Ad Manager Content Ingest Migration

In case you missed it, Google Ad Manager's video content ingestion is getting an upgrade, and the API has been updated to support the new Content Metadata features.

If you create video line items through the API, you'll need to update your application to target metadata for video line items using CmsMetadataCriteria instead of CustomCriteria keys and values. The values for CmsMetadataCriteria can be retrieved from the CmsMetadataService, available in v201902 and later.

Migration Steps

A significant part of this migration will be coordinating your changes - especially if you work with multiple Ad Manager networks. You'll need to wait until Google migrates each network, then change your application's behavior when creating line items.

The order of operations will be:
  1. Google backfills and verifies existing content metadata in new Ad Manager infrastructure.
  2. Google enables the new content ingestion features on a network.
  3. You update your application to use CMS Metadata targeting for all new line items.

If you need help with this migration, or coordinating changes with your partners, don't hesitate to reach out to us on the Ad Manager API forums.