Tag Archives: ML

Using Machine Learning for COVID-19 helpline with Krupal Modi #IamaGDE

Welcome to #IamaGDE - a series of spotlights presenting Google Developer Experts (GDEs) from across the globe. Discover their stories, passions, and highlights of their community work.

In college, Krupal Modi programmed a robot to catch a ball based on the ball’s color, and he enjoyed it enough that he became a developer. Now, he leads machine learning initiatives at Haptik, a conversational AI platform. He is a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning and recently built the MyGov Corona Helpdesk module for the Indian government, to help Indians around the country schedule COVID-19 vaccinations. He lives in Gujarat, India.

Meet Krupal Modi, Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning.

Image shows Krupal Modi, machine learning Google Developer Expert

GDE Krupal Modi

The early days

Krupal Modi didn’t set out to become a developer, but when he did some projects in college related to pattern recognition, in which he built and programmed a robot to catch a ball based on the color of the ball, he got hooked.

“Then, it just happened organically that I liked those problems and became a developer,” he says.

Now, he has been a developer for ten years and is proficient in Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, and unstructured data analysis, using conventional machine learning and deep learning algorithms. He leads machine learning initiatives at Haptik, a conversational AI platform where developers can program virtual AI assistants and chat bots.

“I have been there almost seven years now,” he says. “I like that most of my time goes into solving some of the open problems in the state of natural language and design.”

Image shows Krupal on stage holding a microphone giving a presentation on NLP for Chatbots

Machine learning

Krupal has been doing machine learning for nine years, and says advances in Hardware, especially in the past eight years, have made machine learning much more accessible to a wider range of developers. “We’ve come very far with so many advances in hardware,” he says. “I was fortunate enough to have a great community around me.”

Krupal is currently invested in solving the open problems of language understanding.

“Today, nobody really prefers talking with a bot or a virtual assistant,” he says. “Given a choice, you’d rather communicate with a human at a particular business.”

Krupal aims to take language understanding to a new level, where people might prefer to talk to an AI, rather than a human. To do that, his team needs to get technology to the point where it becomes a preferred and faster mode of communication.

Ultimately, Krupal’s dream is to make sure whatever technology he builds can impact some of the fundamental aspects of human life, like health care, education, and digital well being.

“These are a few places where there’s a long way to go, and where the technology I work on could create an impact,” he says. “That would be a dream come true for me.”

Image shows Krupal on stage standing behind a podium. Behind him on the wall are the words Google Developers Machine Learning Bootcamp

COVID in India/Government Corona Help Desk Module

One way Krupal has aimed to use technology to impact health care is in the creation of the MyGov Corona Helpdesk module in India, a WhatsApp bot authorized by the Indian government to combat the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. Indian citizens could text MyGov Corona Helpdesk to get instant information on symptoms, how to seek treatment, and to schedule a vaccine.

“There was a lot of incorrect information on various channels related to the symptoms of COVID and treatments for COVID,” he explains. “Starting this initiative was to have a reliable source of information to combat the spread of misinformation.”

To date, the app has responded to over 100 million queries. Over ten million people have downloaded their vaccination certificates using the app, and over one million people have used it to book vaccination appointments.

Watch this video of how it works.

Image is a graphic for MyGov Corona HelpDesk on WhatsApp. The graphic displays the phone number to contact

Becoming a GDE

As a GDE, Krupal focuses on Machine Learning and appreciates the network of self-motivated, passionate developers.

“That’s one of the things I admire the most about the program—the passionate, motivated people in the community,” Krupal says. “If you’re surrounded by such a great community, you take on and learn a lot from them.”

Advice to other developers

“If you are passionate about a specific technology; you find satisfaction in writing about it and sharing it with other developers across the globe; and you look forward to learning from them, then GDE is the right program for you.”

Improved On-Device ML on Pixel 6, with Neural Architecture Search

This fall Pixel 6 phones launched with Google Tensor, Google’s first mobile system-on-chip (SoC), bringing together various processing components (such as central/graphic/tensor processing units, image processors, etc.) onto a single chip, custom-built to deliver state-of-the-art innovations in machine learning (ML) to Pixel users. In fact, every aspect of Google Tensor was designed and optimized to run Google’s ML models, in alignment with our AI Principles. That starts with the custom-made TPU integrated in Google Tensor that allows us to fulfill our vision of what should be possible on a Pixel phone.

Today, we share the improvements in on-device machine learning made possible by designing the ML models for Google Tensor’s TPU. We use neural architecture search (NAS) to automate the process of designing ML models, which incentivize the search algorithms to discover models that achieve higher quality while meeting latency and power requirements. This automation also allows us to scale the development of models for various on-device tasks. We’re making these models publicly available through the TensorFlow model garden and TensorFlow Hub so that researchers and developers can bootstrap further use case development on Pixel 6. Moreover, we have applied the same techniques to build a highly energy-efficient face detection model that is foundational to many Pixel 6 camera features.

An illustration of NAS to find TPU-optimized models. Each column represents a stage in the neural network, with dots indicating different options, and each color representing a different type of building block. A path from inputs (e.g., an image) to outputs (e.g., per-pixel label predictions) through the matrix represents a candidate neural network. In each iteration of the search, a neural network is formed using the blocks chosen at every stage, and the search algorithm aims to find neural networks that jointly minimize TPU latency and/or energy and maximize accuracy.

Search Space Design for Vision Models
A key component of NAS is the design of the search space from which the candidate networks are sampled. We customize the search space to include neural network building blocks that run efficiently on the Google Tensor TPU.

One widely-used building block in neural networks for various on-device vision tasks is the Inverted Bottleneck (IBN). The IBN block has several variants, each with different tradeoffs, and is built using regular convolution and depthwise convolution layers. While IBNs with depthwise convolution have been conventionally used in mobile vision models due to their low computational complexity, fused-IBNs, wherein depthwise convolution is replaced by a regular convolution, have been shown to improve the accuracy and latency of image classification and object detection models on TPU.

However, fused-IBNs can have prohibitively high computational and memory requirements for neural network layer shapes that are typical in the later stages of vision models, limiting their use throughout the model and leaving the depthwise-IBN as the only alternative. To overcome this limitation, we introduce IBNs that use group convolutions to enhance the flexibility in model design. While regular convolution mixes information across all the features in the input, group convolution slices the features into smaller groups and performs regular convolution on features within that group, reducing the overall computational cost. Called group convolution–based IBNs (GC-IBNs), their tradeoff is that they may adversely impact model quality.

Inverted bottleneck (IBN) variants: (a) depthwise-IBN, depthwise convolution layer with filter size KxK sandwiched between two convolution layers with filter size 1x1; (b) fused-IBN, convolution and depthwise are fused into a convolution layer with filter size KxK; and (c) group convolution–based GC-IBN that replaces with the KxK regular convolution in fused-IBN with group convolution. The number of groups (group count) is a tunable parameter during NAS.
Inclusion of GC-IBN as an option provides additional flexibility beyond other IBNs. Computational cost and latency of different IBN variants depends on the feature dimensions being processed (shown above for two example feature dimensions). We use NAS to determine the optimal choice of IBN variants.

Faster, More Accurate Image Classification
Which IBN variant to use at which stage of a deep neural network depends on the latency on the target hardware and the performance of the resulting neural network on the given task. We construct a search space that includes all of these different IBN variants and use NAS to discover neural networks for the image classification task that optimize the classification accuracy at a desired latency on TPU. The resulting MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 model family improves the accuracy at a given latency (or latency at a desired accuracy) compared to the existing on-device models when run on the TPU. MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 also outperforms their predecessor, MobileNetEdgeTPU, the image classification models designed for the previous generation of the TPU.

Network architecture families visualized as connected dots at different latency targets. Compared with other mobile models, such as FBNet, MobileNetV3, and EfficientNets, MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 models achieve higher ImageNet top-1 accuracy at lower latency when running on Google Tensor’s TPU.

MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 models are built using blocks that also improve the latency/accuracy tradeoff on other compute elements in the Google Tensor SoC, such as the CPU. Unlike accelerators such as the TPU, CPUs show a stronger correlation between the number of multiply-and-accumulate operations in the neural network and latency. GC-IBNs tend to have fewer multiply-and-accumulate operations than fused-IBNs, which leads MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 to outperform other models even on Pixel 6 CPU.

MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 models achieve ImageNet top-1 accuracy at lower latency on Pixel 6 CPU, and outperform other CPU-optimized model architectures, such as MobileNetV3.

Improving On-Device Semantic Segmentation
Many vision models consist of two components, the base feature extractor for understanding general features of the image, and the head for understanding domain-specific features, such as semantic segmentation (the task of assigning labels, such as sky, car, etc., to each pixel in an image) and object detection (the task of detecting instances of objects, such as cats, doors, cars, etc., in an image). Image classification models are often used as feature extractors for these vision tasks. As shown below, the MobileNetEdgeTPUV2 classification model coupled with the DeepLabv3+ segmentation head improves the quality of on-device segmentation.

To further improve the segmentation model quality, we use the bidirectional feature pyramid network (BiFPN) as the segmentation head, which performs weighted fusion of different features extracted by the feature extractor. Using NAS we find the optimal configuration of blocks in both the feature extractor and the BiFPN head. The resulting models, named Autoseg-EdgeTPU, produce even higher-quality segmentation results, while also running faster.

The final layers of the segmentation model contribute significantly to the overall latency, mainly due to the operations involved in generating a high resolution segmentation map. To optimize the latency on TPU, we introduce an approximate method for generating the high resolution segmentation map that reduces the memory requirement and provides a nearly 1.5x speedup, without significantly impacting the segmentation quality.

Left: Comparing the performance, measured as mean intersection-over-union (mIOU), of different segmentation models on the ADE20K semantic segmentation dataset (top 31 classes). Right: Approximate feature upsampling (e.g., increasing resolution from 32x32 → 512x512). Argmax operation used to compute per-pixel labels is fused with the bilinear upsampling. Argmax performed on smaller resolution features reduces memory requirements and improves latency on TPU without a significant impact to quality.

Higher-Quality, Low-Energy Object Detection
Classic object detection architectures allocate ~70% of the compute budget to the feature extractor and only ~30% to the detection head. For this task we incorporate the GC-IBN blocks into a search space we call “Spaghetti Search Space”1, which provides the flexibility to move more of the compute budget to the head. This search space also uses the non-trivial connection patterns seen in recent NAS works such as MnasFPN to merge different but related stages of the network to strengthen understanding.

We compare the models produced by NAS to MobileDet-EdgeTPU, a class of mobile detection models customized for the previous generation of TPU. MobileDets have been demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art detection quality on a variety of mobile accelerators: DSPs, GPUs, and the previous TPU. Compared with MobileDets, the new family of SpaghettiNet-EdgeTPU detection models achieves +2.2% mAP (absolute) on COCO at the same latency and consumes less than 70% of the energy used by MobileDet-EdgeTPU to achieve similar accuracy.

Comparing the performance of different object detection models on the COCO dataset with the mAP metric (higher is better). SpaghettiNet-EdgeTPU achieves higher detection quality at lower latency and energy consumption compared to previous mobile models, such as MobileDets and MobileNetV2 with Feature Pyramid Network (FPN).

Inclusive, Energy-Efficient Face Detection
Face detection is a foundational technology in cameras that enables a suite of additional features, such as fixing the focus, exposure and white balance, and even removing blur from the face with the new Face Unblur feature. Such features must be designed responsibly, and Face Detection in the Pixel 6 were developed with our AI Principles top of mind.

Left: The original photo without improvements. Right: An unblurred face in a dynamic environment. This is the result of Face Unblur combined with a more accurate face detector running at a higher frames per second.

Since mobile cameras can be power-intensive, it was important for the face detection model to fit within a power budget. To optimize for energy efficiency, we used the Spaghetti Search Space with an algorithm to search for architectures that maximize accuracy at a given energy target. Compared with a heavily optimized baseline model, SpaghettiNet achieves the same accuracy at ~70% of the energy. The resulting face detection model, called FaceSSD, is more power-efficient and accurate. This improved model, combined with our auto-white balance and auto-exposure tuning improvements, are part of Real Tone on Pixel 6. These improvements help better reflect the beauty of all skin tones. Developers can utilize this model in their own apps through the Android Camera2 API.

Toward Datacenter-Quality Language Models on a Mobile Device
Deploying low-latency, high-quality language models on mobile devices benefits ML tasks like language understanding, speech recognition, and machine translation. MobileBERT, a derivative of BERT, is a natural language processing (NLP) model tuned for mobile CPUs.

However, due to the various architectural optimizations made to run these models efficiently on mobile CPUs, their quality is not as high as that of the large BERT models. Since MobileBERT on TPU runs significantly faster than on CPU, it presents an opportunity to improve the model architecture further and reduce the quality gap between MobileBERT and BERT. We extended the MobileBERT architecture and leveraged NAS to discover models that map well to the TPU. These new variants of MobileBERT, named MobileBERT-EdgeTPU, achieve up to 2x higher hardware utilization, allowing us to deploy large and more accurate models on TPU at latencies comparable to the baseline MobileBERT.

MobileBERT-EdgeTPU models, when deployed on Google Tensor’s TPU, produce on-device quality comparable to the large BERT models typically deployed in data centers.

Performance on the question answering task (SQuAD v 1.1). While the TPU in Pixel 6 provides a ~10x acceleration over CPU, further model customization for the TPU achieves on-device quality comparable to the large BERT models typically deployed in data centers.

In this post, we demonstrated how designing ML models for the target hardware expands the on-device ML capabilities of Pixel 6 and brings high-quality, ML-powered experiences to Pixel users. With NAS, we scaled the design of ML models to a variety of on-device tasks and built models that provide state-of-the-art quality on-device within the latency and power constraints of a mobile device. Researchers and ML developers can try out these models in their own use cases by accessing them through the TensorFlow model garden and TF Hub.

This work is made possible through a collaboration spanning several teams across Google. We’d like to acknowledge contributions from Rachit Agrawal, Berkin Akin, Andrey Ayupov, Aseem Bathla, Gabriel Bender, Po-Hsein Chu, Yicheng Fan, Max Gubin, Jaeyoun Kim, Quoc Le, Dongdong Li, Jing Li, Yun Long, Hanxiao Lu, Ravi Narayanaswami, Benjamin Panning, Anton Spiridonov, Anakin Tung, Zhuo Wang, Dong Hyuk Woo, Hao Xu, Jiayu Ye, Hongkun Yu, Ping Zhou, and Yanqi Zhuo. Finally, we’d like to thank Tom Small for creating illustrations for this blog post.

1The resulting architectures tend to look like spaghetti because of the connection patterns formed between blocks. 

Source: Google AI Blog

Announcing WIT: A Wikipedia-Based Image-Text Dataset

Multimodal visio-linguistic models rely on rich datasets in order to model the relationship between images and text. Traditionally, these datasets have been created by either manually captioning images, or crawling the web and extracting the alt-text as the caption. While the former approach tends to result in higher quality data, the intensive manual annotation process limits the amount of data that can be created. On the other hand, the automated extraction approach can lead to bigger datasets, but these require either heuristics and careful filtering to ensure data quality or scaling-up models to achieve strong performance. An additional shortcoming of existing datasets is the dearth of coverage in non-English languages. This naturally led us to ask: Can one overcome these limitations and create a high-quality, large-sized, multilingual dataset with a variety of content?

Today we introduce the Wikipedia-Based Image Text (WIT) Dataset, a large multimodal dataset, created by extracting multiple different text selections associated with an image from Wikipedia articles and Wikimedia image links. This was accompanied by rigorous filtering to only retain high quality image-text sets. As detailed in “WIT: Wikipedia-based Image Text Dataset for Multimodal Multilingual Machine Learning”, presented at SIGIR ‘21, this resulted in a curated set of 37.5 million entity-rich image-text examples with 11.5 million unique images across 108 languages. The WIT dataset is available for download and use under the Creative Commons license. We are also excited to announce that we are hosting a competition with the WIT dataset in Kaggle in collaboration with Wikimedia Research and other external collaborators.

Dataset   Images     Text     Contextual Text     Languages  
Flickr30K 32K 158K - < 8
SBU Captions     1M 1M - 1
MS-COCO 330K 1.5M - < 4; 7 (test only)
WIT 11.5M 37.5M ~119M 108
WIT’s increased language coverage and larger size relative to previous datasets.

The unique advantages of the WIT dataset are:

  1. Size: WIT is the largest multimodal dataset of image-text examples that is publicly available.
  2. Multilingual: With 108 languages, WIT has 10x or more languages than any other dataset.
  3. Contextual information: Unlike typical multimodal datasets, which have only one caption per image, WIT includes many page-level and section-level contextual information.
  4. Real world entities: Wikipedia, being a broad knowledge-base, is rich with real world entities that are represented in WIT.
  5. Challenging test set: In our recent work accepted at EMNLP, all state-of-the-art models demonstrated significantly lower performance on WIT vs. traditional evaluation sets (e.g., ~30 point drop in recall).

Generating the Dataset
The main goal of WIT was to create a large dataset without sacrificing on quality or coverage of concepts. Thus, we started by leveraging the largest online encyclopedia available today: Wikipedia.

For an example of the depth of information available, consider the Wikipedia page for Half Dome (Yosemite National Park, CA). As shown below, the article has numerous interesting text captions and relevant contextual information for the image, such as the page title, main page description, and other contextual information and metadata.

Example wikipedia page with various image-associated text selections and contexts we can extract. From the Wikipedia page for Half Dome : Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Example of the Wikipedia page for this specific image of Half Dome. From the Wikipedia page for Half Dome : Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0.

We started by selecting Wikipedia pages that have images, then extracted various image-text associations and surrounding contexts. To further refine the data, we performed a rigorous filtering process to ensure data quality. This included text-based filtering to ensure caption availability, length and quality (e.g., by removing generic default filler text); image-based filtering to ensure each image is a certain size with permissible licensing; and finally, image-and-text-entity–based filtering to ensure suitability for research (e.g., excluding those classified as hate speech). We further randomly sampled image-caption sets for evaluation by human editors, who overwhelmingly agreed that 98% of the samples had good image-caption alignment.

Highly Multilingual
With data in 108 languages, WIT is the first large-scale, multilingual, multimodal dataset.

# of Image-Text Sets   Unique Languages   # of Images   Unique Languages  
> 1M 9 > 1M 6
500K - 1M 10 500K - 1M 12
  100K - 500K   36   100K - 500K   35
50K - 100K 15 50K - 100K 17
14K - 50K 38 13K - 50K 38
WIT: coverage statistics across languages.
Example of an image that is present in more than a dozen Wikipedia pages across >12 languages. From the Wikipedia page for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The First Contextual Image-Text Dataset
Most multimodal datasets only offer a single text caption (or multiple versions of a similar caption) for the given image. WIT is the first dataset to provide contextual information, which can help researchers model the effect of context on image captions as well as the choice of images.

WIT dataset example showing image-text data and additional contextual information.

In particular, key textual fields of WIT that may be useful for research include:

  • Text captions: WIT offers three different kinds of image captions. This includes the (potentially context influenced) “Reference description”, the (likely context independent) “Attribution description” and “Alt-text description”.
  • Contextual information: This includes the page title, page description, URL and local context about the Wikipedia section including the section title and text.

WIT has broad coverage across these different fields, as shown below.

Image-Text Fields of WIT     Train Val Test Total / Unique
Rows / Tuples   37.1M     261.8K     210.7K   37.6M
Unique Images 11.4M 58K 57K 11.5M
Reference Descriptions 16.9M 150K 104K   17.2M / 16.7M  
Attribution Descriptions 34.8M 193K 200K 35.2M / 10.9M
Alt-Text 5.3M 29K 29K 5.4M / 5.3M
Context Texts - - - 119.8M
Key fields of WIT include both text captions and contextual information.

A High-Quality Training Set and a Challenging Evaluation Benchmark
The broad coverage of diverse concepts in Wikipedia means that the WIT evaluation sets serve as a challenging benchmark, even for state-of-the-art models. We found that for image-text retrieval, the mean recall scores for traditional datasets were in the 80s, whereas for the WIT test set, it was in the 40s for well-resourced languages and in the 30s for the under-resourced languages. We hope this in turn can help researchers to build stronger, more robust models.

WIT Dataset and Competition with Wikimedia and Kaggle
Additionally, we are happy to announce that we are partnering with Wikimedia Research and a few external collaborators to organize a competition with the WIT test set. We are hosting this competition in Kaggle. The competition is an image-text retrieval task. Given a set of images and text captions, the task is to retrieve the appropriate caption(s) for each image.

To enable research in this area, Wikipedia has kindly made available images at 300-pixel resolution and a Resnet-50–based image embeddings for most of the training and the test dataset. Kaggle will be hosting all this image data in addition to the WIT dataset itself and will provide colab notebooks. Further, the competitors will have access to a discussion forum in Kaggle in order to share code and collaborate. This enables anyone interested in multimodality to get started and run experiments easily. We are excited and looking forward to what will result from the WIT dataset and the Wikipedia images in the Kaggle platform.

We believe that the WIT dataset will aid researchers in building better multimodal multilingual models and in identifying better learning and representation techniques, ultimately leading to improved Machine Learning models in real-world tasks over visio-linguistic data. For any questions, please contact [email protected]. We would love to hear about how you are using the WIT dataset.

We would like to thank our co-authors in Google Research: Jiecao Chen, Michael Bendersky and Marc Najork. We thank Beer Changpinyo, Corinna Cortes, Joshua Gang, Chao Jia, Ashwin Kakarla, Mike Lee, Zhen Li, Piyush Sharma, Radu Soricut, Ashish Vaswani, Yinfei Yang, and our reviewers for their insightful feedback and comments.

We thank Miriam Redi and Leila Zia from Wikimedia Research for collaborating with us on the competition and providing image pixels and image embedding data. We thank Addison Howard and Walter Reade for helping us host this competition in Kaggle. We also thank Diane Larlus (Naver Labs Europe (NLE)), Yannis Kalantidis (NLE), Stéphane Clinchant (NLE), Tiziano Piccardi Ph.D. student at EPFL, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee PhD student at University of Southampton and Yacine Jernite (Hugging Face) for their valuable contribution towards the competition.

Source: Google AI Blog

Understanding Contextual Facial Expressions Across the Globe

It might seem reasonable to assume that people’s facial expressions are universal — so, for example, whether a person is from Brazil, India or Canada, their smile upon seeing close friends or their expression of awe at a fireworks display would look essentially the same. But is that really true? Is the association between these facial expressions and their relevant context across geographies indeed universal? What can similarities — or differences — between the situations where someone grins or frowns tell us about how people may be connected across different cultures?

Scientists seeking to answer these questions and to uncover the extent to which people are connected across cultures and geography often use survey-based studies that can rely heavily on local language, norms, and values. However, such studies are not scalable, and often end up with small sample sizes and inconsistent findings.

In contrast to survey-based studies, studying patterns of facial movement provides a more direct understanding of expressive behavior. But analyzing how facial expressions are actually used in everyday life would require researchers to go through millions of hours of real-world footage, which is too time-consuming to do manually. In addition, facial expressions and the contexts in which they are exhibited are complicated, requiring large sample sizes in order to make statistically sound conclusions. While existing studies have produced diverging answers to the question of the universality of facial expressions in given contexts, applying machine learning (ML) in order to appropriately scale the research has the potential to provide clarity.

In “Sixteen facial expressions occur in similar contexts worldwide”, published in Nature, we present research undertaken in collaboration with UC Berkeley to conduct the first large-scale worldwide analysis of how facial expressions are actually used in everyday life, leveraging deep neural networks (DNNs) to drastically scale up expression analysis in a responsible and thoughtful way. Using a dataset of six million publicly available videos across 144 countries, we analyze the contexts in which people use a variety of facial expressions and demonstrate that rich nuances in facial behavior — including subtle expressions — are used in similar social situations around the world.

A Deep Neural Network Measuring Facial Expression
Facial expressions are not static. If one were to examine a person’s expression instant by instant, what might at first appear to be “anger”, may instead end up being “awe”, “surprise” or “confusion”. The interpretation depends on the dynamics of a person’s face as their expression presents itself. The challenge in building a neural network to understand facial expressions, then, is that it must interpret the expression within its temporal context. Training such a system requires a large and diverse, cross-cultural dataset of videos with fully annotated expressions.

To build the dataset, skilled raters manually searched through a broad collection of publicly available videos to identify those likely to contain clips covering all of our pre-selected expression categories. To ensure that the videos matched the region they were assumed to represent, preference in video selection was given to those that included the geographic location of origin. The faces in the videos were then found using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) — similar to the Google Cloud Face Detection API — that follows faces over the course of the clip using a method based on traditional optical flow. Using an interface similar to Google Crowdsource, annotators then labeled facial expressions across 28 distinct categories if present at any point during the clip. Because the goal was to sample how an average person would perceive an expression, the annotators were not coached or trained, nor were they provided examples or definitions of the target expressions. We discuss additional experiments to evaluate whether the model trained from these annotations was biased below.

Raters were presented videos with a single face highlighted for their attention. They observed the subject throughout the duration of the clip and annotated the facial expressions they exhibited. (source video)

The face detection algorithm established a sequence of locations of each face throughout the video. We then used a pre-trained Inception network to extract features representing the most salient aspects of facial expressions from the faces. The features were then fed into a long short-term memory (LSTM) network, a type of recurrent neural network that is able to model how a facial expression might evolve over time due to its ability to remember salient information from the past.

In order to ensure that the model was making consistent predictions across a range of demographic groups, we evaluated the model fairness on an existing dataset that was constructed using similar facial expression labels, targeting a subset of 16 expressions on which it exhibited the best performance.

The model's performance was consistent across all of the demographic groups represented in the evaluation dataset, which provides supporting evidence that the model trained to annotated facial expressions is not measurably biased. The model’s annotations of those 16 facial expressions across 1,500 images can be explored here.

We modeled the selected face in each video by using a CNN to extract features from the face at each frame, which were then fed into an LSTM network to model the changes in the expression over time. (source video)

Measuring the Contexts Captured in Videos
To understand the context of facial expressions across millions of videos, we used DNNs that could capture the fine-grained content and automatically recognize the context. The first DNN modeled a combination of text features (title and description) associated with a video along with the actual visual content (video-topic model). In addition, we used a DNN that only relied on text features without any visual information (text-topic model). These models predict thousands of labels describing the videos. In our experiments these models were able to identify hundreds of unique contexts (e.g., wedding, sporting event, or fireworks) showcasing the diversity of the data we used for the analysis.

The Covariation Between Expressions and Contexts Around the World
In our first experiment, we analyzed 3 million public videos captured on mobile phones. We chose to focus on mobile uploads because they are more likely to contain natural expressions. We correlated the facial expressions that occurred in the videos to the context annotations derived from the video-topic model. We found 16 kinds of facial expressions had distinct associations with everyday social contexts that were consistent across the world. For instance, the expressions that people associate with amusement occurred more often in videos with practical jokes; expressions that people associate with awe, in videos with fireworks; and triumph, with sporting events. These results have strong implications for discussions about the relative importance of psychologically relevant context in facial expression, compared to other factors, such as those unique to an individual, culture, or society.

Our second experiment analyzed a separate set of 3 million videos, but this time we annotated the contexts with the text-topic model. The results verified that the findings in the first experiment were not driven by subtle influences of facial expressions in the video on the annotations of the video-topic model. In other words we used this experiment to verify our conclusions from the first experiment given the possibility that the video-topic model could implicitly be factoring in facial expressions when computing its content labels.

We correlated the expression and context annotations across all of the videos within each region. Each expression was found to have specific associations with different contexts that were preserved across 12 world regions. For example, here, in red, we can see that expressions people associate with awe were found more often in the context of fireworks, pets, and toys than in other contexts.

In both experiments, the correlations between expressions and contexts appeared to be well-preserved across cultures. To quantify exactly how similar the associations between expressions and contexts were across the 12 different world regions we studied, we computed second-order correlations between each pair of regions. These correlations identify the relationships between different expressions and contexts in each region and then compare them with other regions. We found that 70% of the context–expression associations found in each region are shared across the modern world.

Finally, we asked how many of the 16 kinds of facial expression we measured had distinct associations with different contexts that were preserved around the world. To do so, we applied a method called canonical correlations analysis, which showed that all 16 facial expressions had distinct associations that were preserved across the world.

We were able to examine the contexts in which facial expressions occur in everyday life across cultures at an unprecedented scale. Machine learning allowed us to analyze millions of videos across the world and discover evidence supporting hypotheses that facial expressions are preserved to a degree in similar contexts across cultures.

Our results also leave room for cultural differences. Although the correlations between facial expressions and contexts were 70% consistent around the world, they were up to 30% variable across regions. Neighboring world regions generally had more similar associations between facial expressions and contexts than distant world regions, indicating that the geographic spread of human culture may also play a role in the meanings of facial expressions.

This work shows that we can use machine learning to better understand ourselves and identify common communication elements across cultures. Tools such as DNNs give us the opportunity to provide vast amounts of diverse data in service of scientific discovery, enabling more confidence in the statistical conclusions. We hope our work provides a template for using the tools of machine learning in a responsible way and sparks more innovative research in other scientific domains.

Special thanks to our co-authors Dacher Keltner from UC Berkeley, along with Florian Schroff, Brendan Jou, and Hartwig Adam from Google Research. We are also grateful for additional support at Google provided by Laura Rapin, Reena Jana, Will Carter, Unni Nair, Christine Robson, Jen Gennai, Sourish Chaudhuri, Greg Corrado, Brian Eoff, Andrew Smart, Raine Serrano, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Jay Yagnik, and Carson Mcneil.

Source: Google AI Blog

From MLPerf to MLCommons: moving machine learning forward

Today, the community of machine learning researchers and engineers behind the MLPerf benchmark is launching an open engineering consortium called MLCommons. For us, this is the next step in a journey that started almost three years ago.

Early in 2018, we gathered a group of industry researchers and academics who had published work on benchmarking machine learning (ML), in a conference room to propose the creation of an industry standard benchmark to measure ML performance. Everyone had doubts: creating an industry standard is challenging under the best conditions and ML was (and is) a poorly understood stochastic process running on extremely diverse software and hardware. Yet, we all agreed to try.

Together, along with a growing community of researchers and academics, we created a new benchmark called MLPerf. The effort took off. MLPerf is now an industry standard with over 2,000 submitted results and multiple benchmarks suites that span systems from smartphones to supercomputers. Over that time, the fastest result submitted to MLPerf for training the classic ML network ResNet improved by over 13x.

We created MLPerf because we believed in three principles:
  • Machine learning has tremendous potential: Already, machine learning helps billions of people find and understand information through tools like Google’s search engine and translation service. Active research in machine learning could one day save millions of lives through improvements in healthcare and automotive safety.
  • Transforming machine learning from promising research into wide-spread industrial practice requires investment in common infrastructure -- especially metrics: Much like computing in the ‘80s, real innovation is mixed with hype and adopting new ideas is slow and cumbersome. We need good metrics to identify the best ideas, and good infrastructure to make adoption of new techniques fast and easy.
  • Developing common infrastructure is best done by an open, fast-moving collaboration: We need the vision of academics and the resources of industry. We need the agility of startups and the scale of leading tech companies. Working together, a diverse community can develop new ideas, launch experiments, and rapidly iterate to arrive at shared solutions.
Our belief in the principles behind MLPerf has only gotten stronger, and we are excited to be part of the next step for the MLPerf community with the launch of MLCommons.

MLCommons aims to accelerate machine learning to benefit everyone. MLCommons will build a a common set of tools for ML practitioners including:
  • Benchmarks to measure progress: MLCommons will leverage MLPerf to measure speed, but also expand benchmarking other aspects of ML such as accuracy and algorithmic efficiency. ML models continue to increase in size and consequently cost. Sustaining growth in capability will require learning how to do more (accuracy) with less (efficiency).
  • Public datasets to fuel research: MLCommons new People’s Speech project seeks to develop a public dataset that, in addition to being larger than any other public speech dataset by more than an order of magnitude, better reflects diverse languages and accents. Public datasets drive machine learning like nothing else; consider ImageNet’s impact on the field of computer vision. 
  • Best practices to accelerate development: MLCommons will make it easier to develop and deploy machine learning solutions by fostering consistent best practices. For instance, MLCommons’ MLCube project provides a common container interface for machine learning models to make them easier to share, experiment with (including benchmark), develop, and ultimately deploy.
Google believes in the potential of machine learning, the importance of common infrastructure, and the power of open, collaborative development. Our leadership in co-founding, and deep support in sustaining, MLPerf and MLCommons has echoed our involvement in other efforts like TensorFlow and NNAPI. Together with the MLCommons community, we can improve machine learning to benefit everyone.

Want to get involved? Learn more at mlcommons.org.

By Peter Mattson – ML Metrics, Naveen Kumar – ML Performance, and Cliff Young – Google Brain

Navigating Recorder Transcripts Easily, with Smart Scrolling

Last year we launched Recorder, a new kind of recording app that made audio recording smarter and more useful by leveraging on-device machine learning (ML) to transcribe the recording, highlight audio events, and suggest appropriate tags for titles. Recorder makes editing, sharing and searching through transcripts easier. Yet because Recorder can transcribe very long recordings (up to 18 hours!), it can still be difficult for users to find specific sections, necessitating a new solution to quickly navigate such long transcripts.

To increase the navigability of content, we introduce Smart Scrolling, a new ML-based feature in Recorder that automatically marks important sections in the transcript, chooses the most representative keywords from each section, and then surfaces those keywords on the vertical scrollbar, like chapter headings. The user can then scroll through the keywords or tap on them to quickly navigate to the sections of interest. The models used are lightweight enough to be executed on-device without the need to upload the transcript, thus preserving user privacy.

Smart Scrolling feature UX

Under the hood
The Smart Scrolling feature is composed of two distinct tasks. The first extracts representative keywords from each section and the second picks which sections in the text are the most informative and unique.

For each task, we utilize two different natural language processing (NLP) approaches: a distilled bidirectional transformer (BERT) model pre-trained on data sourced from a Wikipedia dataset, alongside a modified extractive term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) model. By using the bidirectional transformer and the TF-IDF-based models in parallel for both the keyword extraction and important section identification tasks, alongside aggregation heuristics, we were able to harness the advantages of each approach and mitigate their respective drawbacks (more on this in the next section).

The bidirectional transformer is a neural network architecture that employs a self-attention mechanism to achieve context-aware processing of the input text in a non-sequential fashion. This enables parallel processing of the input text to identify contextual clues both before and after a given position in the transcript.

Bidirectional Transformer-based model architecture

The extractive TF-IDF approach rates terms based on their frequency in the text compared to their inverse frequency in the trained dataset, and enables the finding of unique representative terms in the text.

Both models were trained on publicly available conversational datasets that were labeled and evaluated by independent raters. The conversational datasets were from the same domains as the expected product use cases, focusing on meetings, lectures, and interviews, thus ensuring the same word frequency distribution (Zipf’s law).

Extracting Representative Keywords
The TF-IDF-based model detects informative keywords by giving each word a score, which corresponds to how representative this keyword is within the text. The model does so, much like a standard TF-IDF model, by utilizing the ratio of the number of occurrences of a given word in the text compared to the whole of the conversational data set, but it also takes into account the specificity of the term, i.e., how broad or specific it is. Furthermore, the model then aggregates these features into a score using a pre-trained function curve. In parallel, the bidirectional transformer model, which was fine tuned on the task of extracting keywords, provides a deep semantic understanding of the text, enabling it to extract precise context-aware keywords.

The TF-IDF approach is conservative in the sense that it is prone to finding uncommon keywords in the text (high bias), while the drawback for the bidirectional transformer model is the high variance of the possible keywords that can be extracted. But when used together, these two models complement each other, forming a balanced bias-variance tradeoff.

Once the keyword scores are retrieved from both models, we normalize and combine them by utilizing NLP heuristics (e.g., the weighted average), removing duplicates across sections, and eliminating stop words and verbs. The output of this process is an ordered list of suggested keywords for each of the sections.

Rating A Section’s Importance
The next task is to determine which sections should be highlighted as informative and unique. To solve this task, we again combine the two models mentioned above, which yield two distinct importance scores for each of the sections. We compute the first score by taking the TF-IDF scores of all the keywords in the section and weighting them by their respective number of appearances in the section, followed by a summation of these individual keyword scores. We compute the second score by running the section text through the bidirectional transformer model, which was also trained on the sections rating task. The scores from both models are normalized and then combined to yield the section score.

Smart Scrolling pipeline architecture

Some Challenges
A significant challenge in the development of Smart Scrolling was how to identify whether a section or keyword is important - what is of great importance to one person can be of less importance to another. The key was to highlight sections only when it is possible to extract helpful keywords from them.

To do this, we configured the solution to select the top scored sections that also have highly rated keywords, with the number of sections highlighted proportional to the length of the recording. In the context of the Smart Scrolling features, a keyword was more highly rated if it better represented the unique information of the section.

To train the model to understand this criteria, we needed to prepare a labeled training dataset tailored to this task. In collaboration with a team of skilled raters, we applied this labeling objective to a small batch of examples to establish an initial dataset in order to evaluate the quality of the labels and instruct the raters in cases where there were deviations from what was intended. Once the labeling process was complete we reviewed the labeled data manually and made corrections to the labels as necessary to align them with our definition of importance.

Using this limited labeled dataset, we ran automated model evaluations to establish initial metrics on model quality, which were used as a less-accurate proxy to the model quality, enabling us to quickly assess the model performance and apply changes in the architecture and heuristics. Once the solution metrics were satisfactory, we utilized a more accurate manual evaluation process over a closed set of carefully chosen examples that represented expected Recorder use cases. Using these examples, we tweaked the model heuristics parameters to reach the desired level of performance using a reliable model quality evaluation.

Runtime Improvements
After the initial release of Recorder, we conducted a series of user studies to learn how to improve the usability and performance of the Smart Scrolling feature. We found that many users expect the navigational keywords and highlighted sections to be available as soon as the recording is finished. Because the computation pipeline described above can take a considerable amount of time to compute on long recordings, we devised a partial processing solution that amortizes this computation over the whole duration of the recording. During recording, each section is processed as soon as it is captured, and then the intermediate results are stored in memory. When the recording is done, Recorder aggregates the intermediate results.

When running on a Pixel 5, this approach reduced the average processing time of an hour long recording (~9K words) from 1 minute 40 seconds to only 9 seconds, while outputting the same results.

The goal of Recorder is to improve users’ ability to access their recorded content and navigate it with ease. We have already made substantial progress in this direction with the existing ML features that automatically suggest title words for recordings and enable users to search recordings for sounds and text. Smart Scrolling provides additional text navigation abilities that will further improve the utility of Recorder, enabling users to rapidly surface sections of interest, even for long recordings.

Bin Zhang, Sherry Lin, Isaac Blankensmith, Henry Liu‎, Vincent Peng‎, Guilherme Santos‎, Tiago Camolesi, Yitong Lin, James Lemieux, Thomas Hall‎, Kelly Tsai‎, Benny Schlesinger, Dror Ayalon, Amit Pitaru, Kelsie Van Deman, Console Chen, Allen Su, Cecile Basnage, Chorong Johnston‎, Shenaz Zack, Mike Tsao, Brian Chen, Abhinav Rastogi, Tracy Wu, Yvonne Yang‎.

Source: Google AI Blog

Peer Bonus Experiences: Building tiny models for the ML community with TensorFlow

Almost all the current state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) models take quite a lot of disk space. This makes them particularly inefficient in production situations. A bulky machine learning model can be exposed as a REST API and hosted on cloud services, but that same bulk may lead to hefty infrastructure costs. And some applications may need to operate in low-bandwidth environments, making cloud-hosted models less practical.

In a perfect world, your models would live alongside your application, saving data transfer costs and complying with any regulatory requirements restricting what data can be sent to the cloud. But storing multi-gigabyte models on today’s devices just isn’t practical. The field of on-device ML is dedicated to the development of tools and techniques to produce tiny—yet high performing!—ML models. Progress has been slow, but steady!

There has never been a better time to learn about on-device ML and successfully apply it in your own projects. With frameworks like TensorFlow Lite, you have an exceptional toolset to optimize your bulky models while retaining as much performance as possible. TensorFlow Lite also makes it very easy for mobile application developers to integrate ML models with tools like metadata and ML Model Binding, Android codegen, and others.

What is TensorFlow Lite?

“TensorFlow Lite is a production ready, cross-platform framework for deploying ML on mobile devices and embedded systems.” - TensorFlow Youtube

TensorFlow Lite provides first-class support for Native Android and iOS-based integrations (with many additional features, such as delegates). TensorFlow Lite also supports other tiny computing platforms, such as microcontrollers. TensorFlow Lite’s optimization APIs produce world-class, fast, and well-performing machine learning models.

Venturing into TensorFlow Lite

Last year, I started playing around with TensorFlow Lite while developing projects for Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision, using the official documentation and this course to fuel my initial learning. Following this interest, I decided to join a voluntary working group focused on creating sample applications, writing out tutorials, and creating tiny models. This working group consists of individuals from different backgrounds passionate about teaching on-device machine learning to others. The group is coordinated by Khanh LeViet (TensorFlow Lite team) and Hoi Lam (Android ML team). This is by far one of the most active working groups I have ever seen. And, back in our starting days, Khanh proposed a few different state-of-art machine learning models that were great fits for on-device machine learning:

These ideas were enough for us to start spinning up Jupyter notebooks and VSCode. After months of work, we now have strong collaborations between machine learning GDEs and a bunch of different TensorFlow Lite models, sample applications, and tutorials for the community to learn from. Our collaborations have been fueled by the power of open source and all the tiny models that we have built together are available on TensorFlow Hub. There are numerous open source applications that we have built that demonstrate how to use these models.
The Cartoonizer model cartoonizes uploaded images

Margaret and I co-authored an end-to-end tutorial that was published from the official TensorFlow blog and published the TensorFlow Lite models on TensorFlow Hub. So far, the response we have received for this work has been truly mesmerizing. I’ve also shared my experiences with TensorFlow Lite in these blog posts and conference talks:

A Tale of Model Quantization in TF Lite
Plunging into Model Pruning in Deep Learning
A few good stuff in TF Lite
Doing more with TF Lite
Model Optimization 101

The power of collaboration

The working group is a tremendous opportunity for machine learning GDEs, Googlers, and passionate community individuals to collaborate and learn. We get to learn together, create together, and celebrate the joy of teaching others. I am immensely thankful, grateful, and humbled to be a part of this group. Lastly, I would like to wholeheartedly thank Khanh for being a pillar of support to us and for nominating me for the Google Open Source Peer Bonus Award.

By Sayak Paul, PyImageSearch—Guest Author

ML Kit Pose Detection Makes Staying Active at Home Easier

Posted by Kenny Sulaimon, Product Manager, ML Kit; Chengji Yan and Areeba Abid, Software Engineers, ML Kit

ML Kit logo

Two months ago we introduced the standalone version of the ML Kit SDK, making it even easier to integrate on-device machine learning into mobile apps. Since then we’ve launched the Digital Ink Recognition API, and also introduced the ML Kit early access program. Our first two early access APIs were Pose Detection and Entity Extraction. We’ve received an overwhelming amount of interest in these new APIs and today, we are thrilled to officially add Pose Detection to the ML Kit lineup.

ML Kit Overview

A New ML Kit API, Pose Detection

Examples of ML Kit Pose Detection

ML Kit Pose Detection is an on-device, cross platform (Android and iOS), lightweight solution that tracks a subject's physical actions in real time. With this technology, building a one-of-a-kind experience for your users is easier than ever.

The API produces a full body 33 point skeletal match that includes facial landmarks (ears, eyes, mouth, and nose), along with hands and feet tracking. The API was also trained on a variety of complex athletic poses, such as Yoga positions.

Skeleton image detailing all 33 landmark points

Skeleton image detailing all 33 landmark points

Under The Hood

Diagram of the ML Kit Pose Detection Pipeline

The power of the ML Kit Pose Detection API is in its ease of use. The API builds on the cutting edge BlazePose pipeline and allows developers to build great experiences on Android and iOS, with little effort. We offer a full body model, support for both video and static image use cases, and have added multiple pre and post processing improvements to help developers get started with only a few lines of code.

The ML Kit Pose Detection API utilizes a two step process for detecting poses. First, the API combines an ultra-fast face detector with a prominent person detection algorithm, in order to detect when a person has entered the scene. The API is capable of detecting a single (highest confidence) person in the scene and requires the face of the user to be present in order to ensure optimal results.

Next, the API applies a full body, 33 landmark point skeleton to the detected person. These points are rendered in 2D space and do not account for depth. The API also contains a streaming mode option for further performance and latency optimization. When enabled, instead of running person detection on every frame, the API only runs this detector when the previous frame no longer detects a pose.

The ML Kit Pose Detection API also features two operating modes, “Fast” and “Accurate”. With the “Fast” mode enabled, you can expect a frame rate of around 30+ FPS on a modern Android device, such as a Pixel 4 and 45+ FPS on a modern iOS device, such as an iPhone X. With the “Accurate” mode enabled, you can expect more stable x,y coordinates on both types of devices, but a slower frame rate overall.

Lastly, we’ve also added a per point “InFrameLikelihood” score to help app developers ensure their users are in the right position and filter out extraneous points. This score is calculated during the landmark detection phase and a low likelihood score suggests that a landmark is outside the image frame.

Real World Applications

Examples of a pushup and squat counter using ML Kit Pose Detection

Keeping up with regular physical activity is one of the hardest things to do while at home. We often rely on gym buddies or physical trainers to help us with our workouts, but this has become increasingly difficult. Apps and technology can often help with this, but with existing solutions, many app developers are still struggling to understand and provide feedback on a user’s movement in real time. ML Kit Pose Detection aims to make this problem a whole lot easier.

The most common applications for Pose detection are fitness and yoga trackers. It’s possible to use our API to track pushups, squats and a variety of other physical activities in real time. These complex use cases can be achieved by using the output of the API, either with angle heuristics, tracking the distance between joints, or with your own proprietary classifier model.

To get you jump started with classifying poses, we are sharing additional tips on how to use angle heuristics to classify popular yoga poses. Check it out here.

Learning to Dance Without Leaving Home

Learning a new skill is always tough, but learning to dance without the aid of a real time instructor is even tougher. One of our early access partners, Groovetime, has set out to solve this problem.

With the power of ML Kit Pose Detection, Groovetime allows users to learn their favorite dance moves from popular short-form dance videos, while giving users automated real time feedback on their technique. You can join their early access beta here.

Groovetime App using ML Kit Pose Detection

Staying Active Wherever You Are

Our Pose Detection API is also helping adidas Training, another one of our early access partners, build a virtual workout experience that will help you stay active no matter where you are. This one-of-a-kind innovation will help analyze and give feedback on the user’s movements, using nothing more than just your phone. Integration into the adidas Training app is still in the early phases of the development cycle, but stay tuned for more updates in the future.

How to get started?

If you would like to start using the Pose Detection API in your mobile app, head over to the developer documentation or check out the sample apps for Android and iOS to see the API in action. For questions or feedback, please reach out to us through one of our community channels.

Digital Ink Recognition in ML Kit

Posted by Mircea Trăichioiu, Software Engineer, Handwriting Recognition

A month ago, we announced changes to ML Kit to make mobile development with machine learning even easier. Today we're announcing the addition of the Digital Ink Recognition API on both Android and iOS to allow developers to create apps where stylus and touch act as first class inputs.

Digital ink recognition: the latest addition to ML Kit’s APIs

Digital Ink Recognition is different from the existing Vision and Natural Language APIs in ML Kit, as it takes neither text nor images as input. Instead, it looks at the user's strokes on the screen and recognizes what they are writing or drawing. This is the same technology that powers handwriting recognition in Gboard - Google’s own keyboard app, which we described in detail in a 2019 blog post. It's also the same underlying technology used in the Quick, Draw! and AutoDraw experiments.

Handwriting input in Gboard

Turning doodles into art with Autodraw

With the new Digital Ink Recognition API, developers can now use this technology in their apps as well, for everything from letting users input text and figures with a finger or stylus to transcribing handwritten notes to make them searchable; all in near real time and entirely on-device.

Supports many languages and character sets

Digital Ink Recognition supports 300+ languages and 25+ writing systems including all major Latin languages, as well as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic, and more. Classifiers parse written text into a string of characters

Recognizes shapes

Other classifiers can describe shapes, such as drawings and emojis, by the class to which they belong (circle, square, happy face, etc). We currently support an autodraw sketch recognizer, an emoji recognizer, and a basic shape recognizer.

Works offline

Digital Ink Recognition API runs on-device and does not require a network connection. However, you must download one or more models before you can use a recognizer. Models are downloaded on demand and are around 20MB in size. Refer to the model download documentation for more information.

Runs fast

The time to perform a recognition call depends on the exact device and the size of the input stroke sequence. On a typical mobile device recognizing a line of text takes about 100 ms.

How to get started

If you would like to start using Digital Ink Recognition in your mobile app, head over to the documentation or check out the sample apps for Android and iOS to see the API in action. For questions or feedback, please reach out to us through one of our community channels.

Full spectrum of on-device machine learning tools on Android

Posted by Hoi Lam, Android Machine Learning

This blog post is part of a weekly series for #11WeeksOfAndroid. Each week we’re diving into a key area of Android so you don’t miss anything. Throughout this week, we covered various aspects of Android on-device machine learning (ML). Whichever stage of development be it starting out or an established app; whatever role you play in design, product and engineering; whatever your skill level from beginner to experts, we have a wide range of ML tools for you.

Design - ML as a differentiator

“Focus on the user and all else will follow” is a Google mantra that becomes even more relevant in our machine learning age. Our Design Advocate, Di Dang, highlighted the importance of finding the unique intersection of user problems and ML strengths. Too often, teams are so keen on the idea of machine learning that they lose sight of their user needs.

Di outlined how the People + AI Guidebook can help you make ML product decisions and used the example of the Read Along app to illustrate topics like precision and recall, which are unique to ML design and development. Check out her interview with the Read Along team together with your team for more inspiration.

New ML Kit fully focused on on-device

When you decide that on-device machine learning is the solution, the easiest way to implement it will be through turnkey SDKs like ML Kit. Sophisticated Google-trained models and processing pipelines are offered through an easy to use interface in Kotlin / Java. ML Kit is designed and built for on-device ML: it works offline, offers enhanced privacy, unlocks high performance for real-time use cases and it is free. We recently made ML Kit a standalone SDK and it no longer requires a Firebase account. Just one line in your build.gradle file and you can start bringing ML functionality into your app.

The team has also added new functionalities such as Jetpack lifecycle support and the option to use the face contour models via Google Play Services saving as much as 20MB in app size. Another much anticipated addition is the support for swapping Google models with your own for both Image Labeling as well as Object Detection and Tracking. This provides one of the easiest ways to add TensorFlow Lite models to your applications without interacting with ByteArray!

Customise with TensorFlow Lite and Android tools

If the base model provided by ML Kit doesn’t quite fit the bill, what should developers do? The first port of call should be TensorFlow Hub where ready-to-use TensorFlow Lite models from both Google and the wider community can be downloaded. From 100,000 US Supermarket products to tomato plant diseases classifiers, the choice is yours.

In addition to Firebase AutoML Vision Edge, you can also build your own model using TensorFlow Model Maker (image classification / text classification) with just a few lines of Python. Once you have a TensorFlow Lite model from either TensorFlow Hub, or the Model Maker, you can easily integrate it with your Android app using ML Kit Image Labelling or Object Detection and Tracking. If you prefer an open source solution, Android Studio 4.1 beta introduces ML model binding that helps wrap around the TensorFlow Lite model with an easy to use Kotlin / Java wrapper. Adding a custom model to your Android app has never been easier. Check out this blog for more details.

Time for on-device ML is now

From the examples of the Android Developer Challenge winners, it is obvious that on-device machine learning has come of age and ML functionalities once reserved for the cloud or supercomputers are now available on your Android phone. Take a step forward with us by trying out our codelabs of the day:

Also checkout the ML Week learning pathway and take the quiz to get your very own ML badge.

Android on-device machine learning is a rapidly evolving platform, if you have any enhancement requests or feedback on how it could be improved, please let us know together with your use-case (TensorFlow Lite / ML Kit). Time for on-device ML is now.


You can find the entire playlist of #11WeeksOfAndroid video content here, and learn more about each week here. We’ll continue to spotlight new areas each week, so keep an eye out and follow us on Twitter and YouTube. Thanks so much for letting us be a part of this experience with you!