Tag Archives: adwords_api

Ads API apps must complete OAuth verification

Last year, the OAuth scopes used by the following Ads APIs were classified as sensitive, requiring developers to complete the OAuth verification process for their Google Cloud projects:
  • Google Ads API & AdWords API
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords
  • Content API for Shopping
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content
  • DoubleClick Bid Manager API
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclickbidmanager
Any remaining OAuth clients using the above scopes that remain unverified may have their existing credentials revoked and lose access to the above APIs if they do not complete the OAuth verification process as soon as possible.

Certain apps may qualify for one of the exceptions for app verification. If your application meets any one of those exceptions, follow the steps listed for the appropriate use case. If not, you must complete OAuth verification to continue using these Ads APIs.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us using any of the following support options:

Google Ads API, Google Ads scripts, and AdWords API issues on Oct 1

Between 2:50 am EDT and 6:40 am EDT on October 1, there was an outage that may have prevented some users from accessing the Google Ads API, Google Ads scripts, & the AdWords API. If you were using the Google Ads API or the AdWords API or running Google Ads scripts, then you may have experienced slowness or timeouts. Please check for any failed requests from these tools during the outage.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the forum.

Feed-based Extensions Migration Reminder and Opt Out Instructions

As previously announced, all ad extensions are migrating to the new Asset-based extension paradigm. You must update extensions support in your implementation and migrate existing Feed-based extensions to Asset-based extensions. See the migration schedule for all the important migration and sunset dates.

The first automatic migration will start on October 20, 2021 and will take several weeks to complete. You have a choice to migrate your own extensions, allow the automatic migration to proceed, or to opt client accounts out of it. During the migration, Feed-based Callout, Promotion, Sitelink, and Structured Snippet extensions within client accounts will be copied into new Asset-based extensions. The new Asset-based extensions will then serve instead of the Feed-based extensions.

What will be the impact of the automatic migration?

After an account has been migrated, there will be a new Asset instance for each Feed-based Callout, Promotion, Sitelink, and Structured Snippet extension. The new Assets will be linked to the same ad groups, campaigns, and customers as the Feed-based extensions from which they were copied. The new Assets will have new IDs, and there will be no connection between Assets created during the automatic migration and the original Feeds, including historic metrics. All subsequent extension-related metrics will only be accessible from the asset_field_type_view report. Additionally, you will no longer be able to issue CREATE or MUTATE requests that affect Callout, Promotion, Sitelink or Structured Snippet extensions in the account through the following services:

Service API Reference
ExtensionFeedItemService Google Ads API
AdGroupExtensionSettingService AdWords API Google Ads API
CampaignExtensionSettingService AdWords API Google Ads API
CustomerExtensionSettingService AdWords API Google Ads API
FeedService AdWords API AdWords API
FeedItemService AdWords API Google Ads API
FeedMappingService AdWords API Google Ads API
AdGroupFeedService AdWords API Google Ads API
CampaignFeedService AdWords API Google Ads API
CustomerFeedService AdWords API Google Ads API
GoogleAdsService Google Ads API
BatchJobService AdWords API Google Ads API

If you choose to allow the automatic migration to proceed, you will know that an account has been migrated when any MUTATE or CREATE request to the above listed services affecting Callout, Promotion, Sitelink, or Structured Snippet extensions returns an error.

What will be the impact of opting out?

You can opt out individual customer accounts from the October automatic migration. Opting out will only defer the automatic migration until the second automatic migration begins on February 15, 2022. If you choose to opt out, no resources will be created or modified in opted out accounts during the October automatic migration, and only the opted out accounts will be able to continue to issue CREATE and MUTATE requests after the October automatic migration.

You cannot opt out of the February 15, 2022 automatic migration. All remaining Feed-based extensions will be automatically migrated starting February 15, 2022 as described in the migration schedule. After this second automatic migration, all CREATE and MUTATE requests affecting Feed-based extensions will return errors.

What do I need to do?

We strongly recommend that you migrate your extensions yourself if feasible. Please follow our extension migration documentation for guidance on migrating your own extensions. Be sure to remove the Feed-based extension once you have successfully copied an extension to an Asset to avoid duplication during the automatic migration.

If you choose to allow the automatic migration to proceed, you need to only update your implementations to detect when an account has been migrated and to thereafter switch over to managing Assets instead of Feeds.

If you choose to opt out, the automatic migration will make no changes to the opted out accounts. Your existing API implementations will continue to work until the second automatic migration begins on February 15, 2022. To opt out, you must complete this form with the following:
  • A contact email at which you can be reached should any issues arise during the opt out process.
  • The developer token that you use to manage the accounts.
  • Acknowledgements of the effects of opting out.
  • An uploaded text file containing the customer IDs that you wish to opt out, one per line. If you need to generate a list of customer IDs, we recommend utilizing the GetAccountHierarchy example in each client library’s AccountManagement directory. This example will return the resource names of all accounts reachable from a given manager account.
The form will open for submissions on August 30, 2021. Note that the developer token must have been used to issue requests on the customer account after July 16, 2021. The form will close on October 13, 2021.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum or at [email protected].

Announcing v8_1 of the Google Ads API

Today, we’re announcing the v8_1 release of the Google Ads API. To use some of the v8_1 features, you need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week. This version has no breaking changes.

Here’s what we added: Where can I learn more?
The following resources can get you started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us through the forum.

Updates to how Google Ads API Smart Bidding strategies are organized

We previously announced changes to how Smart Bidding strategies are organized to help advertisers choose the right one. Google Ads API developers can now create new or update existing Search campaigns using the following bidding strategies: What’s changing
Starting on September 30, 2021, Google Ads API developers won’t be able to create new TargetCpa or TargetRoas standard bidding strategies in Search campaigns. This change will prevent creating new Search campaigns that use these strategies, as well as prevent updating existing Search campaigns to use these strategies. Instead, use the new optional target CPA field with MaximizeConversions, and the new target ROAS field with MaximizeConversionValue. This change will not affect portfolio (shared) bidding strategies.

AdWords API
AdWords API users can continue to use the old style TargetRoasBiddingScheme and TargetCpaBiddingScheme bidding strategies, since v201809 of that API does not contain the MaximizeConversions.target_cpa field required to migrate to the new style bidding strategies. Their usage will sunset when the AdWords API itself sunsets in April, 2022. Switch to using the new bidding strategies when you migrate your code to the Google Ads API.

What to do
Update any code that creates or updates standard (non-portfolio) TargetCpa or TargetRoas Search campaigns. Use MaximizeConversions or MaximizeConversionValue strategies with their target_cpa (mutable starting in v8) or target_roas fields instead.

There will be no impact to bidding behavior due to this update. Using MaximizeConversions with target_cpa will have the same bidding behavior as TargetCpa. Likewise, using MaximizeConversionValue with target_roas will have the same bidding behavior as TargetRoas.

Refer to our product level announcement for more details on this change.

All existing campaigns using TargetCpa or TargetRoas will continue to run as usual, and you will still be able to manage their bidding strategies and budgets as before. We’ll give advance notice before automatically migrating these old bidding strategies to the new format in 2022.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum or at [email protected].

Google Ads API 2022 release and sunset schedule

We’re announcing our tentative 2022 release and sunset schedule for upcoming versions of the Google Ads API to bring greater clarity to your planning cycle. Please keep in mind that these dates are only estimates and may be adjusted going forward. Additionally, releases may be added, removed or switched between major and minor. Check back with our release notes and deprecation schedule for updates.

Note: The AdWords API will sunset in April 2022. Migrate all requests to the Google Ads API by then to continue managing your Google Ads accounts.
Version Planned Release
Projected launch* Projected sunset*
v7 Major April 28, 2021 (launched) January/February 2022
v8 Major June 9, 2021 (launched) March/April 2022
v8_1 Minor August 2021 March/April 2022
v9 Major October 2021 June/July 2022
v10 Major February/March 2022 October/November 2022
v10_1 Minor April/May 2022 October/November 2022
v11 Major June/July 2022 March/April 2023
v11_1 Minor August/September 2022 March/April 2023
v12 Major October/November 2022 June/July 2023
*Estimated and subject to change
Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you with your development planning: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

Broad match modifier upcoming changes in Google Ads

On February 4, 2021, we announced changes to phrase match and broad match modifier (BMM). As advised in that post, as of today all Google Ads languages have now been updated to use the new phrase match definition. Also as of today, all legacy BMM keywords will continue to serve but will now behave as phrase match keywords. Creation of new BMMs using the legacy BMM notation (+keyword) and modifications to existing BMM keyword text will no longer be permitted as of August 2, 2021 (AdWords API, Google Ads API, Google Ads scripts).

Updates of other targeting criteria fields (such as status, bid, url, labels) will still be permitted.

Partners are encouraged to follow the guidance in this article. As detailed in the article, if you choose to convert BMM keywords to phrase match, performance statistics will not carry over to the new instances. Smart bidding users are encouraged to use the broad match type.

Note: The changes to phrase match and BMM will not impact exact match, broad match, or negative keyword match types. Learn more about keyword matching options.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

Deprecating Url Performance Report and Automatic Placements Performance Report in the AdWords API

Starting July 12, 2021, we will be deprecating Url Performance Report and Automatic Placements Performance Report in the AdWords API. The two reports will return empty results in the AdWords API after the deprecation.

To continue accessing these two reports, please migrate to Google Ads API and use the following views: For migrating reports to Google Ads API, refer to the report migration guide.

If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.

Call Ads Replace Call Only Ads in the Google Ads API

In the Google Ads API v8, Call Only Ads are replaced by Call Ads. You can still create Call Only Ads in the AdWords API v201809 and the Google Ads API v6 and v7, but we encourage you to use v8 to create new Call Ads.

Call Only Ads will continue to serve until the AdWords API Sunset on 27 April 2022.

Prior to v8, Call Only Ads only offered users the ability to call. Users and advertisers have said they want the ability to go directly to the website from these ads. The addition of the final URL in Call Ads enables advertisers to use calls as the primary (i.e. headline) action, while still providing users with a means to visit an advertiser’s website prior to or instead of calling.

What you need to do
  • Use the ad type CallAd instead of CallOnlyAd to create new Call Ads.
  • Filter on ad.type = 'CALL_AD' to retrieve information for existing ads regardless of what ad.type was used to create the ad. For example, using the Google Ads API to query

    SELECT ad_group_ad.ad.call_ad.country_code,
    FROM ad_group_ad
    WHERE ad_group_ad.ad.type = 'CALL_AD'
    will return ads created as CALL_ONLY_AD and CALL_AD.
What has changed
Fields added
ad_group_ad.ad.final_urls This is where you specify the URL of your website.
path1 First part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad.
path2 Second part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is set.
Field removed
ad.display_url We removed the display_url for Call Only Ads.
The URL that will be displayed alongside your
ad will now be based on ad_group.ad.final_urls
if provided, or phone_number_verification_url
if ad_group.ad.final_urls is blank, as well
any additional text you specify in path1 and path2.
Field verification
phone_number_verification_url This field is now required if ad_group.ad.final_urls is empty.

AdWords API Reporting: There is no change in the AdWords API.

Google Ads API Reporting: In the Google Ads API you can include these new fields in your queries
Where to get help
If you have questions about Call Ads, please reach out to us on the forum or at [email protected].

Announcing v8 of the Google Ads API

Today, we’re announcing the v8 release of the Google Ads API. To use v8 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code. The updated client libraries and code examples will be published next week. For more information on breaking changes, see the migration guide.
Here are the highlights: Where can I learn more?
The following resources can help you get started: If you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the forum.