Tag Archives: shopping

Content API for Shopping: Automatic Quota

The Content API for Shopping now automatically increases your products and accounts quotas as your account grows.

Because your API quota now changes dynamically, we have removed the static chart from our published limits guide. To check your current daily quota and usage, and current per minute quota, you can call the quotas.list service.

The following errors are not API quota errors and can’t be resolved by automatic quota increases. They require you to request a quota increase.

  • too_many_items: Merchant quota exceeded
  • too_many_subaccounts: Maximum number of subaccounts reached

Automatic quota only applies to the products and accounts services. If you need an increased API quota for any other service, or if you’re hitting your daily API quota for the products or accounts services or need a temporary increase for the accounts or products services, contact us with the following information:

  • Your Merchant Center ID
  • Which methods you’ve reached your quota limits on
  • An estimation of how many calls per day you need for those methods
  • The reason why you need an increased quota

Note that our general quota policy is you should not update your products more than twice per day, and that you should check your accounts and account statuses not more than once per day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.

Deprecating Content API Easy Onboarding In Merchant Center

Starting on March 29, 2024, the Content API for Shopping authentication method and tab in Merchant Center will no longer be available in the classic Merchant Center. This tab, which creates a service account for you, will not be migrated to Merchant Center Next. Service accounts formerly created through this tab will continue to work even after the deprecation. You can still authenticate your Content API calls with a new service account via the service account setup to generate an API key.

After the deprecation, follow these steps, further detailed in our API documentation, if you need to set up a new service account to access the Content API for Shopping:

  1. Ensure you have an existing cloud project or create a new one in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Generate or access your service account credentials.
  3. Download the JSON private key from Google API Console. This JSON private key can be used in the same way as the one downloaded from Merchant Center previously.
  4. Add the new service account as a user to your Merchant Center account. If you’re a third-party developer (and don’t have access to the Merchant Center UI for the account), your client will need to complete this step for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.