Campaign-level positive user lists for remarketing, targeting, and bid modifiers coming to AdWords API

Positive user list criteria for remarketing will be rolling out over the next few months and supported at the campaign level. After this is enabled for your account, you will be able to use Bid Only and Target and Bid targeting settings, along with bid modifiers for these criteria, at the campaign level. While targeting settings for campaigns requires v201609 of the API, adding user list criteria and setting bid modifiers will work with all versions of the AdWords API.

You cannot set user lists at both the ad group and campaign levels at the same time. When switching a campaign from ad group-level user lists to campaign-level lists, you must first remove existing positive user list criteria from all ad groups or there will be a CANNOT_ATTACH_CRITERIA_AT_CAMPAIGN_AND_ADGROUP error upon attaching a user list to the campaign. The process for removing existing user list criteria, adding them at the campaign level, changing targeting settings, and using bid modifiers is similar to that for ad groups and is detailed in the Remarketing guide. Please note that existing code working with campaign criteria may need to be modified to handle the presence of user lists.

If you have any questions about this change, or other questions about the AdWords API, contact us via the forum.