Tag Archives: dbm_api

Announcing v1.1 of the DoubleClick Bid Manager API

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. The full v1.1 API documentation can be found here.

Major changes

This release contains two major changes that affect the API methods queries.createquery, queries.getquery, queries.listqueries, and reports.listreports. All other API methods remain unchanged.

One-to-one API filters to report column mappings

In v1, some report columns were not mapped to any API filters and could only be included indirectly by adding related API filters in createquery. For example, in v1, report column “Advertiser Integration Code” could only be accessed by including API filter FILTER_ADVERTISER in calls to createquery

Starting with v1.1, a new API filter FILTER_ADVERTISER_INTEGRATION_CODE maps to report column “Advertiser Integration Code”, and it is no longer automatically included when using FILTER_ADVERTISER. Instead, this new filter needs to be added to the report explicitly.
Refer to the v1.1 API filter documentation for a full list of the new API filters.

Pagination support 

In v1, listqueries and listreports attempted to retrieve all Queries and Reports and would time out if there were too many resources to return. Starting with v1.1, responses from these two methods are paginated, making all resources retrievable.

Refer to the v1.1 API release notes for more details.

- DBM API Team

Structured Data Files v5 now available in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v5 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include:
  • Updates to environment targeting
  • TrueView for action
  • Regional location list targeting
  • Deal simplification updates
  • IO-level budget optimization
As previously announced, this release introduces a number of breaking changes to SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2. All existing SDF users who rely on legacy targeting fields must now migrate in order to make use of the new, enhanced targeting fields in SDF v5.

Retiring older API versions

We're also introducing a new deprecation schedule and announcing the deprecation of all SDF versions prior to v5. Moving forward, we will generally only support 3 versions of SDF at a time and sunset the oldest version 4 months after a new release. In order to help developers adjust to this new schedule, we're providing an extended migration period for these newly deprecated versions and announcing a sunset date of February 28, 2020 for SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2.

These versions will remain active and supported until the sunset date, and we encourage you to use this time to update your applications. After the sunset date, requests to these versions will no longer work, preventing you from accessing SDF.

Get started with SDF v5

All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v5 files in order to take advantage of the new features listed above. To do so, simply pass 5 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, you can find additional details about the file format changes in the release notes.

Questions about this or anything else DV360 related? Contact our support team.

Upcoming changes to environment and position targeting in DV360

On August 26, 2019, we'll be introducing a number of changes to environment and position targeting in Display & Video 360. These changes are being made to allow you to target your ads with increased accuracy and granularity. To learn more about these changes and how they will affect various parts of the Display & Video 360 product, visit the help center.

How will this affect API users?

A new version of Structured Data Files (SDF) will launch alongside these changes, containing new fields that allow you to retrieve and set all of the new targeting options. At the same time, existing SDF versions will be updated to disallow retrieving and setting legacy environment and position targeting options.

The following legacy fields will no longer be populated on download and will return errors on upload for SDF v3.1, v4, v4.1, and v4.2. Suggested SDF v5 replacement fields are provided where applicable.

SDF Entity
Legacy Field
New SDF v5 Field(s)
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - On Screen
Position Targeting - Display On Screen
Insertion Order
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Video Ad Position Targeting
Position Targeting - Video Position In Content
Position Targeting - Audio Position in Content
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - On Screen
Position Targeting - Display On Screen
Line Item
Environment Targeting
Environment Targeting
Video Ad Position Targeting
Position Targeting - Video Position In Content
Position Targeting - Audio Position in Content
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Exclude
No longer supported
Viewability Targeting Ad Position - Include
Position Targeting - On Screen
Position Targeting - Display On Screen

If you are a current user of SDF and rely on any of the legacy fields listed above, you will need to migrate to SDF v5 in order to make use of the new targeting fields. While this SDF version will not be available until August 26, we are providing a preview of the documentation that you can use to prepare.

Questions about this or anything else DV360 related? Contact our support team.

Structured Data Files v4.2 now available in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v4.2 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include:
  • Support for TrueView connected TV bid adjustments
  • Ability to inherit Insertion Order start and end dates at the Line Item level
  • Renaming changes to better align SDF with the Display & Video 360 UI
All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v4.2 files to take advantage of these new features. To do so, simply pass 4.2 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For users with workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, details of the file format changes between versions can be found in the release notes.

Structured Data Files v4.1 now available in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v4.1 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include:

  • Enhanced support for inventory source targeting
  • Renaming changes to better align SDF with the Display & Video 360 UI

All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v4.1 files to take advantage of these new features. To do so, simply pass 4.1 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For users with workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, details of the file format changes between versions can be found in the release notes.

Upcoming changes to DBM API reporting

The week of September 17, 2018, a number of DoubleClick Bid Manager API reporting dimensions and metrics will be renamed. This renaming will modify both API names and column header names in generated report files. These changes are being made to more closely align API field names with their UI counterparts after the recent launch of the Google Display & Video 360 brand. The changes are as follows:


Old API name Old column header New API name New column header
Conversion Pixel DCM ID
Floodlight Activity ID
Conversion Pixel ID
DV360 Activity ID
Mobile Make
Device Make
Mobile Make and Model
Device Model
Device Type
Device Type


Old API name Old column header New API name New column header
DCM Post-Click Revenue
CM Post-Click Revenue
DCM Post-View Revenue
CM Post-View Revenue
Pixel Load Count
Floodlight Impressions

To allow users time to prepare for these changes, the new API names listed above will be made available the week of September 3, 2018. Both old and new API names will be supported until October 1, 2018, at which point the old API names will be disabled. Users are advised to use this transitional period to update workflows impacted by this change, to avoid an interruption in service.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please reach out to your Display & Video 360 account team.

Structured Data Files v4 now available in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API

Today we're announcing the general availability of Structured Data Files (SDF) v4 in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API. Highlights of this release include support for:
  • Bid Multipliers
  • TrueView bumper ads
  • Enhanced YouTube tracking
  • Exchange Targeting settings inheritance

Details of these features and all other changes can be found in the release notes.

All SDF users are encouraged to begin requesting v4 files to take advantage of these new features. To do so, simply pass 4 as the value of version when calling Sdf.download. For users with workflows that are dependent on older SDF formats, details of the file format changes between versions can be found in the release notes.

Upcoming changes to DBM report access

Back in March, we launched the new Report Builder in DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM). Over the coming months, we'll be migrating all reports from the legacy reporting platform (v1) to Report Builder (v2). This migration will complete on September 25, 2017, at which point access to v1 reporting will be removed. We'll also be disabling access to the Google Cloud Storage buckets used by v1 reporting on that date.

Once the migration to v2 reporting is complete, the only way to access reports programmatically will be via the DBM API. Users who currently access reports through Google Cloud Storage must migrate to using the API before September 25, 2017 to avoid an interruption in service. To learn more and quickly get started with the API, visit our getting started guide.

If you have questions regarding these changes, please reach out to your DoubleClick account team.