Tag Archives: adwords_for_video

Upcoming changes to ad network type columns in AdWords API and Scripts reports

On March 19, 2018, we are updating how AdNetworkType1 and AdNetworkType2 columns report zero impression rows related to video networks.

Currently, if you request AdNetworkType1 or AdNetworkType2 columns and request zero impression rows by setting the includeZeroImpressions flag to true, you get back zero impression rows for YOUTUBE_SEARCH and YOUTUBE_WATCH values only if you target these networks in your Advertiser account. After this change, we will always return zero rows corresponding to these network types irrespective of whether you advertise on these networks. Other network types are not affected by this change.

This change makes the behavior of YOUTUBE_SEARCH and YOUTUBE_WATCH network types consistent with the behavior of other network types. Once this change goes live, you may start seeing a higher number of zero impression rows than what you see today when requesting AdNetworkType1 or AdNetworkType2 columns along with zero impression rows.

If you have any questions about these changes, post them in our developer forum.

Changes to ClickType field compatibility in AdWords API & Scripts Reports

We are marking the ClickType column in AdWords API and Scripts reports as incompatible with the following engagement and video-related fields in version v201607 and earlier:
  • AverageCpe
  • EngagementRate
  • VideoQuartile25Rate
  • VideoQuartile50Rate
  • VideoQuartile75Rate
  • VideoQuartile100Rate
  • VideoViews
  • VideoViewRate
  • AverageCpv
These fields refer to engagement and video view interactions, and aren’t compatible with the ClickType column, a click interaction metric. This restriction is already enforced in v201609 reports, see our migration guide for more details.

Starting Dec 1, 2016, you will get a ReportDefinitionError.INVALID_FIELD_NAME_FOR_REPORT error if ClickType column is requested with any of these fields.

Questions? Visit us on the AdWords API Forum or our Google+ page.