Tag Archives: Robotics

SayTap: Language to quadrupedal locomotion

Simple and effective interaction between human and quadrupedal robots paves the way towards creating intelligent and capable helper robots, forging a future where technology enhances our lives in ways beyond our imagination. Key to such human-robot interaction systems is enabling quadrupedal robots to respond to natural language instructions. Recent developments in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the potential to perform high-level planning. Yet, it remains a challenge for LLMs to comprehend low-level commands, such as joint angle targets or motor torques, especially for inherently unstable legged robots, necessitating high-frequency control signals. Consequently, most existing work presumes the provision of high-level APIs for LLMs to dictate robot behavior, inherently limiting the system’s expressive capabilities.

In “SayTap: Language to Quadrupedal Locomotion”, we propose an approach that uses foot contact patterns (which refer to the sequence and manner in which a four-legged agent places its feet on the ground while moving) as an interface to bridge human commands in natural language and a locomotion controller that outputs low-level commands. This results in an interactive quadrupedal robot system that allows users to flexibly craft diverse locomotion behaviors (e.g., a user can ask the robot to walk, run, jump or make other movements using simple language). We contribute an LLM prompt design, a reward function, and a method to expose the SayTap controller to the feasible distribution of contact patterns. We demonstrate that SayTap is a controller capable of achieving diverse locomotion patterns that can be transferred to real robot hardware.

SayTap method

The SayTap approach uses a contact pattern template, which is a 4 X T matrix of 0s and 1s, with 0s representing an agent’s feet in the air and 1s for feet on the ground. From top to bottom, each row in the matrix gives the foot contact patterns of the front left (FL), front right (FR), rear left (RL) and rear right (RR) feet. SayTap’s control frequency is 50 Hz, so each 0 or 1 lasts 0.02 seconds. In this work, a desired foot contact pattern is defined by a cyclic sliding window of size Lw and of shape 4 X Lw. The sliding window extracts from the contact pattern template four foot ground contact flags, which indicate if a foot is on the ground or in the air between t + 1 and t + Lw. The figure below provides an overview of the SayTap method.

SayTap introduces these desired foot contact patterns as a new interface between natural language user commands and the locomotion controller. The locomotion controller is used to complete the main task (e.g., following specified velocities) and to place the robot’s feet on the ground at the specified time, such that the realized foot contact patterns are as close to the desired contact patterns as possible. To achieve this, the locomotion controller takes the desired foot contact pattern at each time step as its input in addition to the robot’s proprioceptive sensory data (e.g., joint positions and velocities) and task-related inputs (e.g., user-specified velocity commands). We use deep reinforcement learning to train the locomotion controller and represent it as a deep neural network. During controller training, a random generator samples the desired foot contact patterns, the policy is then optimized to output low-level robot actions to achieve the desired foot contact pattern. Then at test time a LLM translates user commands into foot contact patterns.

SayTap approach overview.

SayTap uses foot contact patterns (e.g., 0 and 1 sequences for each foot in the inset, where 0s are foot in the air and 1s are foot on the ground) as an interface that bridges natural language user commands and low-level control commands. With a reinforcement learning-based locomotion controller that is trained to realize the desired contact patterns, SayTap allows a quadrupedal robot to take both simple and direct instructions (e.g., “Trot forward slowly.”) as well as vague user commands (e.g., “Good news, we are going to a picnic this weekend!”) and react accordingly.

We demonstrate that the LLM is capable of accurately mapping user commands into foot contact pattern templates in specified formats when given properly designed prompts, even in cases when the commands are unstructured or vague. In training, we use a random pattern generator to produce contact pattern templates that are of various pattern lengths T, foot-ground contact ratios within a cycle based on a given gait type G, so that the locomotion controller gets to learn on a wide distribution of movements leading to better generalization. See the paper for more details.


With a simple prompt that contains only three in-context examples of commonly seen foot contact patterns, an LLM can translate various human commands accurately into contact patterns and even generalize to those that do not explicitly specify how the robot should react.

SayTap prompts are concise and consist of four components: (1) general instruction that describes the tasks the LLM should accomplish; (2) gait definition that reminds the LLM of basic knowledge about quadrupedal gaits and how they can be related to emotions; (3) output format definition; and (4) examples that give the LLM chances to learn in-context. We also specify five velocities that allow a robot to move forward or backward, fast or slow, or remain still.

General instruction block
You are a dog foot contact pattern expert.
Your job is to give a velocity and a foot contact pattern based on the input.
You will always give the output in the correct format no matter what the input is.

Gait definition block
The following are description about gaits:
1. Trotting is a gait where two diagonally opposite legs strike the ground at the same time.
2. Pacing is a gait where the two legs on the left/right side of the body strike the ground at the same time.
3. Bounding is a gait where the two front/rear legs strike the ground at the same time. It has a longer suspension phase where all feet are off the ground, for example, for at least 25% of the cycle length. This gait also gives a happy feeling.

Output format definition block
The following are rules for describing the velocity and foot contact patterns:
1. You should first output the velocity, then the foot contact pattern.
2. There are five velocities to choose from: [-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0].
3. A pattern has 4 lines, each of which represents the foot contact pattern of a leg.
4. Each line has a label. "FL" is front left leg, "FR" is front right leg, "RL" is rear left leg, and "RR" is rear right leg.
5. In each line, "0" represents foot in the air, "1" represents foot on the ground.

Example block
Input: Trot slowly
Output: 0.5
FL: 11111111111111111000000000
FR: 00000000011111111111111111
RL: 00000000011111111111111111
RR: 11111111111111111000000000

Input: Bound in place
Output: 0.0
FL: 11111111111100000000000000
FR: 11111111111100000000000000
RL: 00000011111111111100000000
RR: 00000011111111111100000000

Input: Pace backward fast
Output: -1.0
FL: 11111111100001111111110000
FR: 00001111111110000111111111
RL: 11111111100001111111110000
RR: 00001111111110000111111111


SayTap prompt to the LLM. Texts in blue are used for illustration and are not input to LLM.

Following simple and direct commands

We demonstrate in the videos below that the SayTap system can successfully perform tasks where the commands are direct and clear. Although some commands are not covered by the three in-context examples, we are able to guide the LLM to express its internal knowledge from the pre-training phase via the “Gait definition block” (see the second block in our prompt above) in the prompt.

Following unstructured or vague commands

But what is more interesting is SayTap’s ability to process unstructured and vague instructions. With only a little hint in the prompt to connect certain gaits with general impressions of emotions, the robot bounds up and down when hearing exciting messages, like “We are going to a picnic!” Furthermore, it also presents the scenes accurately (e.g., moving quickly with its feet barely touching the ground when told the ground is very hot).

Conclusion and future work

We present SayTap, an interactive system for quadrupedal robots that allows users to flexibly craft diverse locomotion behaviors. SayTap introduces desired foot contact patterns as a new interface between natural language and the low-level controller. This new interface is straightforward and flexible, moreover, it allows a robot to follow both direct instructions and commands that do not explicitly state how the robot should react.

One interesting direction for future work is to test if commands that imply a specific feeling will allow the LLM to output a desired gait. In the gait definition block shown in the results section above, we provide a sentence that connects a happy mood with bounding gaits. We believe that providing more information can augment the LLM’s interpretations (e.g., implied feelings). In our evaluation, the connection between a happy feeling and a bounding gait led the robot to act vividly when following vague human commands. Another interesting direction for future work is to introduce multi-modal inputs, such as videos and audio. Foot contact patterns translated from those signals will, in theory, still work with our pipeline and will unlock many more interesting use cases.


Yujin Tang, Wenhao Yu, Jie Tan, Heiga Zen, Aleksandra Faust and Tatsuya Harada conducted this research. This work was conceived and performed while the team was in Google Research and will be continued at Google DeepMind. The authors would like to thank Tingnan Zhang, Linda Luu, Kuang-Huei Lee, Vincent Vanhoucke and Douglas Eck for their valuable discussions and technical support in the experiments.

Source: Google AI Blog

Language to rewards for robotic skill synthesis

Empowering end-users to interactively teach robots to perform novel tasks is a crucial capability for their successful integration into real-world applications. For example, a user may want to teach a robot dog to perform a new trick, or teach a manipulator robot how to organize a lunch box based on user preferences. The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) pre-trained on extensive internet data have shown a promising path towards achieving this goal. Indeed, researchers have explored diverse ways of leveraging LLMs for robotics, from step-by-step planning and goal-oriented dialogue to robot-code-writing agents.

While these methods impart new modes of compositional generalization, they focus on using language to link together new behaviors from an existing library of control primitives that are either manually engineered or learned a priori. Despite having internal knowledge about robot motions, LLMs struggle to directly output low-level robot commands due to the limited availability of relevant training data. As a result, the expression of these methods are bottlenecked by the breadth of the available primitives, the design of which often requires extensive expert knowledge or massive data collection.

In “Language to Rewards for Robotic Skill Synthesis”, we propose an approach to enable users to teach robots novel actions through natural language input. To do so, we leverage reward functions as an interface that bridges the gap between language and low-level robot actions. We posit that reward functions provide an ideal interface for such tasks given their richness in semantics, modularity, and interpretability. They also provide a direct connection to low-level policies through black-box optimization or reinforcement learning (RL). We developed a language-to-reward system that leverages LLMs to translate natural language user instructions into reward-specifying code and then applies MuJoCo MPC to find optimal low-level robot actions that maximize the generated reward function. We demonstrate our language-to-reward system on a variety of robotic control tasks in simulation using a quadruped robot and a dexterous manipulator robot. We further validate our method on a physical robot manipulator.

The language-to-reward system consists of two core components: (1) a Reward Translator, and (2) a Motion Controller. The Reward Translator maps natural language instruction from users to reward functions represented as python code. The Motion Controller optimizes the given reward function using receding horizon optimization to find the optimal low-level robot actions, such as the amount of torque that should be applied to each robot motor.

LLMs cannot directly generate low-level robotic actions due to lack of data in pre-training dataset. We propose to use reward functions to bridge the gap between language and low-level robot actions, and enable novel complex robot motions from natural language instructions.

Reward Translator: Translating user instructions to reward functions

The Reward Translator module was built with the goal of mapping natural language user instructions to reward functions. Reward tuning is highly domain-specific and requires expert knowledge, so it was not surprising to us when we found that LLMs trained on generic language datasets are unable to directly generate a reward function for a specific hardware. To address this, we apply the in-context learning ability of LLMs. Furthermore, we split the Reward Translator into two sub-modules: Motion Descriptor and Reward Coder.

Motion Descriptor

First, we design a Motion Descriptor that interprets input from a user and expands it into a natural language description of the desired robot motion following a predefined template. This Motion Descriptor turns potentially ambiguous or vague user instructions into more specific and descriptive robot motions, making the reward coding task more stable. Moreover, users interact with the system through the motion description field, so this also provides a more interpretable interface for users compared to directly showing the reward function.

To create the Motion Descriptor, we use an LLM to translate the user input into a detailed description of the desired robot motion. We design prompts that guide the LLMs to output the motion description with the right amount of details and format. By translating a vague user instruction into a more detailed description, we are able to more reliably generate the reward function with our system. This idea can also be potentially applied more generally beyond robotics tasks, and is relevant to Inner-Monologue and chain-of-thought prompting.

Reward Coder

In the second stage, we use the same LLM from Motion Descriptor for Reward Coder, which translates generated motion description into the reward function. Reward functions are represented using python code to benefit from the LLMs’ knowledge of reward, coding, and code structure.

Ideally, we would like to use an LLM to directly generate a reward function R (s, t) that maps the robot state s and time t into a scalar reward value. However, generating the correct reward function from scratch is still a challenging problem for LLMs and correcting the errors requires the user to understand the generated code to provide the right feedback. As such, we pre-define a set of reward terms that are commonly used for the robot of interest and allow LLMs to composite different reward terms to formulate the final reward function. To achieve this, we design a prompt that specifies the reward terms and guide the LLM to generate the correct reward function for the task.

The internal structure of the Reward Translator, which is tasked to map user inputs to reward functions.

Motion Controller: Translating reward functions to robot actions

The Motion Controller takes the reward function generated by the Reward Translator and synthesizes a controller that maps robot observation to low-level robot actions. To do this, we formulate the controller synthesis problem as a Markov decision process (MDP), which can be solved using different strategies, including RL, offline trajectory optimization, or model predictive control (MPC). Specifically, we use an open-source implementation based on the MuJoCo MPC (MJPC).

MJPC has demonstrated the interactive creation of diverse behaviors, such as legged locomotion, grasping, and finger-gaiting, while supporting multiple planning algorithms, such as iterative linear–quadratic–Gaussian (iLQG) and predictive sampling. More importantly, the frequent re-planning in MJPC empowers its robustness to uncertainties in the system and enables an interactive motion synthesis and correction system when combined with LLMs.


Robot dog

In the first example, we apply the language-to-reward system to a simulated quadruped robot and teach it to perform various skills. For each skill, the user will provide a concise instruction to the system, which will then synthesize the robot motion by using reward functions as an intermediate interface.

Dexterous manipulator

We then apply the language-to-reward system to a dexterous manipulator robot to perform a variety of manipulation tasks. The dexterous manipulator has 27 degrees of freedom, which is very challenging to control. Many of these tasks require manipulation skills beyond grasping, making it difficult for pre-designed primitives to work. We also include an example where the user can interactively instruct the robot to place an apple inside a drawer.

Validation on real robots

We also validate the language-to-reward method using a real-world manipulation robot to perform tasks such as picking up objects and opening a drawer. To perform the optimization in Motion Controller, we use AprilTag, a fiducial marker system, and F-VLM, an open-vocabulary object detection tool, to identify the position of the table and objects being manipulated.


In this work, we describe a new paradigm for interfacing an LLM with a robot through reward functions, powered by a low-level model predictive control tool, MuJoCo MPC. Using reward functions as the interface enables LLMs to work in a semantic-rich space that plays to the strengths of LLMs, while ensuring the expressiveness of the resulting controller. To further improve the performance of the system, we propose to use a structured motion description template to better extract internal knowledge about robot motions from LLMs. We demonstrate our proposed system on two simulated robot platforms and one real robot for both locomotion and manipulation tasks.


We would like to thank our co-authors Nimrod Gileadi, Chuyuan Fu, Sean Kirmani, Kuang-Huei Lee, Montse Gonzalez Arenas, Hao-Tien Lewis Chiang, Tom Erez, Leonard Hasenclever, Brian Ichter, Ted Xiao, Peng Xu, Andy Zeng, Tingnan Zhang, Nicolas Heess, Dorsa Sadigh, Jie Tan, and Yuval Tassa for their help and support in various aspects of the project. We would also like to acknowledge Ken Caluwaerts, Kristian Hartikainen, Steven Bohez, Carolina Parada, Marc Toussaint, and the greater teams at Google DeepMind for their feedback and contributions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Barkour: Benchmarking animal-level agility with quadruped robots

Creating robots that exhibit robust and dynamic locomotion capabilities, similar to animals or humans, has been a long-standing goal in the robotics community. In addition to completing tasks quickly and efficiently, agility allows legged robots to move through complex environments that are otherwise difficult to traverse. Researchers at Google have been pursuing agility for multiple years and across various form factors. Yet, while researchers have enabled robots to hike or jump over some obstacles, there is still no generally accepted benchmark that comprehensively measures robot agility or mobility. In contrast, benchmarks are driving forces behind the development of machine learning, such as ImageNet for computer vision, and OpenAI Gym for reinforcement learning (RL).

In “Barkour: Benchmarking Animal-level Agility with Quadruped Robots”, we introduce the Barkour agility benchmark for quadruped robots, along with a Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy. Inspired by dog agility competitions, a legged robot must sequentially display a variety of skills, including moving in different directions, traversing uneven terrains, and jumping over obstacles within a limited timeframe to successfully complete the benchmark. By providing a diverse and challenging obstacle course, the Barkour benchmark encourages researchers to develop locomotion controllers that move fast in a controllable and versatile way. Furthermore, by tying the performance metric to real dog performance, we provide an intuitive metric to understand the robot performance with respect to their animal counterparts.

We invited a handful of dooglers to try the obstacle course to ensure that our agility objectives were realistic and challenging. Small dogs complete the obstacle course in approximately 10s, whereas our robot’s typical performance hovers around 20s.

Barkour benchmark

The Barkour scoring system uses a per obstacle and an overall course target time based on the target speed of small dogs in the novice agility competitions (about 1.7m/s). Barkour scores range from 0 to 1, with 1 corresponding to the robot successfully traversing all the obstacles along the course within the allotted time of approximately 10 seconds, the average time needed for a similar-sized dog to traverse the course. The robot receives penalties for skipping, failing obstacles, or moving too slowly.

Our standard course consists of four unique obstacles in a 5m x 5m area. This is a denser and smaller setup than a typical dog competition to allow for easy deployment in a robotics lab. Beginning at the start table, the robot needs to weave through a set of poles, climb an A-frame, clear a 0.5m broad jump and then step onto the end table. We chose this subset of obstacles because they test a diverse set of skills while keeping the setup within a small footprint. As is the case for real dog agility competitions, the Barkour benchmark can be easily adapted to a larger course area and may incorporate a variable number of obstacles and course configurations.

Overview of the Barkour benchmark’s obstacle course setup, which consists of weave poles, an A-frame, a broad jump, and pause tables. The intuitive scoring mechanism, inspired by dog agility competitions, balances speed, agility and performance and can be easily modified to incorporate other types of obstacles or course configurations.

Learning agile locomotion skills

The Barkour benchmark features a diverse set of obstacles and a delayed reward system, which pose a significant challenge when training a single policy that can complete the entire obstacle course. So in order to set a strong performance baseline and demonstrate the effectiveness of the benchmark for robotic agility research, we adopt a student-teacher framework combined with a zero-shot sim-to-real approach. First, we train individual specialist locomotion skills (teacher) for different obstacles using on-policy RL methods. In particular, we leverage recent advances in large-scale parallel simulation to equip the robot with individual skills, including walking, slope climbing, and jumping policies.

Next, we train a single policy (student) that performs all the skills and transitions in between by using a student-teacher framework, based on the specialist skills we previously trained. We use simulation rollouts to create datasets of state-action pairs for each one of the specialist skills. This dataset is then distilled into a single Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy, which can handle various terrains and adjust the robot's gait based on the perceived environment and the robot’s state.

During deployment, we pair the locomotion transformer policy that is capable of performing multiple skills with a navigation controller that provides velocity commands based on the robot's position. Our trained policy controls the robot based on the robot's surroundings represented as an elevation map, velocity commands, and on-board sensory information provided by the robot.

Deployment pipeline for the locomotion transformer architecture. At deployment time, a high-level navigation controller guides the real robot through the obstacle course by sending commands to the locomotion transformer policy.

Robustness and repeatability are difficult to achieve when we aim for peak performance and maximum speed. Sometimes, the robot might fail when overcoming an obstacle in an agile way. To handle failures we train a recovery policy that quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode.


We evaluate the Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy using custom-built quadruped robots and show that by optimizing for the proposed benchmark, we obtain agile, robust, and versatile skills for our robot in the real world. We further provide analysis for various design choices in our system and their impact on the system performance.

Model of the custom-built robots used for evaluation.

We deploy both the specialist and generalist policies to hardware (zero-shot sim-to-real). The robot’s target trajectory is provided by a set of waypoints along the various obstacles. In the case of the specialist policies, we switch between specialist policies by using a hand-tuned policy switching mechanism that selects the most suitable policy given the robot’s position.

Typical performance of our agile locomotion policies on the Barkour benchmark. Our custom-built quadruped robot robustly navigates the terrain’s obstacles by leveraging various skills learned using RL in simulation.

We find that very often our policies can handle unexpected events or even hardware degradation resulting in good average performance, but failures are still possible. As illustrated in the image below, in case of failures, our recovery policy quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode. By combining the recovery policy with a simple walk-back-to-start policy, we are able to run repeated experiments with minimal human intervention to measure the robustness.

Qualitative example of robustness and recovery behaviors. The robot trips and rolls over after heading down the A-frame. This triggers the recovery policy, which enables the robot to get back up and continue the course.

We find that across a large number of evaluations, the single generalist locomotion transformer policy and the specialist policies with the policy switching mechanism achieve similar performance. The locomotion transformer policy has a slightly lower average Barkour score, but exhibits smoother transitions between behaviors and gaits.

Measuring robustness of the different policies across a large number of runs on the Barkour benchmark.

Histogram of the agility scores for the locomotion transformer policy. The highest scores shown in blue (0.75 - 0.9) represent the runs where the robot successfully completes all obstacles.


We believe that developing a benchmark for legged robotics is an important first step in quantifying progress toward animal-level agility. To establish a strong baseline, we investigated a zero-shot sim-to-real approach, taking advantage of large-scale parallel simulation and recent advancements in training Transformer-based architectures. Our findings demonstrate that Barkour is a challenging benchmark that can be easily customized, and that our learning-based method for solving the benchmark provides a quadruped robot with a single low-level policy that can perform a variety of agile low-level skills.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. We would like to thank our co-authors at Google DeepMind and our collaborators at Google Research: Wenhao Yu, J. Chase Kew, Tingnan Zhang, Daniel Freeman, Kuang-Hei Lee, Lisa Lee, Stefano Saliceti, Vincent Zhuang, Nathan Batchelor, Steven Bohez, Federico Casarini, Jose Enrique Chen, Omar Cortes, Erwin Coumans, Adil Dostmohamed, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Alejandro Escontrela, Erik Frey, Roland Hafner, Deepali Jain, Yuheng Kuang, Edward Lee, Linda Luu, Ofir Nachum, Ken Oslund, Jason Powell, Diego Reyes, Francesco Romano, Feresteh Sadeghi, Ron Sloat, Baruch Tabanpour, Daniel Zheng, Michael Neunert, Raia Hadsell, Nicolas Heess, Francesco Nori, Jeff Seto, Carolina Parada, Vikas Sindhwani, Vincent Vanhoucke, and Jie Tan. We would also like to thank Marissa Giustina, Ben Jyenis, Gus Kouretas, Nubby Lee, James Lubin, Sherry Moore, Thinh Nguyen, Krista Reymann, Satoshi Kataoka, Trish Blazina, and the members of the robotics team at Google DeepMind for their contributions to the project.

Source: Google AI Blog

Barkour: Benchmarking animal-level agility with quadruped robots

Creating robots that exhibit robust and dynamic locomotion capabilities, similar to animals or humans, has been a long-standing goal in the robotics community. In addition to completing tasks quickly and efficiently, agility allows legged robots to move through complex environments that are otherwise difficult to traverse. Researchers at Google have been pursuing agility for multiple years and across various form factors. Yet, while researchers have enabled robots to hike or jump over some obstacles, there is still no generally accepted benchmark that comprehensively measures robot agility or mobility. In contrast, benchmarks are driving forces behind the development of machine learning, such as ImageNet for computer vision, and OpenAI Gym for reinforcement learning (RL).

In “Barkour: Benchmarking Animal-level Agility with Quadruped Robots”, we introduce the Barkour agility benchmark for quadruped robots, along with a Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy. Inspired by dog agility competitions, a legged robot must sequentially display a variety of skills, including moving in different directions, traversing uneven terrains, and jumping over obstacles within a limited timeframe to successfully complete the benchmark. By providing a diverse and challenging obstacle course, the Barkour benchmark encourages researchers to develop locomotion controllers that move fast in a controllable and versatile way. Furthermore, by tying the performance metric to real dog performance, we provide an intuitive metric to understand the robot performance with respect to their animal counterparts.

We invited a handful of dooglers to try the obstacle course to ensure that our agility objectives were realistic and challenging. Small dogs complete the obstacle course in approximately 10s, whereas our robot’s typical performance hovers around 20s.

Barkour benchmark

The Barkour scoring system uses a per obstacle and an overall course target time based on the target speed of small dogs in the novice agility competitions (about 1.7m/s). Barkour scores range from 0 to 1, with 1 corresponding to the robot successfully traversing all the obstacles along the course within the allotted time of approximately 10 seconds, the average time needed for a similar-sized dog to traverse the course. The robot receives penalties for skipping, failing obstacles, or moving too slowly.

Our standard course consists of four unique obstacles in a 5m x 5m area. This is a denser and smaller setup than a typical dog competition to allow for easy deployment in a robotics lab. Beginning at the start table, the robot needs to weave through a set of poles, climb an A-frame, clear a 0.5m broad jump and then step onto the end table. We chose this subset of obstacles because they test a diverse set of skills while keeping the setup within a small footprint. As is the case for real dog agility competitions, the Barkour benchmark can be easily adapted to a larger course area and may incorporate a variable number of obstacles and course configurations.

Overview of the Barkour benchmark’s obstacle course setup, which consists of weave poles, an A-frame, a broad jump, and pause tables. The intuitive scoring mechanism, inspired by dog agility competitions, balances speed, agility and performance and can be easily modified to incorporate other types of obstacles or course configurations.

Learning agile locomotion skills

The Barkour benchmark features a diverse set of obstacles and a delayed reward system, which pose a significant challenge when training a single policy that can complete the entire obstacle course. So in order to set a strong performance baseline and demonstrate the effectiveness of the benchmark for robotic agility research, we adopt a student-teacher framework combined with a zero-shot sim-to-real approach. First, we train individual specialist locomotion skills (teacher) for different obstacles using on-policy RL methods. In particular, we leverage recent advances in large-scale parallel simulation to equip the robot with individual skills, including walking, slope climbing, and jumping policies.

Next, we train a single policy (student) that performs all the skills and transitions in between by using a student-teacher framework, based on the specialist skills we previously trained. We use simulation rollouts to create datasets of state-action pairs for each one of the specialist skills. This dataset is then distilled into a single Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy, which can handle various terrains and adjust the robot's gait based on the perceived environment and the robot’s state.

During deployment, we pair the locomotion transformer policy that is capable of performing multiple skills with a navigation controller that provides velocity commands based on the robot's position. Our trained policy controls the robot based on the robot's surroundings represented as an elevation map, velocity commands, and on-board sensory information provided by the robot.

Deployment pipeline for the locomotion transformer architecture. At deployment time, a high-level navigation controller guides the real robot through the obstacle course by sending commands to the locomotion transformer policy.

Robustness and repeatability are difficult to achieve when we aim for peak performance and maximum speed. Sometimes, the robot might fail when overcoming an obstacle in an agile way. To handle failures we train a recovery policy that quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode.


We evaluate the Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy using custom-built quadruped robots and show that by optimizing for the proposed benchmark, we obtain agile, robust, and versatile skills for our robot in the real world. We further provide analysis for various design choices in our system and their impact on the system performance.

Model of the custom-built robots used for evaluation.

We deploy both the specialist and generalist policies to hardware (zero-shot sim-to-real). The robot’s target trajectory is provided by a set of waypoints along the various obstacles. In the case of the specialist policies, we switch between specialist policies by using a hand-tuned policy switching mechanism that selects the most suitable policy given the robot’s position.

Typical performance of our agile locomotion policies on the Barkour benchmark. Our custom-built quadruped robot robustly navigates the terrain’s obstacles by leveraging various skills learned using RL in simulation.

We find that very often our policies can handle unexpected events or even hardware degradation resulting in good average performance, but failures are still possible. As illustrated in the image below, in case of failures, our recovery policy quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode. By combining the recovery policy with a simple walk-back-to-start policy, we are able to run repeated experiments with minimal human intervention to measure the robustness.

Qualitative example of robustness and recovery behaviors. The robot trips and rolls over after heading down the A-frame. This triggers the recovery policy, which enables the robot to get back up and continue the course.

We find that across a large number of evaluations, the single generalist locomotion transformer policy and the specialist policies with the policy switching mechanism achieve similar performance. The locomotion transformer policy has a slightly lower average Barkour score, but exhibits smoother transitions between behaviors and gaits.

Measuring robustness of the different policies across a large number of runs on the Barkour benchmark.

Histogram of the agility scores for the locomotion transformer policy. The highest scores shown in blue (0.75 - 0.9) represent the runs where the robot successfully completes all obstacles.


We believe that developing a benchmark for legged robotics is an important first step in quantifying progress toward animal-level agility. To establish a strong baseline, we investigated a zero-shot sim-to-real approach, taking advantage of large-scale parallel simulation and recent advancements in training Transformer-based architectures. Our findings demonstrate that Barkour is a challenging benchmark that can be easily customized, and that our learning-based method for solving the benchmark provides a quadruped robot with a single low-level policy that can perform a variety of agile low-level skills.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. We would like to thank our co-authors at Google DeepMind and our collaborators at Google Research: Wenhao Yu, J. Chase Kew, Tingnan Zhang, Daniel Freeman, Kuang-Hei Lee, Lisa Lee, Stefano Saliceti, Vincent Zhuang, Nathan Batchelor, Steven Bohez, Federico Casarini, Jose Enrique Chen, Omar Cortes, Erwin Coumans, Adil Dostmohamed, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Alejandro Escontrela, Erik Frey, Roland Hafner, Deepali Jain, Yuheng Kuang, Edward Lee, Linda Luu, Ofir Nachum, Ken Oslund, Jason Powell, Diego Reyes, Francesco Romano, Feresteh Sadeghi, Ron Sloat, Baruch Tabanpour, Daniel Zheng, Michael Neunert, Raia Hadsell, Nicolas Heess, Francesco Nori, Jeff Seto, Carolina Parada, Vikas Sindhwani, Vincent Vanhoucke, and Jie Tan. We would also like to thank Marissa Giustina, Ben Jyenis, Gus Kouretas, Nubby Lee, James Lubin, Sherry Moore, Thinh Nguyen, Krista Reymann, Satoshi Kataoka, Trish Blazina, and the members of the robotics team at Google DeepMind for their contributions to the project.

Source: Google AI Blog

IndoorSim-to-OutdoorReal: Learning to navigate outdoors without any outdoor experience

Teaching mobile robots to navigate in complex outdoor environments is critical to real-world applications, such as delivery or search and rescue. However, this is also a challenging problem as the robot needs to perceive its surroundings, and then explore to identify feasible paths towards the goal. Another common challenge is that the robot needs to overcome uneven terrains, such as stairs, curbs, or rockbed on a trail, while avoiding obstacles and pedestrians. In our prior work, we investigated the second challenge by teaching a quadruped robot to tackle challenging uneven obstacles and various outdoor terrains.

In “IndoorSim-to-OutdoorReal: Learning to Navigate Outdoors without any Outdoor Experience”, we present our recent work to tackle the robotic challenge of reasoning about the perceived surroundings to identify a viable navigation path in outdoor environments. We introduce a learning-based indoor-to-outdoor transfer algorithm that uses deep reinforcement learning to train a navigation policy in simulated indoor environments, and successfully transfers that same policy to real outdoor environments. We also introduce Context-Maps (maps with environment observations created by a user), which are applied to our algorithm to enable efficient long-range navigation. We demonstrate that with this policy, robots can successfully navigate hundreds of meters in novel outdoor environments, around previously unseen outdoor obstacles (trees, bushes, buildings, pedestrians, etc.), and in different weather conditions (sunny, overcast, sunset).

PointGoal navigation

User inputs can tell a robot where to go with commands like “go to the Android statue”, pictures showing a target location, or by simply picking a point on a map. In this work, we specify the navigation goal (a selected point on a map) as a relative coordinate to the robot’s current position (i.e., “go to ∆x, ∆y”), this is also known as the PointGoal Visual Navigation (PointNav) task. PointNav is a general formulation for navigation tasks and is one of the standard choices for indoor navigation tasks. However, due to the diverse visuals, uneven terrains and long distance goals in outdoor environments, training PointNav policies for outdoor environments is a challenging task.

Indoor-to-outdoor transfer

Recent successes in training wheeled and legged robotic agents to navigate in indoor environments were enabled by the development of fast, scalable simulators and the availability of large-scale datasets of photorealistic 3D scans of indoor environments. To leverage these successes, we develop an indoor-to-outdoor transfer technique that enables our robots to learn from simulated indoor environments and to be deployed in real outdoor environments.

To overcome the differences between simulated indoor environments and real outdoor environments, we apply kinematic control and image augmentation techniques in our learning system. When using kinematic control, we assume the existence of a reliable low-level locomotion controller that can control the robot to precisely reach a new location. This assumption allows us to directly move the robot to the target location during simulation training through a forward Euler integration and relieves us from having to explicitly model the underlying robot dynamics in simulation, which drastically improves the throughput of simulation data generation. Prior work has shown that kinematic control can lead to better sim-to-real transfer compared to a dynamic control approach, where full robot dynamics are modeled and a low-level locomotion controller is required for moving the robot.

Left Kinematic control; Right: Dynamic control

We created an outdoor maze-like environment using objects found indoors for initial experiments, where we used Boston Dynamics' Spot robot for test navigation. We found that the robot could navigate around novel obstacles in the new outdoor environment.

The Spot robot successfully navigates around obstacles found in indoor environments, with a policy trained entirely in simulation.

However, when faced with unfamiliar outdoor obstacles not seen during training, such as a large slope, the robot was unable to navigate the slope.

The robot is unable to navigate up slopes, as slopes are rare in indoor environments and the robot was not trained to tackle it.

To enable the robot to walk up and down slopes, we apply an image augmentation technique during the simulation training. Specifically, we randomly tilt the simulated camera on the robot during training. It can be pointed up or down within 30 degrees. This augmentation effectively makes the robot perceive slopes even though the floor is level. Training on these perceived slopes enables the robot to navigate slopes in the real-world.

By randomly tilting the camera angle during training in simulation, the robot is now able to walk up and down slopes.

Since the robots were only trained in simulated indoor environments, in which they typically need to walk to a goal just a few meters away, we find that the learned network failed to process longer-range inputs — e.g., the policy failed to walk forward for 100 meters in an empty space. To enable the policy network to handle long-range inputs that are common for outdoor navigation, we normalize the goal vector by using the log of the goal distance.

Context-Maps for complex long-range navigation

Putting everything together, the robot can navigate outdoors towards the goal, while walking on uneven terrain, and avoiding trees, pedestrians and other outdoor obstacles. However, there is still one key component missing: the robot’s ability to plan an efficient long-range path. At this scale of navigation, taking a wrong turn and backtracking can be costly. For example, we find that the local exploration strategy learned by standard PointNav policies are insufficient in finding a long-range goal and usually leads to a dead end (shown below). This is because the robot is navigating without context of its environment, and the optimal path may not be visible to the robot from the start.

Navigation policies without context of the environment do not handle complex long-range navigation goals.

To enable the robot to take the context into consideration and purposefully plan an efficient path, we provide a Context-Map (a binary image that represents a top-down occupancy map of the region that the robot is within) as additional observations for the robot. An example Context-Map is given below, where the black region denotes areas occupied by obstacles and white region is walkable by the robot. The green and red circle denotes the start and goal location of the navigation task. Through the Context-Map, we can provide hints to the robot (e.g., the narrow opening in the route below) to help it plan an efficient navigation route. In our experiments, we create the Context-Map for each route guided by Google Maps satellite images. We denote this variant of PointNav with environmental context, as Context-Guided PointNav.

Example of the Context-Map (right) for a navigation task (left).

It is important to note that the Context-Map does not need to be accurate because it only serves as a rough outline for planning. During navigation, the robot still needs to rely on its onboard cameras to identify and adapt its path to pedestrians, which are absent on the map. In our experiments, a human operator quickly sketches the Context-Map from the satellite image, masking out the regions to be avoided. This Context-Map, together with other onboard sensory inputs, including depth images and relative position to the goal, are fed into a neural network with attention models (i.e., transformers), which are trained using DD-PPO, a distributed implementation of proximal policy optimization, in large-scale simulations.

The Context-Guided PointNav architecture consists of a 3-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) to process depth images from the robot's camera, and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to process the goal vector. The features are passed into a gated recurrent unit (GRU). We use an additional CNN encoder to process the context-map (top-down map). We compute the scaled dot product attention between the map and the depth image, and use a second GRU to process the attended features (Context Attn., Depth Attn.). The output of the policy are linear and angular velocities for the Spot robot to follow.


We evaluate our system across three long-range outdoor navigation tasks. The provided Context-Maps are rough, incomplete environment outlines that omit obstacles, such as cars, trees, or chairs.

With the proposed algorithm, our robot can successfully reach the distant goal location 100% of the time, without a single collision or human intervention. The robot was able to navigate around pedestrians and real-world clutter that are not present on the context-map, and navigate on various terrain including dirt slopes and grass.

Route 1


Route 2


Route 3



This work opens up robotic navigation research to the less explored domain of diverse outdoor environments. Our indoor-to-outdoor transfer algorithm uses zero real-world experience and does not require the simulator to model predominantly-outdoor phenomena (terrain, ditches, sidewalks, cars, etc). The success in the approach comes from a combination of a robust locomotion control, low sim-to-real gap in depth and map sensors, and large-scale training in simulation. We demonstrate that providing robots with approximate, high-level maps can enable long-range navigation in novel outdoor environments. Our results provide compelling evidence for challenging the (admittedly reasonable) hypothesis that a new simulator must be designed for every new scenario we wish to study. For more information, please see our project page.


We would like to thank Sonia Chernova, Tingnan Zhang, April Zitkovich, Dhruv Batra, and Jie Tan for advising and contributing to the project. We would also like to thank Naoki Yokoyama, Nubby Lee, Diego Reyes, Ben Jyenis, and Gus Kouretas for help with the robot experiment setup.

Source: Google AI Blog

Robotic deep RL at scale: Sorting waste and recyclables with a fleet of robots

Reinforcement learning (RL) can enable robots to learn complex behaviors through trial-and-error interaction, getting better and better over time. Several of our prior works explored how RL can enable intricate robotic skills, such as robotic grasping, multi-task learning, and even playing table tennis. Although robotic RL has come a long way, we still don't see RL-enabled robots in everyday settings. The real world is complex, diverse, and changes over time, presenting a major challenge for robotic systems. However, we believe that RL should offer us an excellent tool for tackling precisely these challenges: by continually practicing, getting better, and learning on the job, robots should be able to adapt to the world as it changes around them.

In “Deep RL at Scale: Sorting Waste in Office Buildings with a Fleet of Mobile Manipulators”, we discuss how we studied this problem through a recent large-scale experiment, where we deployed a fleet of 23 RL-enabled robots over two years in Google office buildings to sort waste and recycling. Our robotic system combines scalable deep RL from real-world data with bootstrapping from training in simulation and auxiliary object perception inputs to boost generalization, while retaining the benefits of end-to-end training, which we validate with 4,800 evaluation trials across 240 waste station configurations.

Problem setup

When people don’t sort their trash properly, batches of recyclables can become contaminated and compost can be improperly discarded into landfills. In our experiment, a robot roamed around an office building searching for “waste stations” (bins for recyclables, compost, and trash). The robot was tasked with approaching each waste station to sort it, moving items between the bins so that all recyclables (cans, bottles) were placed in the recyclable bin, all the compostable items (cardboard containers, paper cups) were placed in the compost bin, and everything else was placed in the landfill trash bin. Here is what that looks like:

This task is not as easy as it looks. Just being able to pick up the vast variety of objects that people deposit into waste bins presents a major learning challenge. Robots also have to identify the appropriate bin for each object and sort them as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the real world, the robots can encounter a variety of situations with unique objects, like the examples from real office buildings below:

Learning from diverse experience

Learning on the job helps, but before even getting to that point, we need to bootstrap the robots with a basic set of skills. To this end, we use four sources of experience: (1) a set of simple hand-designed policies that have a very low success rate, but serve to provide some initial experience, (2) a simulated training framework that uses sim-to-real transfer to provide some initial bin sorting strategies, (3) “robot classrooms” where the robots continually practice at a set of representative waste stations, and (4) the real deployment setting, where robots practice in real office buildings with real trash.

A diagram of RL at scale. We bootstrap policies from data generated with a script (top-left). We then train a sim-to-real model and generate additional data in simulation (top-right). At each deployment cycle, we add data collected in our classrooms (bottom-right). We further deploy and collect data in office buildings (bottom-left).

Our RL framework is based on QT-Opt, which we previously applied to learn bin grasping in laboratory settings, as well as a range of other skills. In simulation, we bootstrap from simple scripted policies and use RL, with a CycleGAN-based transfer method that uses RetinaGAN to make the simulated images appear more life-like.

From here, it’s off to the classroom. While real-world office buildings can provide the most representative experience, the throughput in terms of data collection is limited — some days there will be a lot of trash to sort, some days not so much. Our robots collect a large portion of their experience in “robot classrooms.” In the classroom shown below, 20 robots practice the waste sorting task:

While these robots are training in the classrooms, other robots are simultaneously learning on the job in 3 office buildings, with 30 waste stations:

Sorting performance

In the end, we gathered 540k trials in the classrooms and 32.5k trials from deployment. Overall system performance improved as more data was collected. We evaluated our final system in the classrooms to allow for controlled comparisons, setting up scenarios based on what the robots saw during deployment. The final system could accurately sort about 84% of the objects on average, with performance increasing steadily as more data was added. In the real world, we logged statistics from three real-world deployments between 2021 and 2022, and found that our system could reduce contamination in the waste bins by between 40% and 50% by weight. Our paper provides further insights on the technical design, ablations studying various design decisions, and more detailed statistics on the experiments.

Conclusion and future work

Our experiments showed that RL-based systems can enable robots to address real-world tasks in real office environments, with a combination of offline and online data enabling robots to adapt to the broad variability of real-world situations. At the same time, learning in more controlled “classroom” environments, both in simulation and in the real world, can provide a powerful bootstrapping mechanism to get the RL “flywheel” spinning to enable this adaptation. There is still a lot left to do: our final RL policies do not succeed every time, and larger and more powerful models will be needed to improve their performance and extend them to a broader range of tasks. Other sources of experience, including from other tasks, other robots, and even Internet videos may serve to further supplement the bootstrapping experience that we obtained from simulation and classrooms. These are exciting problems to tackle in the future. Please see the full paper here, and the supplementary video materials on the project webpage.


This research was conducted by multiple researchers at Robotics at Google and Everyday Robots, with contributions from Alexander Herzog, Kanishka Rao, Karol Hausman, Yao Lu, Paul Wohlhart, Mengyuan Yan, Jessica Lin, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas, Ted Xiao, Daniel Kappler, Daniel Ho, Jarek Rettinghouse, Yevgen Chebotar, Kuang-Huei Lee, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Ryan Julian, Adrian Li, Chuyuan Kelly Fu, Bob Wei, Sangeetha Ramesh, Khem Holden, Kim Kleiven, David Rendleman, Sean Kirmani, Jeff Bingham, Jon Weisz, Ying Xu, Wenlong Lu, Matthew Bennice, Cody Fong, David Do, Jessica Lam, Yunfei Bai, Benjie Holson, Michael Quinlan, Noah Brown, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Julian Ibarz, Peter Pastor, Sergey Levine and the entire Everyday Robots team.

Source: Google AI Blog

Towards ML-enabled cleaning robots

Over the past several years, the capabilities of robotic systems have improved dramatically. As the technology continues to improve and robotic agents are more routinely deployed in real-world environments, their capacity to assist in day-to-day activities will take on increasing importance. Repetitive tasks like wiping surfaces, folding clothes, and cleaning a room seem well-suited for robots, but remain challenging for robotic systems designed for structured environments like factories. Performing these types of tasks in more complex environments, like offices or homes, requires dealing with greater levels of environmental variability captured by high-dimensional sensory inputs, from images plus depth and force sensors.

For example, consider the task of wiping a table to clean a spill or brush away crumbs. While this task may seem simple, in practice, it encompasses many interesting challenges that are omnipresent in robotics. Indeed, at a high-level, deciding how to best wipe a spill from an image observation requires solving a challenging planning problem with stochastic dynamics: How should the robot wipe to avoid dispersing the spill perceived by a camera? But at a low-level, successfully executing a wiping motion also requires the robot to position itself to reach the problem area while avoiding nearby obstacles, such as chairs, and then to coordinate its motions to wipe clean the surface while maintaining contact with the table. Solving this table wiping problem would help researchers address a broader range of robotics tasks, such as cleaning windows and opening doors, which require both high-level planning from visual observations and precise contact-rich control.


Learning-based techniques such as reinforcement learning (RL) offer the promise of solving these complex visuo-motor tasks from high-dimensional observations. However, applying end-to-end learning methods to mobile manipulation tasks remains challenging due to the increased dimensionality and the need for precise low-level control. Additionally, on-robot deployment either requires collecting large amounts of data, using accurate but computationally expensive models, or on-hardware fine-tuning.

In “Robotic Table Wiping via Reinforcement Learning and Whole-body Trajectory Optimization”, we present a novel approach to enable a robot to reliably wipe tables. By carefully decomposing the task, our approach combines the strengths of RL — the capacity to plan in high-dimensional observation spaces with complex stochastic dynamics — and the ability to optimize trajectories, effectively finding whole-body robot commands that ensure the satisfaction of constraints, such as physical limits and collision avoidance. Given visual observations of a surface to be cleaned, the RL policy selects wiping actions that are then executed using trajectory optimization. By leveraging a new stochastic differential equation (SDE) simulator of the wiping task to train the RL policy for high-level planning, the proposed end-to-end approach avoids the need for task-specific training data and is able to transfer zero-shot to hardware.

Combining the strengths of RL and of optimal control

We propose an end-to-end approach for table wiping that consists of four components: (1) sensing the environment, (2) planning high-level wiping waypoints with RL, (3) computing trajectories for the whole-body system (i.e., for each joint) with optimal control methods, and (4) executing the planned wiping trajectories with a low-level controller.

System Architecture

The novel component of this approach is an RL policy that effectively plans high-level wiping waypoints given image observations of spills and crumbs. To train the RL policy, we completely bypass the problem of collecting large amounts of data on the robotic system and avoid using an accurate but computationally expensive physics simulator. Our proposed approach relies on a stochastic differential equation (SDE) to model latent dynamics of crumbs and spills, which yields an SDE simulator with four key features:

  • It can describe both dry objects pushed by the wiper and liquids absorbed during wiping.
  • It can simultaneously capture multiple isolated spills.
  • It models the uncertainty of the changes to the distribution of spills and crumbs as the robot interacts with them.
  • It is faster than real-time: simulating a wipe only takes a few milliseconds.
The SDE simulator allows simulating dry crumbs (left), which are pushed during each wipe, and spills (right), which are absorbed while wiping. The simulator allows modeling particles with different properties, such as with different absorption and adhesion coefficients and different uncertainty levels.

This SDE simulator is able to rapidly generate large amounts of data for RL training. We validate the SDE simulator using observations from the robot by predicting the evolution of perceived particles for a given wipe. By comparing the result with perceived particles after executing the wipe, we observe that the model correctly predicts the general trend of the particle dynamics. A policy trained with this SDE model should be able to perform well in the real world.

Using this SDE model, we formulate a high-level wiping planning problem and train a vision-based wiping policy using RL. We train entirely in simulation without collecting a dataset using the robot. We simply randomize the initial state of the SDE to cover a wide range of particle dynamics and spill shapes that we may see in the real world.

In deployment, we first convert the robot's image observations into black and white to better isolate the spills and crumb particles. We then use these “thresholded” images as the input to the RL policy. With this approach we do not require a visually-realistic simulator, which would be complex and potentially difficult to develop, and we are able to minimize the sim-to-real gap.

The RL policy’s inputs are thresholded image observations of the cleanliness state of the table. Its outputs are the desired wiping actions. The policy uses a ResNet50 neural network architecture followed by two fully-connected (FC) layers.

The desired wiping motions from the RL policy are executed with a whole-body trajectory optimizer that efficiently computes base and arm joint trajectories. This approach allows satisfying constraints, such as avoiding collisions, and enables zero-shot sim-to-real deployment.


Experimental results

We extensively validate our approach in simulation and on hardware. In simulation, our RL policies outperform heuristics-based baselines, requiring significantly fewer wipes to clean spills and crumbs. We also test our policies on problems that were not observed at training time, such as multiple isolated spill areas on the table, and find that the RL policies generalize well to these novel problems.

Example of wiping actions selected by the RL policy (left) and wiping performance compared with a baseline (middle, right). The baseline wipes to the center of the table, rotating after each wipe. We report the total dirty surface of the table (middle) and the spread of crumbs particles (right) after each additional wipe.

Our approach enables the robot to reliably wipe spills and crumbs (without accidentally pushing debris from the table) while avoiding collisions with obstacles like chairs.

For further results, please check out the video below:


The results from this work demonstrate that complex visuo-motor tasks such as table wiping can be reliably accomplished without expensive end-to-end training and on-robot data collection. The key consists of decomposing the task and combining the strengths of RL, trained using an SDE model of spill and crumb dynamics, with the strengths of trajectory optimization. We see this work as an important step towards general-purpose home-assistive robots. For more details, please check out the original paper.


We'd like to thank our coauthors Sumeet Singh, Mario Prats, Jeffrey Bingham, Jonathan Weisz, Benjie Holson, Xiaohan Zhang, Vikas Sindhwani, Yao Lu, Fei Xia, Peng Xu, Tingnan Zhang, and Jie Tan. We'd also like to thank Benjie Holson, Jake Lee, April Zitkovich, and Linda Luu for their help and support in various aspects of the project. We’re particularly grateful to the entire team at Everyday Robots for their partnership on this work, and for developing the platform on which these experiments were conducted.

Source: Google AI Blog

PaLM-E: An embodied multimodal language model

Recent years have seen tremendous advances across machine learning domains, from models that can explain jokes or answer visual questions in a variety of languages to those that can produce images based on text descriptions. Such innovations have been possible due to the increase in availability of large scale datasets along with novel advances that enable the training of models on these data. While scaling of robotics models has seen some success, it is outpaced by other domains due to a lack of datasets available on a scale comparable to large text corpora or image datasets.

Today we introduce PaLM-E, a new generalist robotics model that overcomes these issues by transferring knowledge from varied visual and language domains to a robotics system. We began with PaLM, a powerful large language model, and “embodied” it (the “E” in PaLM-E), by complementing it with sensor data from the robotic agent. This is the key difference from prior efforts to bring large language models to robotics — rather than relying on only textual input, with PaLM-E we train the language model to directly ingest raw streams of robot sensor data. The resulting model not only enables highly effective robot learning, but is also a state-of-the-art general-purpose visual-language model, while maintaining excellent language-only task capabilities.

An embodied  language model, and also a visual-language generalist

On the one hand, PaLM-E was primarily developed to be a model for robotics, and it solves a variety of tasks on multiple types of robots and for multiple modalities (images, robot states, and neural scene representations). At the same time, PaLM-E is a generally-capable vision-and-language model. It can perform visual tasks, such as describing images, detecting objects, or classifying scenes, and is also proficient at language tasks, like quoting poetry, solving math equations or generating code.

PaLM-E combines our most recent large language model, PaLM, together with one of our most advanced vision models, ViT-22B. The largest instantiation of this approach, built on PaLM-540B, is called PaLM-E-562B and sets a new state of the art on the visual-language OK-VQA benchmark, without task-specific fine-tuning, and while retaining essentially the same general language performance as PaLM-540B.

How does PaLM-E work?

Technically, PaLM-E works by injecting observations into a pre-trained language model. This is realized by transforming sensor data, e.g., images, into a representation through a procedure that is comparable to how words of natural language are processed by a language model.

Language models rely on a mechanism to represent text mathematically in a way that neural networks can process. This is achieved by first splitting the text into so-called tokens that encode (sub)words, each of which is associated with a high-dimensional vector of numbers, the token embedding. The language model is then able to apply mathematical operations (e.g., matrix multiplication) on the resulting sequence of vectors to predict the next, most likely word token. By feeding the newly predicted word back to the input, the language model can iteratively generate a longer and longer text.

The inputs to PaLM-E are text and other modalities — images, robot states, scene embeddings, etc. — in an arbitrary order, which we call "multimodal sentences". For example, an input might look like, "What happened between <img_1> and <img_2>?", where <img_1> and <img_2> are two images. The output is text generated auto-regressively by PaLM-E, which could be an answer to a question, or a sequence of decisions in text form.

PaLM-E model architecture, showing how PaLM-E ingests different modalities (states and/or images) and addresses tasks through multimodal language modeling.

The idea of PaLM-E is to train encoders that convert a variety of inputs into the same space as the natural word token embeddings. These continuous inputs are mapped into something that resembles "words" (although they do not necessarily form discrete sets). Since both the word and image embeddings now have the same dimensionality, they can be fed into the language model.

We initialize PaLM-E for training with pre-trained models for both the language (PaLM) and vision components (Vision Transformer, a.k.a. ViT). All parameters of the model can be updated during training.

Transferring knowledge from large-scale training to robots

PaLM-E offers a new paradigm for training a generalist model, which is achieved by framing robot tasks and vision-language tasks together through a common representation: taking images and text as input, and outputting text. A key result is that PaLM-E attains significant positive knowledge transfer from both the vision and language domains, improving the effectiveness of robot learning.

Positive transfer of knowledge from general vision-language tasks results in more effective robot learning, shown for three different robot embodiments and domains.

Results show that PaLM-E can address a large set of robotics, vision and language tasks simultaneously without performance degradation compared to training individual models on individual tasks. Further, the visual-language data actually significantly improves the performance of the robot tasks. This transfer enables PaLM-E to learn robotics tasks efficiently in terms of the number of examples it requires to solve a task.


We evaluate PaLM-E on three robotic environments, two of which involve real robots, as well as general vision-language tasks such as visual question answering (VQA), image captioning, and general language tasks. When PaLM-E is tasked with making decisions on a robot, we pair it with a low-level language-to-action policy to translate text into low-level robot actions.

In the first example below, a person asks a mobile robot to bring a bag of chips to them. To successfully complete the task, PaLM-E produces a plan to find the drawer and open it and then responds to changes in the world by updating its plan as it executes the task. In the second example, the robot is asked to grab a green block. Even though the block has not been seen by that robot, PaLM-E still generates a step-by-step plan that generalizes beyond the training data of that robot.

PaLM-E controls a mobile robot operating in a kitchen environment. Left: The task is to get a chip bag. PaLM-E shows robustness against adversarial disturbances, such as putting the chip bag back into the drawer. Right: The final steps of executing a plan to retrieve a previously unseen block (green star). This capability is facilitated by transfer learning from the vision and language models.

In the second environment below, the same PaLM-E model solves very long-horizon, precise tasks, such as “sort the blocks by colors into corners,” on a different type of robot. It directly looks at the images and produces a sequence of shorter textually-represented actions — e.g., “Push the blue cube to the bottom right corner,” “Push the blue triangle there too.” — long-horizon tasks that were out of scope for autonomous completion, even in our own most recent models. We also demonstrate the ability to generalize to new tasks not seen during training time (zero-shot generalization), such as pushing red blocks to the coffee cup.

PaLM-E controlling a tabletop robot to successfully complete long-horizon tasks.

The third robot environment is inspired by the field of task and motion planning (TAMP), which studies combinatorially challenging planning tasks (rearranging objects) that confront the robot with a very high number of possible action sequences. We show that with a modest amount of training data from an expert TAMP planner, PaLM-E is not only able to also solve these tasks, but it also leverages visual and language knowledge transfer in order to more effectively do so.

PaLM-E produces plans for a task and motion planning environment.

As a visual-language generalist, PaLM-E is a competitive model, even compared with the best vision-language-only models, including Flamingo and PaLI. In particular, PaLM-E-562B achieves the highest number ever reported on the challenging OK-VQA dataset, which requires not only visual understanding but also external knowledge of the world. Further, this result is reached with a generalist model, without fine-tuning specifically on only that task.

PaLM-E exhibits capabilities like visual chain-of-thought reasoning in which the model breaks down its answering process in smaller steps, an ability that has so far only been demonstrated in the language-only domain. The model also demonstrates the ability to perform inference on multiple images although being trained on only single-image prompts. The image of the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics is under the terms CC-by-2.0 and was posted to Flickr by kowarski. The image of Kobe Bryant is in the Public Domain. The other images were taken by us.


PaLM-E pushes the boundaries of how generally-capable models can be trained to simultaneously address vision, language and robotics while also being capable of transferring knowledge from vision and language to the robotics domain. There are additional topics investigated in further detail in the paper, such as how to leverage neural scene representations with PaLM-E and also the extent to which PaLM-E, with greater model scale, experiences less catastrophic forgetting of its language capabilities.

PaLM-E not only provides a path towards building more capable robots that benefit from other data sources, but might also be a key enabler to other broader applications using multimodal learning, including the ability to unify tasks that have so far seemed separate.


This work was done in collaboration across several teams at Google, including the Robotics at Google team and the Brain team, and with TU Berlin. Co-authors: Igor Mordatch, Andy Zeng, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Klaus Greff, Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi, Daniel Duckworth, Corey Lynch, Ayzaan Wahid, Jonathan Tompson, Fei Xia, Brian Ichter, Karol Hausman, Tianhe Yu, Quan Vuong, Yevgen Chebotar, Wenlong Huang, Pierre Sermanet, Sergey Levine, Vincent Vanhoucke, and Marc Toussiant. Danny is a PhD student advised by Marc Toussaint at TU Berlin. We also would like to thank several other colleagues for their advice and help, including Xi Chen, Etienne Pot, Sebastian Goodman, Maria Attarian, Ted Xiao, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Kehang Han, Henryk Michalewski, Neil Houlsby, Basil Mustafa, Justin Gilmer, Yonghui Wu, Erica Moreira, Victor Gomes, Tom Duerig, Mario Lucic, Henning Meyer, and Kendra Byrne.

Source: Google AI Blog

Performer-MPC: Navigation via real-time, on-robot transformers

Despite decades of research, we don’t see many mobile robots roaming our homes, offices, and streets. Real-world robot navigation in human-centric environments remains an unsolved problem. These challenging situations require safe and efficient navigation through tight spaces, such as squeezing between coffee tables and couches, maneuvering in tight corners, doorways, untidy rooms, and more. An equally critical requirement is to navigate in a manner that complies with unwritten social norms around people, for example, yielding at blind corners or staying at a comfortable distance. Google Research is committed to examining how advances in ML may enable us to overcome these obstacles.

In particular, Transformers models have achieved stunning advances across various data modalities in real-world machine learning (ML) problems. For example, multimodal architectures have enabled robots to leverage Transformer-based language models for high-level planning. Recent work that uses Transformers to encode robotic policies opens an exciting opportunity to use those architectures for real-world navigation. However, the on-robot deployment of massive Transformer-based controllers can be challenging due to the strict latency constraints for safety-critical mobile robots. The quadratic space and time complexity of the attention mechanism with respect to the input length is often prohibitively expensive, forcing researchers to trim Transformer-stacks at the cost of expressiveness.

As part of our ongoing exploration of ML advances for robotic products we partnered across Robotics at Google and Everyday Robots to present “Learning Model Predictive Controllers with Real-Time Attention for Real-World Navigation” at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022). Here, we introduce Performer-MPC, an end-to-end learnable robotic system that combines (1) a JAX-based differentiable model predictive controller (MPC) that back-propagates gradients to its cost function parameters, (2) Transformer-based encodings of the context (e.g., occupancy grids for navigation tasks) that represent the MPC cost function and adapt the MPC to complex social scenarios without hand-coded rules, and (3) Performer architectures: scalable low-rank implicit-attention Transformers with linear space and time complexity attention modules for efficient on-robot deployment (providing 8ms on-robot latency). We demonstrate that Performer-MPC can generalize across different environments to help robots navigate tight spaces while demonstrating socially acceptable behaviors.


Performer-MPC aims to blend classic MPCs with ML via their learnable cost functions. Thus Performer-MPCs can be thought of as an instantiation of the inverse reinforcement learning algorithms, where the cost function is inferred by learning from expert demonstrations. Critically, the learnable component of the cost function is parameterized by latent embeddings produced by the Performer-Transformer. The linear inference provided by Performers is a gateway to on-robot deployment in real time.

In practice, the occupancy grid provided by fusing the robot's sensors serves as an input to the Vision Performer model. This model never explicitly materializes the attention matrix, but rather leverages its low-rank decomposition for efficient linear computation of the attention module, resulting in scalable attention. Then, the embedding of the particular fixed input-patch token from the last layer of the model parameterizes the quadratic, learnable part of the MPC model’s cost function. That part is added to the regular hand-engineered cost (distance from the obstacles, penalty-terms for sudden velocity changes, etc.). The system is trained end-to-end via imitation learning to mimic expert demonstrations.

Performer-MPC overview. The final latent embedding of the patch highlighted in red is used to construct context dependent learnable cost. The backpropagation (red arrows) is through the parameters of the Transformer. Performer provides scalable attention module computation via low-rank approximate decomposition of the regular attention matrix (matrices Query’ and Key’) and by changing the order of matrix multiplications (indicated by the black brackets).

Real-world robot navigation

Although, in principle, Performer-MPC can be applied in various robotic settings, we evaluate its performance on navigation in confined spaces with the potential presence of people. We deployed Performer-MPC on a differential wheeled robot that has a 3D LiDAR camera in the front and depth sensors mounted on its head. Our robot-deployable 8ms-latency Performer-MPC has 8.3M Performer parameters. The actual time of a single Performer run is about 1ms and we use the fastest Performer-ReLU variant.

We compare Performer-MPC with two baselines, a regular MPC policy (RMPC) without the learned cost components, and an Explicit Policy (EP) that predicts a reference and goal state using the same Performer architecture, but without being coupled to the MPC structure. We evaluate Performer-MPC in a simulation and in three real world scenarios. For each scenario, the learned policies (EP and Performer-MPC) are trained with scenario-specific demonstrations.

Experiment Scenarios: (a) Learning to avoid local minima during doorway traversal, (b) maneuvering through highly constrained spaces, (c) enabling socially compliant behaviors for blind corner, and (d) pedestrian obstruction interactions.

Our policies are trained through behavior cloning with a few hours of human-controlled robot navigation data in the real world. For more data collection details, see the paper. We visualize the planning results of Performer-MPC (green) and RMPC (red) along with expert demonstrations (gray) in the top half and the train and test curves in the bottom half of the following two figures. To measure the distance between the robot trajectory and the expert trajectory, we use Hausdorff distance.

Top: Visualization of test examples in the doorway traversal (left) and highly constrained obstacle course (right). Performer-MPC trajectories aiming at the goal are always closer to the expert demonstrations compared to the RMPC trajectories. Bottom: Train and test curves, where the vertical axis represents Hausdorff distance and horizontal axis represents training steps.
Top: Visualization of test examples in the blind corner (left) and pedestrian obstruction (right) scenarios. Performer-MPC trajectories aiming at the goal are always closer to the expert demonstrations compared to the RMPC trajectories. Bottom: Train and test curves, where the vertical axis represents Hausdorff distance and horizontal axis represents training steps.

Learning to avoid local minima

We evaluate Performer-MPC in a simulated doorway traversal scenario in which 100 start and goal pairs are randomly sampled from opposing sides of the wall. A planner, guided by a greedy cost function, often leads the robot to a local minimum (i.e., getting stuck at the closest point to the goal on the other side of the wall). Performer-MPC learns a cost function that steers the robot to pass the doorway, even if it must veer away from the goal and travel further. Performer-MPC shows a success rate of 86% compared to RMPC’s 24%.

Comparison of the Performer-MPC with Regular MPC on the doorway passing task.

Learning highly constrained maneuvers

Next, we test Performer-MPC in a challenging real-world scenario, where the robot must perform sharp, near-collision maneuvers in a cluttered home or office setting. A global planner provides coarse way points (a skeleton navigation path) that the robot follows. Each policy is run ten times and we report a success rate (SR) and an average completion percentage (CP) with variance (VAR) of navigating the obstacle course, where the robot is able to traverse without failure (collisions or getting stuck). Performer-MPC outperforms both RMPC and EP in SR and CP.

An obstacle course with policy trajectories and failure locations (indicated by crosses) for RMPC, EP, and Performer-MPC.
An Everyday Robots helper robot maneuvering through highly constrained spaces using Regular MPC, Explicit Policy, and Performer-MPC.

Learning to navigate in spaces with people

Going beyond static obstacles, we apply Performer-MPC to social robot navigation, where robots must navigate in a socially-acceptable manner for which cost functions are difficult to design. We consider two scenarios: (1) blind corners, where robots should avoid the inner side of a hallway corner in case a person suddenly appears, and (2) pedestrian obstruction, where a person unexpectedly impedes the robot’s prescribed path.

Performer-MPC deployed on an Everyday Robots helper robot. Left: Regular MPC efficiently cuts blind corners, forcing the person to move back. Right: Performer-MPC avoids cutting blind corners, enabling safe and socially acceptable navigation around people.
Comparison with an Everyday Robots helper robot using Regular MPC, Explicit Policy, and Performer-MPC in unseen blind corners.
Comparison with an Everyday Robots helper robot using Regular MPC, Explicit Policy, and Performer-MPC in unseen pedestrian obstruction scenarios.


We introduce Performer-MPC, an end-to-end learnable robotic system that combines several mechanisms to enable real-world, robust, and adaptive robot navigation with real-time, on-robot transformers. This work shows that scalable Transformer-architectures play a critical role in designing expressive attention-based robotic controllers. We demonstrate that real-time millisecond-latency inference is feasible for policies leveraging Transformers with a few million parameters. Furthermore, we show that such policies enable robots to learn efficient and socially acceptable behaviors that can generalize well. We believe this opens an exciting new chapter on applying Transformers to real-world robotics and look forward to continuing our research with Everyday Robots helper robots.


Special thanks to Xuesu Xiao for co-leading this effort at Everyday Robots as a Visiting Researcher. This research was done by Xuesu Xiao, Tingnan Zhang, Krzysztof Choromanski, Edward Lee, Anthony Francis, Jake Varley, Stephen Tu, Sumeet Singh, Peng Xu, Fei Xia, Sven Mikael Persson, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Leila Takayama, Roy Frostig, Jie Tan, Carolina Parada and Vikas Sindhwani. Special thanks to Vincent Vanhoucke for his feedback on the manuscript.

Source: Google AI Blog

Google Research, 2022 & beyond: Robotics

(This is Part 6 in our series of posts covering different topical areas of research at Google. You can find other posts in the series here.)

Within our lifetimes, we will see robotic technologies that can help with everyday activities, enhancing human productivity and quality of life. Before robotics can be broadly useful in helping with practical day-to-day tasks in people-centered spaces — spaces designed for people, not machines — they need to be able to safely & competently provide assistance to people.

In 2022, we focused on challenges that come with enabling robots to be more helpful to people: 1) allowing robots and humans to communicate more efficiently and naturally; 2) enabling robots to understand and apply common sense knowledge in real-world situations; and 3) scaling the number of low-level skills robots need to effectively perform tasks in unstructured environments.

An undercurrent this past year has been the exploration of how large, generalist models, like PaLM, can work alongside other approaches to surface capabilities allowing robots to learn from a breadth of human knowledge and allowing people to engage with robots more naturally. As we do this, we’re transforming robot learning into a scalable data problem so that we can scale learning of generalized low-level skills, like manipulation. In this blog post, we’ll review key learnings and themes from our explorations in 2022.

Bringing the capabilities of LLMs to robotics

An incredible feature of large language models (LLMs) is their ability to encode descriptions and context into a format that’s understandable by both people and machines. When applied to robotics, LLMs let people task robots more easily — just by asking — with natural language. When combined with vision models and robotics learning approaches, LLMs give robots a way to understand the context of a person’s request and make decisions about what actions should be taken to complete it.

One of the underlying concepts is using LLMs to prompt other pretrained models for information that can build context about what is happening in a scene and make predictions about multimodal tasks. This is similar to the socratic method in teaching, where a teacher asks students questions to lead them through a rational thought process. In “Socratic Models”, we showed that this approach can achieve state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot image captioning and video-to-text retrieval tasks. It also enables new capabilities, like answering free-form questions about and predicting future activity from video, multimodal assistive dialogue, and as we’ll discuss next, robot perception and planning.

In “Towards Helpful Robots: Grounding Language in Robotic Affordances”, we partnered with Everyday Robots to ground the PaLM language model in a robotics affordance model to plan long horizon tasks. In previous machine-learned approaches, robots were limited to short, hard-coded commands, like “Pick up the sponge,” because they struggled with reasoning about the steps needed to complete a task — which is even harder when the task is given as an abstract goal like, “Can you help clean up this spill?”

With PaLM-SayCan, the robot acts as the language model's "hands and eyes," while the language model supplies high-level semantic knowledge about the task.

For this approach to work, one needs to have both an LLM that can predict the sequence of steps to complete long horizon tasks and an affordance model representing the skills a robot can actually do in a given situation. In “Extracting Skill-Centric State Abstractions from Value Functions”, we showed that the value function in reinforcement learning (RL) models can be used to build the affordance model — an abstract representation of the actions a robot can perform under different states. This lets us connect long-horizons of real-world tasks, like “tidy the living room”, to the short-horizon skills needed to complete the task, like correctly picking, placing, and arranging items.

Having both an LLM and an affordance model doesn’t mean that the robot will actually be able to complete the task successfully. However, with Inner Monologue, we closed the loop on LLM-based task planning with other sources of information, like human feedback or scene understanding, to detect when the robot fails to complete the task correctly. Using a robot from Everyday Robots, we show that LLMs can effectively replan if the current or previous plan steps failed, allowing the robot to recover from failures and complete complex tasks like "Put a coke in the top drawer," as shown in the video below.

With PaLM-SayCan, the robot acts as the language model's "hands and eyes," while the language model supplies high-level semantic knowledge about the task.

An emergent capability from closing the loop on LLM-based task planning that we saw with Inner Monologue is that the robot can react to changes in the high-level goal mid-task. For example, a person might tell the robot to change its behavior as it is happening, by offering quick corrections or redirecting the robot to another task. This behavior is especially useful to let people interactively control and customize robot tasks when robots are working near people.

While natural language makes it easier for people to specify and modify robot tasks, one of the challenges is being able to react in real time to the full vocabulary people can use to describe tasks that a robot is capable of doing. In “Talking to Robots in Real Time”, we demonstrated a large-scale imitation learning framework for producing real-time, open-vocabulary, language-conditionable robots. With one policy we were able to address over 87,000 unique instructions, with an estimated average success rate of 93.5%. As part of this project, we released Language-Table, the largest available language-annotated robot dataset, which we hope will drive further research focused on real-time language-controllable robots.

Examples of long horizon goals reached under real time human language guidance.

We’re also excited about the potential for LLMs to write code that can control robot actions. Code-writing approaches, like in “Robots That Write Their Own Code”, show promise in increasing the complexity of tasks robots can complete by autonomously generating new code that re-composes API calls, synthesizes new functions, and expresses feedback loops to assemble new behaviors at runtime.

Code as Policies uses code-writing language models to map natural language instructions to robot code to complete tasks. Generated code can call existing perception action APIs, third party libraries, or write new functions at runtime.

Turning robot learning into a scalable data problem

Large language and multimodal models help robots understand the context in which they’re operating, like what’s happening in a scene and what the robot is expected to do. But robots also need low-level physical skills to complete tasks in the physical world, like picking up and precisely placing objects.

While we often take these physical skills for granted, executing them hundreds of times every day without even thinking, they present significant challenges to robots. For example, to pick up an object, the robot needs to perceive and understand the environment, reason about the spatial relation and contact dynamics between its gripper and the object, actuate the high degrees-of-freedom arm precisely, and exert the right amount of force to stably grasp the object without breaking it. The difficulty of learning these low-level skills is known as Moravec's paradox: reasoning requires very little computation, but sensorimotor and perception skills require enormous computational resources.

Inspired by the recent success of LLMs, which shows that the generalization and performance of large Transformer-based models scale with the amount of data, we are taking a data-driven approach, turning the problem of learning low-level physical skills into a scalable data problem. With Robotics Transformer-1 (RT-1), we trained a robot manipulation policy on a large-scale, real-world robotics dataset of 130k episodes that cover 700+ tasks using a fleet of 13 robots from Everyday Robots and showed the same trend for robotics — increasing the scale and diversity of data improves the model ability to generalize to new tasks, environments, and objects.

Example PaLM-SayCan-RT1 executions of long-horizon tasks in real kitchens.

Behind both language models and many of our robotics learning approaches, like RT-1, are Transformers, which allow models to make sense of Internet-scale data. Unlike LLMs, robotics is challenged by multimodal representations of constantly changing environments and limited compute. In 2020, we introduced Performers as an approach to make Transformers more computationally efficient, which has implications for many applications beyond robotics. In Performer-MPC, we applied this to introduce a new class of implicit control policies combining the benefits of imitation learning with the robust handling of system constraints from Model Predictive Control (MPC). We show a >40% improvement on the robot reaching its goal and a >65% improvement on social metrics when navigating around humans in comparison to a standard MPC policy. Performer-MPC provides 8 ms latency for the 8.3M parameter model, making on-robot deployment of Transformers practical.

Navigation robot maneuvering through highly constrained spaces using: Regular MPC, Explicit Policy, and Performer-MPC.

In the last year, our team has shown that data-driven approaches are generally applicable on different robotic platforms in diverse environments to learn a wide range of tasks, including mobile manipulation, navigation, locomotion and table tennis. This shows us a clear path forward for learning low-level robot skills: scalable data collection. Unlike video and text data that is abundant on the Internet, robotic data is extremely scarce and hard to acquire. Finding approaches to collect and efficiently use rich datasets representative of real-world interactions is the key for our data-driven approaches.

Simulation is a fast, safe, and easily parallelizable option, but it is difficult to replicate the full environment, especially physics and human-robot interactions, in simulation. In i-Sim2Real, we showed an approach to address the sim-to-real gap and learn to play table tennis with a human opponent by bootstrapping from a simple model of human behavior and alternating between training in simulation and deploying in the real world. In each iteration, both the human behavior model and the policy are refined.

Learning to play table tennis with a human opponent.

While simulation helps, collecting data in the real world is essential for fine-tuning simulation policies or adapting existing policies in new environments. While learning, robots are prone to failure, which can cause damage to itself and surroundings — especially in the early stages of learning where they are exploring how to interact with the world. We need to collect training data safely, even while the robot is learning, and enable the robot to autonomously recover from failure. In “Learning Locomotion Skills Safely in the Real World”, we introduced a safe RL framework that switches between a “learner policy” optimized to perform the desired task and a “safe recovery policy” that prevents the robot from unsafe states. In “Legged Robots that Keep on Learning”, we trained a reset policy so the robot can recover from failures, like learning to stand up by itself after falling.

Automatic reset policies enable the robot to continue learning in a lifelong fashion without human supervision.

While robot data is scarce, videos of people performing different tasks are abundant. Of course, robots aren’t built like people — so the idea of robotic learning from people raises the problem of transferring learning across different embodiments. In “Robot See, Robot Do”, we developed Cross-Embodiment Inverse Reinforcement Learning to learn new tasks by watching people. Instead of trying to replicate the task exactly as a person would, we learn the high-level task objective, and summarize that knowledge in the form of a reward function. This type of demonstration learning could allow robots to learn skills by watching videos readily available on the internet.

We’re also progressing towards making our learning algorithms more data efficient so that we’re not relying only on scaling data collection. We improved the efficiency of RL approaches by incorporating prior information, including predictive information, adversarial motion priors, and guide policies. Further improvements are gained by utilizing a novel structured dynamical systems architecture and combining RL with trajectory optimization, supported by novel solvers. These types of prior information helped alleviate the exploration challenges, served as good regularizers, and significantly reduced the amount of data required. Furthermore, our team has invested heavily in more data-efficient imitation learning. We showed that a simple imitation learning approach, BC-Z, can enable zero-shot generalization to new tasks that were not seen during training. We also introduced an iterative imitation learning algorithm, GoalsEye, which combined Learning from Play and Goal-Conditioned Behavior Cloning for high-speed and high-precision table tennis games. On the theoretical front, we investigated dynamical-systems stability for characterizing the sample complexity of imitation learning, and the role of capturing failure-and-recovery within demonstration data to better condition offline learning from smaller datasets.


Advances in large models across the field of AI have spurred a leap in capabilities for robot learning. This past year, we’ve seen the sense of context and sequencing of events captured in LLMs help solve long-horizon planning for robotics and make robots easier for people to interact with and task. We’ve also seen a scalable path to learning robust and generalizable robot behaviors by applying a transformer model architecture to robot learning. We continue to open source data sets, like “Scanned Objects: A Dataset of 3D-Scanned Common Household Items”, and models, like RT-1, in the spirit of participating in the broader research community. We’re excited about building on these research themes in the coming year to enable helpful robots.


We would like to thank everyone who supported our research. This includes the entire Robotics at Google team, and collaborators from Everyday Robots and Google Research. We also want to thank our external collaborators, including UC Berkeley, Stanford, Gatech, University of Washington, MIT, CMU and U Penn.


Google Research, 2022 & beyond

This was the sixth blog post in the “Google Research, 2022 & Beyond” series. Other posts in this series are listed in the table below:

Language Models Computer Vision Multimodal Models
Generative Models Responsible AI ML & Computer Systems
Efficient Deep Learning Algorithmic Advances Robotics
Health* General Science & Quantum Community Engagement

* Articles will be linked as they are released.

Source: Google AI Blog