of this new API is available, you should get started planning, designing, and coding against it. With this version, you’ll continue pointing to v0 as your endpoint, however, you'll need to update your client libraries. Here are the highlights:
  • Manager account authentication: If you’re authenticating as a manager account, the manager account you want for authorization must be in the header as login-customer-id. You then set the customer you want to interact with in the request as usual. This tells the API the level of manager account hierarchy you want to authenticate with.
  • Mix mutate operations: Pass in multiple kinds of operations with GoogleAdsService.Mutate.
  • Hotel Ads: We extended the GoogleAdsService to enable users to query hotel performance metrics that were previously available in the Travel Partner API with the HotelPerformanceView. Supported performance metrics are cost, clicks, impressions, and average lead values. Some derived metrics are also precomputed: average position, average cost per click, average cost per thousand impressions, and click-through rate. These metrics can be segmented by:
    • Itinerary segments: check-in date, check-in day of week, booking window days, and date selection type
    • Hotel segments: hotel center ID, hotel ID, class, city, state, and country
    • Date segments: hour, date, day of week, week, month, quarter, and year
    • Others: campaign, ad group, ad network, and device
  • Feeds: Manage and retrieve feeds with AdGroupFeedService, CustomerFeedService, FeedService, CampaignFeedService, and FeedMappingService.
  • Account management:
    • We introduced CustomerClient, which provides the ability to get an expanded hierarchy of customer clients (both direct and indirect) for a given manager customer.
    • This release also supports the creation of new customer clients under a manager using the CustomerService.CreateCustomerClient method.
    • CustomerService now supports mutates.
  • Recommendations: Added the DismissRecommendation method to the RecommendationService, making it possible to dismiss the recommendations listed in our guide.
  • Ad formats: Gmail ads and image ads are now supported.
  • Search query reporting: The SearchTermView resource is now available, providing metrics aggregated at the search term level. SearchTermView provides functionality similar to the Search Query Performance Report of the AdWords API.
  • Audiences: Create audiences using UserListService.
  • Criteria types: You can now create criteria with CriterionType LANGUAGE, CARRIER, USER_LIST, USER_INTEREST and IP_BLOCK.
To get started with the API, review these helpful resources: The updated client libraries and code examples will be published within the next 2 business days. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via the forum.